Full Pisces Super Moon Lunar Eclipse, Virgo Solar Festival, Autumn Equinox 2024 Cosmic Weather Forecast

Welcome to the September 2024 Harvest Moon Cosmic Weather Forecast by Curtis Lang with Jane Sherry! Sunday, we celebrate our 40th wedding anniversary with joy and inexpressible gratitude for the adventures we are sharing!

The incredible busyness in the sky we've experienced as fast-paced change in our lives and escalating conflict on the world stage the last few months continues through the rest of the year. We expect that complexity and turmoil will to continue to manifest in our lives here on Planet Earth.


Partial Lunar Eclipse, Photo by OMAR SABRA on Unsplash

But there's some good news! The astrology of this week's Pisces SuperMoon Eclipse is complex but looks less like a Runaway Tilt-A-Whirl and more like a time of endings and new beginnings with golden opportunities for spiritual growth.

By the time you receive next month's Cosmic Weather Forecast, Satya Center will be relocated to our new home. We are busy moving and installing Jane's New Garden! So for us, dramatic long desired transformations abound! 

The Pisces Full SuperMoon Eclipse will be Tuesday night, September 17, 2024, at 10:35 PM EDT, as we celebrate the Virgo Solar Festival.

The Pisces Moon conjoins Neptune in Pisces, creating a dreamy atmosphere supportive of meditation practices, energy healing and crystal healing work, divination, and creative visualization. It is important to exercise discernment at this time to avoid being seduced by astral glamours conjured up by our own lust of result or propagated by those who would use the media to mislead the public.



Constellation of Pisces, Star Map of Johannes Hevelius, courtesy Wikimedia, Public Domain


The Pisces Moon squares Jupiter in Gemini, which will supersize our emotions, and we may be prone to overindulgences of all kinds, but this same influence can also generate strong energies that are supportive of the spiritual practices, psychic perceptions and intuitive insights typical of the Moon/Neptune conjunction.

In addition, the Moon is sextile Uranus in Taurus, so there is a feeling of electrifying excitation in the ethers, and we seem poised on the threshold of an entirely new chapter in our lives.

If you have wanted to make profound changes in your life, now is the time to make your move! Uranus can help release whatever emotional baggage has been holding you back from manifesting your dreams.

On Sun, Sep 22, 2024, at 8:43 AM EDT, we celebrate the Autumn Equinox as the Sun enters Libra, and we experience a time of approximately equal daylight and night.

The Fall season begins in the Northern Hemisphere, and Archangel Michael's energy now guides Earthly developments as energy rises in human beings to the upper chakras. 

You can read all about the science, history and spiritual significance of the Autumnal Equinox in our article entitled Autumn Equinox: The Archangel Michael Meditation. Archangel Michael, who presides over the fall season, is the patron and protector of all those seeking protection, purification, and release from karmic burdens. Michael is always available to help us overcome fear, doubt, and negative emotions and thought-forms from our lives.

Michael and his legions of guardian angels wield the electric blue flame of karmic liberation. In this article, we provide a step by step guide to a beautiful visualization that will help you to engage with Archangel Michael and experience the power of the electric blue flame of karmic liberation for yourself. Enjoy! 

What is the significance of the rising energy within us during the autumn season on planet Earth, which begins when the Sun enters Libra? 


Tarot Trump VIII, Adjustment, aka Balance, Thoth Tarot

For most human beings now alive on planet Earth, the primary task this lifetime is to elevate the life force energy, chi, or prana, from the third to the fourth chakra, from the belly to the heart, and to open the heart.

The heart chakra is the seat of transpersonal consciousness, the doorway to inner knowledge of the web of life and the seat of compassion for others and for all life. This is our Ascension practice. In this practice, we can transcend the limits of our egoistic personality and attain the enlightenment that accompanies self-transformation.

Let us meditate together for a moment on the life cycle of the butterfly -- this perennial image of successful spiritual evolution.

It is no coincidence that the Sabian Symbol for the first degree of Libra, and the Autumn Equinox, is Transfiguration: In a Collection of Perfect Specimens of Many Biological Forms, A Butterfly Plays the Beauty of Its Wings, Its Body Impaled by a Fine Dart.

The soaring, eye-catching butterfly begins life as a humble caterpillar.

Caterpillar on Leaf, Photo by Sara Codair on Unsplash

The earthbound caterpillar explores its garden world, searches for plant life that will fuel its growth, feeds upon the plants around it, and in its heedless hunger can debilitate or destroy the plants that are the source of its own sustenance and shelter.

At a certain point in its evolution, the caterpillar turns inward, and sacrifices the form and life it has known previously. After a period of gestation and hibernation, in retreat from the outside world, the caterpillar re-emerges as a beautiful butterfly.

The ephemeral butterfly has a Higher Purpose in the world than merely to feed and perpetuate its own species.

Empowered to soar above the plants upon which it had previously struggled to inch its way, the butterfly spreads the pollen of the plants it visits, extending plant lives and habitat rather than threatening them, as it did when it visited them in its caterpillar incarnation.

The butterfly does not eat plants, it drinks nectar, reproduces, and soars above the garden. The butterfly has undergone a spiritual evolution as well as a physical metamorphosis.



Butterfly on Hydrangea in Jane's New Garden, Winston Salem, NC

 This amazing creature, which began life as a garden predator and pest, has become one of the most essential garden helpers and one of the most giving of garden creatures.

Thus the butterfly has long been considered a model for human psychic development among mystery schools of both the East and the West.

Christian symbolism depicts the caterpillar to butterfly moment of spiritual elevation in the story of Christ’s Transfiguration in the Garden of Gethsemane.


 Christ in Garden of Gethsemane with Disciples Sleeping in Background,  
Unknown Artist, Methodist Church, Darlington, Maryland, Wikimedia, Public Domain

When Christ was impaled by a ray of light from the Heavenly Father, illuminating his mind and heart, he foresaw the path that lay before him.

At that moment Christ understood the sacrifice that was being prepared for him, the nature of his death, and the gravity of the work he must undertake in preparation for this glorious Resurrection.

The image of the butterfly impaled by a pin pictures the elevation of the individual existence to the realm of archetype, the expansion of the individuated time-bound egocentric personality into Cosmic, timeless, Unity Consciousness.

This moment is at one and the same time the Dark Night of the Soul and the antechamber of Eternity.

The initiate must surrender completely to the path of Spirit, and in that surrender lies illumination. The very first step on the Ascension path is Surrender.

The Autumn Equinox is the moment for that surrender -- the turning point of the year when energies that had entered the very roots of creation, supporting the summer growth of the animal and vegetal kingdoms, now turn upward on the Ascension path.

On the Autumn Equinox, Archangel Uriel, Master of Universal Life Force Energy, who has been directing and energizing the growth cycle of plants and animals during the summer months, surrenders his position as Seasonal Archangel to Archangel Michael, who comes armed with subtle fire and a sword of iron, to redirect the Cosmic Forces from the Stars and the Life Force Energy welling up from deep within the Earth toward the support of accelerated spiritual growth.

The Archangel Michael Defeating Satan, Painting by Guido Reni

Energy which has been energizing the three lower chakras during the earth's energetic exhalation during summer, now begins to stimulate the heart, the throat, third eye and crown. At the autumnal equinox we enter the season of increasing darkness, when the subtle senses must become ever more acute to guide us ever upward toward our lofty yearly spiritual goal -- giving birth to the Divine within ourselves.

That rebirth is scheduled for the period of the Winter Solstice, and much work must be done to purify and attune the physical, emotional, mental and energetic vehicles of the human body in preparation for that new birth.

Take this opportunity at the Autumn Equinox to call upon Archangel Michael. Ask Michael to guide you along your own personal path of Spirit. Ask Michael for protection from all energies that would impede you on your way. Ask Michael to remove all obstacles, inner and outer, from your Ascension path.

May you Ascend safely and freely, with the aid of the Archangel of Autumn, whom we honor at this time of year.

The Autumn Equinox is always about balancing social and individual needs and priorities, and about balancing the energy of male and female within each one of us.

So this is the perfect time to take a step back from impulsive action, meditate to attain clear vision, and then be sure that your intended actions reflect the best and highest good for all involved. Share your blessings with those in need this Autumn Equinox week and you will align yourself with the most positive energy of the moment.

To protect yourself against ambient conflicted energies, astral glamours and social confusion, call upon Archangel Michael, the presiding Angel of the Fall season. We offer you our beautiful Archangel Michael meditation  that will jumpstart your Autumn Equinox Festival. 

For us, the Autumn Equinox is above all a Festival of the Divine Lovers in a state of harmony and dynamic balance. This alchemical moment of the year, a time of transformation, purification, and the rising of the Universal Life Force energy into the higher chakras, celebrates the dynamic equilibrium precipitated by the sacred marriage of the Divine Lovers, and the establishment of a New Age civilization based upon the balance of male and female principles in a Union designed to serve the needs of the lovers, their families, the greater community, and Mother Earth herself.

The Dolphin Psalm, Magic Lantern Drawing by Jane Sherry

Read all about the Esoteric significance of the Autumnal Equinox in our article entitled Autumn Equinox and the New Age of the Divine Lovers.

Conscious intent is very important in all spiritual undertakings for very specific energetic reasons.

In terms of partnerships, it is necessary for both partners to have a conscious alignment at the levels of the astral and mental bodies.

Shared dreams, aspirations and spiritual beliefs provide the container for love shared between you.

Without this energetic container, you have no fuel with which to create a shared future, and you cannot create a shared store of vitality in the form of loving energies that will help your relationship to grow and flower over time.

For more information on the seven energy bodies and how to know if you are compatible with your lover on all seven levels of being, read our article entitled Back to the Garden Chapter Eight: The New Age of the Divine Loversand you'll find a Compatibility Chart for the Seven Bodies and the Seven Chakras.


Curtis and Jane, Phillip's Gap, Blue Ridge Parkway, NC, Selfie

 Jane and I affirm that we all receive the grace and guidance we require to manifest our dearest material and spiritual goals this Fall Season, and we send you Love and Light! 


Meditation Moment: Teach the Children the Old Words, by Caroline Mellor

“We need to teach the children the old words,

words like brabble and grubble,

twitter-light and clinkerbell;

words which dance and trip and slip

and drip like honey off the tongue

Teach them that a hazy halo of cloud

around the moon is called a moonbroch

and that swiftly moving clouds are named cairies; how a vixen’s wedding is a sunny shower of rain, and that a single sunbeam breaking through thick cloud is known as a messenger


Teach them to know the seasons and scents

of queen of the meadow and bride of the sun,

how to tell Jupiter’s staff from fairy fingers

and which roses bloom with the strawberry moon


Teach them to spot pricklebacks in the tottlegrass, how to recognise a smeuse or a bishop-barnaby, when to watch the sky for flittermice and yaffles, and to pay attention to the dumbeldore and mousearnickle as she graces the lazy leahs of summer


Teach them a few of the old Sussex words for mud, like gubber and slub and stodge and pug,

so they know that the precious soil beneath their toes is anything but worthless dirt


Teach them to be users and keepers and makers

of the words which bring the land alive:

a storybook, where everything has its rightful place, including us; where the wilds are fearful and filled with magic and people do noble things, and nothing is impossible


In this world of harsh new words —

words like planetary dysmorphia and solastalgia,

extinction debt and grief mitigation,

megadrought and megafire, anthropogenic, pyrocene, words which alarm and get stuck in our throats describing a world which our hearts cannot grasp — we need to teach the children the old words, so that if they should feel lost,

the old words might colour for them

a warm and breathing, living map,

a light to guide them safely home."

Archangel michaelAscension practicesAutumn equinoxChrist consciousnessCross-quarter-daysDivine loversJane sherry artworkLove/compassionLove/relationshipsMeditationNeptune in piscesUnity consciousness