Cosmic Weather Forecast

Winter Solstice Gabriel Initiation: The Vision of the Inner Sun
Gabriel is the Archangel of Winter, known as the Messenger of the Lord. As Messenger of the Lord, Gabriel is the Archangel of Vision, because he brings illumination and revelation and inspires intuitive creativity. We are pleased to offer you these instructions for obtaining “The Gabriel Initiation", a simplified version of an ancient technique that was originally offered only to advanced students of the Western Mystery School traditions.
Summer Solstice, Archangel Uriel and St. John's Day 2024
This is a pivotal moment in the annual cycle of seasons, a time to initiate dramatic changes in your world. Where in your world is a revolution needed?

Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh - Companions for overcoming stress?
Gold, frankincense and myrrh have profound, demonstrated anti-inflammatory properties, and offer relief from work-related joint pains and general stress without the danger of harmful side effects.

Pisces Full Harvest Moon, Virgo Solar Festival, Autumn Equinox & Michaelmas 2022 Cosmic Weather Forecast
Mutable T-Square Puts Us on Cosmic Tilt-A-Whirl; Environmental Catastrophe in Pakistan; Global Dystopian Techno-Feudalism in China and US; Surround Yourself with Cleansing Karma Clearing Blue Flame in Our Archangel Michael Meditation

Full Moon in Cancer, Capricorn Solar Festival, Epiphany 2021 Cosmic Weather Forecast
Epiphanies, Confrontations & Echoes of Pre-Renaissance Europe in the 2020s

April 2020 Full Pink Libra Supermoon, Aries Solar Festival Cosmic Weather Forecast
Meditation Practices for Easter: Protection During the Pandemic and Uniting with the Cosmic Christ; Honoring the Divine Mother
Summer Solstice 2008
We’ve been deluged by reports of people who are stressed out, overworked, worried about money, hit with health challenges, being plunged into a transformational cauldron, and feeling overheated by it all! So it’s up to each one of us to set aside anger, fear and worry and to join together in a festival of community and community healing.
Winter Solstice 2012 & Gemini Full Moon Eclipse Cosmic Weather Forecast
Winter Solstice 2012: Happy New Cosmic Year!Happy Hanukkah, Super Saturnalia and Sunny Solstice to YOU! Happy New Mayan Super-Cycle! This Solstice we celebrate a new 26,000 year long Cosmic Age!
Winter Solstice 2009 Cosmic Weather Forecast
After a month or so of very ragged energy, sharp Saturn-Pluto aspects and an active Uranus cycle that seems to affect computers, computer networks, deliveries dependent upon such networks, all technology, tools and houses, and trigger unexpected health crises, we could all use a day or two of sweet Cosmic Weather. Good news! This Winter Solstice is extremely well-aspected.
Easter, Festival of the Risen Christ: April 2009 Full Moon in Libra, Aries Solar Festival Newsletter
This Easter Festival, we are being provided with an infusion of loving wisdom directly from the Christ, intended to help us in the difficult task of opening our hearts to one another in these troubled times and empowering us to help those least among us. Let us RISE to the occasion!
September 2014 Cosmic Weather Forecast -- Harvest Moon
This Harvest Moon, occurring at 16º Pisces, is ideally placed to mediate between the conflicting stellar influences, to open the hearts of all Lightworkers to the ocean of love and compassion known to the Bodhisattvas, and to provide a glowing nocturnal link to the wisdom teachings, inspiration, grace and guidance embodied in Higher Mind, Higher Self and our Spiritual Guides and Teachers.