Cosmic Weather Forecast
Autumn Equinox Harvest Moon 2005
In the northern hemisphere, the Moon will rise around sunset tonight--and not long after sunset for the next few evenings. Northern farmers who are working long days to harvest their crops before autumn take advantage of this phenomenon, which is what gives the Harvest Moon its name.

All Fool's Day: Love and Cosmic Unity
In Rome, April 1 was the date of the Festival of Veneralia, dedicated to Venus, goddess of love, death, orchards, waters and sexuality. Women washed a statue or image of Venus in rivers and lakes, adorned her with precious jewels and long robes, then burned incense in honor of the Goddess.
January 2007 Cosmic Weather Forecast
Many thanks to the Satya Center community for your support since our launch in November 2004. In 2007, astrologers predict that the seeds of future political, economic, religious and cultural transformations of epochal magnitude will be sown.
Gemini Solar Festival, Sagittarius Full Moon June 2015 Festival of Humanity Cosmic Weather Forecast
We all need a break from the Long Emergency. We are in a marathon run, not a sprint. There are no fast fixes to humanity's problems, only long-range solutions will be viable. So let us take the time this Full Moon to be gentle with ourselves and our loved ones.