Cosmic Weather Forecast

Aries Full Moon, Libra Solar Festival, October 2022 Cosmic Weather Forecast
US Pluto Return, Uranus-Saturn Square, Mars Retrograde in Gemini = The Grand Irrationality, Coming Global Financial Meltdown and Escalation of War in the Ukraine.

Happy Halloween, Samhain and Diwali
Pagan, earth-centered religions see the Divine manifest in Nature and all of Creation, believe in the concept of immanence (the Goddess/God within), believe in the spirit which resides in all things seen and unseen and in unending cycles of birth, growth, death and renewal.
Full Moon in Taurus, Scorpio Solar Festival 2015 Cosmic Weather Forecast – Satya Center is Moving to Florida!
It is up to us who are aware of the Truth of humanity’s current situation to dream the big, healing dreams that can motivate us to transform our lives, heal our relationships, and participate in the regeneration of human civilization in the 21st Century.