Cosmic Weather Forecast

Virgo Full Blood Moon Eclipse, Pisces Solar Festival, March 2025 Cosmic Weather Forecast
Virgo Full Moon Opposes Sun, Neptune, and Saturn in Pisces! Our mental maps of the world begin to lose focus and we struggle to find our way; basic structures of society are dismantled in a slow motion dissolution of the social contract! Soon Spring arrives like a new Dawn! Channel the potent energy into planting, healing, spiritual practices and creative arts! You will be rewarded!

Winter Solstice Gabriel Initiation: The Vision of the Inner Sun
Gabriel is the Archangel of Winter, known as the Messenger of the Lord. As Messenger of the Lord, Gabriel is the Archangel of Vision, because he brings illumination and revelation and inspires intuitive creativity. We are pleased to offer you these instructions for obtaining “The Gabriel Initiation", a simplified version of an ancient technique that was originally offered only to advanced students of the Western Mystery School traditions.
Sagittarius Full Moon, Gemini Solar Festival, Festival of Goodwill, May 2024 Cosmic Weather Forecast
In spite of dire events in many parts of the world, auspicious aspects abound during this jovial Full Moon, creating golden opportunities in many areas of life. Jupiter is working overtime this Full Moon, broadcasting beams of Higher Consciousness and encouraging you to follow your bliss. A triple conjunction of Sun, Jupiter and Venus signals golden opportunities for financial gains, joyful socializing, blossoming romantic encounters, and spiritual awakenings!

Pentecost Sunday: Speaking in Tongues, Kundalini Awakening and the Zero Point Field
When the Holy Spirit descended upon the Apostles at Pentecost, they entered a higher state of consciousness, and traveled near and far, spreading their Teacher’s message of love fearlessly throughout the world. The Apostles healed many by prayer and the laying on of hands. The miraculous events of Pentecost bear a startling resemblance to the signs of enlightenment discussed for thousands of years in the ancient Hindu tradition of yoga.

Eastertide: Uniting with the Cosmic Christ - Honoring the Divine Mother
At the moment of his Death, Christ unified his own Body of Light with the etheric body of the planet, permanently infusing the energy of the Cosmic Christ Self into the Earth’s aura. This Easter, by communing with Nature, we can Unify with the energy stream of the Risen Cosmic Christ.
Thanksgiving 2023, Gemini Full Moon, Sagittarius Solar Festival Cosmic Weather Forecast
Best of times, worst of times scenario. Combustible Mars aspect coincided with escalation of Israel-Hamas war, peaks at Full Moon in fun loving Gemini. The next incendiary Mars aspect ignites more or less simultaneously. As Christmas nears, the desire for peace in Ukraine and Gaza grows worldwide. Fortunately, we can also look forward to some uplifting, funtime astrological aspects through Christmas.

Full Moon in Sagittarius, Gemini Solar Festival, June 2023 Cosmic Weather Forecast
This Full Moon a Mutable T-Square Tilt-A-Whirl could disrupt the Venus-Neptune Water Trine's mellow flow, but a Uranus-Mercury Conjunction offers intuitive guidance that restores your dynamic balance as the Planetary Festival of Goodwill brings new insights and opens new doors for us all.

Sagittarius Super Full Blood Moon Eclipse, Gemini Festival of Goodwill, May 2021 Cosmic Weather Forecast
Potent mutable T-square puts us on tilt-a-whirl! Uranus-Saturn square Foments Conflict; Mars Opposes Pluto pitting people against Plutocrats!

Full Moon in Capricorn, Cancer Solar Festival 2016
July’s Cosmic Weather patterns provide discernible evidence of celestial grace and some welcome relief from the worst effects of uber-warrior Mars in Scorpio inconjunct Uranus in combustible Aries, which, combined with a persistent Mutable Cross and T-square, have turned the last few months into a mutant merry-go-round of non-stop bad news.

Libra Festivals: Michaelmas, Rosh Hashanah, & Navratri
The Libra interval provides us all with a marvelous opportunity to honor the varied ways that different cultures and religious traditions mark the autumnal turning point in our yearly seasonal cycles.
September Full Moon Eclipse in Pisces
This Full Moon Eclipse emphasizes the need for each of us to turn within, to subordinate our egoistic will to the Higher Purpose we each have incarnated to fulfill, and to listen carefully to the Divine Guidance available to us through our connection to Higher Mind.

Full Moon Eclipse in Pisces, Virgo Solar Festival 2016
This Full Moon Eclipse in Pisces square Mars in Sagittarius provides energetic support for the Piscean Christ consciousness residing within each one of us. This Full Moon feeds our courage, enhances our inner spiritual strength and offers us access to creative outlets for our desire to transcend the dying social strategies that threaten to strangle new ways of life in their cradle.