Curtis Lang Altarboy

Curtis Lang Biography

My spiritual practice began as an altar boy. I loved the Latin mass, and performed with my Uncle, Father Jovian Lang, a Franciscan priest. An expert in Roman Catholic liturgy, Father Jovian was Editor of "The Liturgy of Vatican II; a symposium in two volumes", and author of "Dictionary of the Liturgy". Father Jovian also edited "The Ordo" for the Franciscan order for many, many years.

I have also been involved in publishing -- for over twenty years, as an owner, publisher, manager, editor, and writer at weekly newspapers, monthly magazines, and a major financial website,, which is now part of

I’ve been a restaurant reviewer, and I’ve covered local, state and national politics, national security issues, the Federal Reserve and global central banking, the banking industry, personal finance, new media and information technology, and privacy issues in the digital age.

My work has appeared in WORTH magazine, The Village Voice, Mother Jones, The Nation, Ad Age, New Media, NetGuide, ULTRA, Houston City magazine, Texas Business, and many more. Here's my complete resume if you're interested.

My spiritual practice evolved over my years as a writer and editor. I realized that for me following in the footsteps of Christ meant speaking truth to power and working for human rights, social justice, financial democracy, environmental protection, and the other great watershed political issues of our time.

I followed my own, eclectic path of spiritual studies over the years, and received some real-life initiations that changed my life completely.

Raised a Roman Catholic, I learned to read Tarot cards at the age of sixteen as an exercise in phenomenology, transpersonal psychology and comparative mythology under the tutelage of Dr. Thomas McEvilley, Distinguished Lecturer in Art History at Rice University.

Since that time, I have given thousands of Tarot readings, studied medieval, Rosicrucian, Qabbalistic, Zen and New Age interpretations of the Tarot, and continue to this day to study sacred geometry, which provides the underpinning for this powerful ancient spiritual practice.

Curtis LangFascinated by the eternally evolving dance of love relationships in human history, and convinced by my studies of alchemy, Tarot and the Tree of Life that spiritual partnership can be a royal road to self-knowledge and self-improvement, I had the great good fortune to meet a woman with whom I shared many lifetimes of spiritual practice in 1980, on a road trip from Texas to New York searching for my soulmate. A series of meaningful coincidences led me to her, and this initiated our lifelong adventure.

Jane Sherry and I have had many past life regressions, separately and together, starting in 1980 and extending through the last few years, and in all cases we remembered the same lifetimes. Our stories fit together like pieces of a four dimensional jigsaw puzzle, complementary but in no way contradictory.

We married in 1986, and have enjoyed a spiritual partnership since that time.

Together, Jane and I have studied Tarot, crystal and energy healing, past life regression, Reiki, kundalini maha yoga and hatha yoga.

We are both certified past life regression therapists, Reiki Masters, and Tarot readers. We practiced Reiki at the Greyston Foundation's Maitri Center for AIDS/HIV patients in Yonkers, New York for a year and a half and continue our Reiki practice today.

You can find me on Facebook or email me. I'd love to hear from you!

To find out more about Curtis, read my Resume or just browse my blog.