Traveling with the Big Dipper

Traveling with the Big Dipper

acupunctureClaire C. Cunneen
Since the North Star is the star most in line with the Earth’s axis, it becomes the “pivot of the sky”, with other stars and constellations – most directly the Big Dipper - appearing to revolve around it. Tonight, The Big Dipper was subtly teaching me that the human heart can commune with and share heavenly harmony and peace and that the domain of the heart is that universally vast and far reaching.
Psychic Self Defense

Psychic Self Defense

archangel michaelJane Sherry
Do you ever feel overly impacted by the emotional turmoil around you at home, work or out in the world? Or by the moods of your loved ones? Do you wonder if the emotions you are feeling sometimes aren't your own? Do you feel that sometimes when you walk into a room, that your energy changes to reflect whatever's going on around you? Empathy is the forerunner of compassion, and therefore a potentially very positive experience. However there is a danger involved in the empathic experience we should all understand.
The Twilight of The Era of Cheap Oil

The Twilight of The Era of Cheap Oil

age of aquariusCurtis Lang
We are in the twilight of the age of mass industrialization and consumption, of a long spiritual cycle focused on the development of the individual sense of self. The Aquarian age of community is coming soon.