Cosmic Weather Forecast
Spring Equinox 2008
By consistent practice and the Grace of the Divine, we can transform our hearts and our energy signatures. We can alchemically transmute the lead of egotistical rationality into the gold of Unity consciousness. We can eventually transform our hearts from leaden mirrors that can at best occasionally be cleaned sufficiently to reflect the Holy Spirit in some small way into luminous light-giving Sources of energy, true inner tabernacles lit by undimmable lamps of radiance serving as the suitably purified homes of Spirit.
Spring Equinox 2013
Western Astrologers celebrate the start of a New Year today. For those of us who would like a fresh start in our lives, the Equinox offers us an opportunity to connect with the Universal Life Force which is now moving powerfully within the plant kingdom and which is now beginning to manifest throughout all the elements of Nature, accessible to us through water, earth, fire and water.
Spring Equinox 2006
This day of the Vernal Equinox is a good time to reconnect to Mother Earth with gratitude for her many gifts. It is a good time to reconnect with the sacred during the simple act of eating a meal.
Pisces Solar Festival, Virgo Full Moon & Spring Equinox 2015 Cosmic Weather Forecast
March is the month most suited to begin a process of healing. For this is the month Archangel Raphael’s presence appears on planet Earth, and Raphael is above all the Archangel of healing. So this full moon is the ideal time to connect with Archangel Raphael and to seek healing.