Tibetan Blue Obsidian

ascension crystals and gemstonesCurtis Lang and Jane Sherry
Tibetan Blue Obsidian is a powerful, protective stone, which brings the purity of the rivers of the High Himayas to your energy field. In fact crystal healers recommend Blue Obsidian to all those who seek to remove unwanted energetic attachments from their auric fields. We all have a myriad of energetic attachments to other people -- our families, friends, co-workers, loved ones, and even those with whom we interact casually in our world, including in cyberspace!

Lithium Quartz

chakra systemCurtis Lang
Learn about the metaphysical & physical properties of Lithium Quartz.


age of aquariusCurtis Lang and Jane Sherry
Crystal healers say that Larimar facilitates deep insight into one's own true nature as a spiritual being incarnated in a material world, and helps the bearer to release attachments to sensory stimuli and to release materialistic thought-forms and mental maps of the world. Larimar stimulates the upper chakras and prompts the bearer to view existence from a more spiritual perspective, providing a taste of the way that angels see reality.

Espiritu Santo Rutilated Amethyst

ascended mastersCurtis Lang
Espiritu Santo Rutilated Amethyst is one of the world's premier ascension stones, valued for its ability to ground the bearer while connecting them to Divine Source. Espiritu Santo Rutilated Amethyst energizes the aura, and the very best protection from unwanted or negative energies in our environment is always to strengthen the auric field.

Lapis Lazuli

ascension crystals and gemstonesCurtis Lang and Jane Sherry
According to modern Western crystal healers, lapis activates the throat and third eye chakras, which are associated with the colors blue and magenta, stimulates impulses toward physical, emotional and mental purity, and helps to overcome depression and enhance states of serenity. Lapis assists in balancing male and female energies within ourselves.

Golden Healer Lemurian Crystals

archangel michaelCurtis Lang
Jane and I have discovered through direct experience that Lemurian golden healers are true "ascension stones", raising the vibrational frequency of the entire chakra system and promoting a higher energy signature throughout body, mind and aura. Just keep reading and we'll tell you all about what we experienced.

Amphibole Quartz

chakra systemCurtis Lang
Because Amphibole Phantom Quartz stimulates the third eye and crown chakras, it is considered to be useful for connecting to the higher-self, for astral travel, to promote lucid dreaming and to facilitate interdimensional communication.


archangel michaelCurtis Lang
Apophyllite is an aid to meditation and helps make a conscious connection with the spiritual world. This stone stimulates the third-eye, but primarily acts on the crown chakra facilitating "tuning in" in accordance with ones consciousness and intention. Apophyllite is a wonderful gazing stone that facilitates clairvoyance or spiritual seeing.


chakra systemJane Sherry & Curtis Lang
Read about the physical and metaphysical properties of black tourmaline & the other colors of this magical gemstone.


archangel michaelJane Sherry & Curtis Lang
Citrine is considered by metaphysical rock hounds to be a stone of strong protection because of its ability to cleanse the aura. Citrine activates, opens and energizes the third chakra, including the navel and solar plexus, stimulating both the physical body and the mind, increasing endurance and elevating energy levels while promoting emotional balance