Cosmic Weather Forecast

Within frozen depths does warmth stir, and mud rises. Seeds of air and fire, water and starlight move into the cold and wet places that awaken from slumber.

Candlemas: The Quickening of the Year
Candlemas is one of my favorite times of year, the time when in the depths of winter, I can dream of spring again, when the days wax in light and the birds return to our yard looking for food. Candlemas is the promise of the quickening not only of the seasonal year, but also the promise of desires' fulfillment.

Leo Full Moon, Aquarius Solar Festival, Valentine's Day, February 2023 Cosmic Weather Forecast
Starting on January 22nd, we entered the magical year of the Water Rabbit, the Forest Rabbit, when the entire world is bathed in the liminal light of the in-between, the twilight time which is the natural abode of the Rabbit who sees into Heaven and Hell Realms existing beyond the everyday rational consciousness.

Candlemas: Feast of the Quickening
Celebrate Imbolc on Candlemas Day. Honor Brigid, goddess of fire, hearth, fields, cows, craft, childbirth and poetry on February 2nd. Invite her into your home, your heart and community. Ask for her blessing during the season of quickening, as days become longer, and we prepare for the ascent of the forces of light, celebrated at the Spring Equinox. Festivals occurring at the mid-point of a fixed sign, like Aquarius, are traditionally feasts of prognostication. The month of Aquarius is the month of the Rowan, tree of the quickening, and of prophetic visions.
February 2012 Cosmic Weather Forecast
This month we offer our readers a set of very important stories that provide a roadmap for this epoch-making year of 2012 -- and beyond! We’ve gathered together some of the most distinguished astrologers in the world, from America, Europe and Australia, representing Mystery School traditions of the East and the West to give predictions for the year and decade ahead.
Candlemas 2007 Newsletter
Today is Candlemas, the Feast of Imbolc, the Celebration of the Solar Festival of Aquarius and the Full Moon is in Leo. With Saturn retrograde and opposing Neptune, we need extra patience, strength and tranquility.