Cosmic Weather Forecast
Autumn Equinox: The Archangel Michael Meditation
It's Time to Surround Yourself with the Electric Blue Flame of Archangel Michael! This year, 2024, the Autumnal Equinox occurs on September 22 at 8:43 AM Eastern time. Archangel Michael, who presides over the fall season, is the patron and protector of all those seeking protection, purification, and release from karmic burdens. Michael is always available to help us overcome fear, doubt, and negative emotions and thought-forms from our lives. Michael and his legions of guardian angels wield the electric blue flame of karmic liberation.
Scorpio Full Moon, Wesak and Taurus Solar Festival 2024 Cosmic Weather Forecast
An incendiary T-Square in fixed signs creates potent energy for good or ill on Buddha's Birthday. May’s Taurus stellium promises a time of optimism, strength, visionary creativity, and easy access to inner spiritual guidance. An ideal moment for travels, near or far, that will broaden the mind, delight the senses, and open the heart to the beauty of the natural world.

Pentecost Sunday: Speaking in Tongues, Kundalini Awakening and the Zero Point Field
When the Holy Spirit descended upon the Apostles at Pentecost, they entered a higher state of consciousness, and traveled near and far, spreading their Teacher’s message of love fearlessly throughout the world. The Apostles healed many by prayer and the laying on of hands. The miraculous events of Pentecost bear a startling resemblance to the signs of enlightenment discussed for thousands of years in the ancient Hindu tradition of yoga.

Tarot: Yoga of the West
The Tarot is the Yoga of the West, a system for obtaining personal enlightenment, visualizing future probabilities, and changing our inner reality to create more positive outcomes in life.

Aquarius Full Moon, Leo Solar Festival, Heliacal Sirius Rising, July 2021 Cosmic Weather Forecast
An incandescent Leo Solar Festival will usher in a month only a drama queen or king could love.

Cancer Full Moon Eclipse, Capricorn Solar Festival, January 2020 Cosmic Weather Forecast
Pluto-Saturn Conjunction Colors Next 20 Years; Will Crisis of Hydrocarbon Civilization Birth a Neo-Renaissance? Ascension Practices For Humanity -- All You Need Is Love!

A Shivratri Story and Meditation: February 13, 2018
In 2018, February is the month for celebrating Divine Love manifested in the creative energies of male and female union, represented by the Divine Soulmates, Shiva and Shakti. Tuesday, February 13, 2018 is the Hindu Feast of “Shivratri”, which means, “The Night of Shiva”. Shiva is the third person in the Hindu Trinity of Brahman, Vishnu and Shiva.

Jane's Full Moon in Taurus, Scorpio Solar Festival 2007 Garden Report
This Taurus Full Moon, occurring during the time of Sun in Scorpio, is governed by the planet Pluto, the Lord of the Underworld. Pluto is in some ways like the River of the Underworld, the River Styx, which is the crossroads between life and death, the path of initiation into the world of Spirits, and also the symbol of the collective unconscious, the great underground river of universal archetypes, myth, symbol, wisdom and power that flows through each and every one of us.
Spring Festival of Humanity 2009 -- Full Moon in Sagittarius
During Sunday’s Festival of Humanity, the love of Christ and the wisdom of the Buddha are showered down upon the Earth. Spiritual disciples of all paths and lineages and religions around the world receive inspiration and instructions concerning their roles and duties for the upcoming year.
Valentine's Day Newsletter 2007
"Each one of us has only one person to change and that person is at hand twenty-four hours a day, at our command. What beauty in God's mathematics! It comes to billions. If everyone evolves to a higher consciousness- or even most of us- the world will change."

All Fool's Day: Love and Cosmic Unity
In Rome, April 1 was the date of the Festival of Veneralia, dedicated to Venus, goddess of love, death, orchards, waters and sexuality. Women washed a statue or image of Venus in rivers and lakes, adorned her with precious jewels and long robes, then burned incense in honor of the Goddess.