The Japanese Nuclear Crisis & The Spring Equinox Cosmic Weather Forecast 2011

9-11Curtis Lang and Jane Sherry
The chart for the spiritual new year in 2011, at zero degrees Aries, is very powerful and positive. Throughout the days to come, through the Full Moon, and past the Equinox, for the next month let us meditate together, pray together, and send energy, Reiki, and blessings to the Japanese people and to the elementals, the devas, the nature spirits in Japan, especially in the radiation-afflicted areas.

Autumn Equinox 2013 Cosmic Weather Forecast

archangel michaelCurtis Lang with Jane Sherry
This month the Grand Cardinal Cross re-forms in the sky, activating global financial, geo-strategic and environmental crises. The Washington debt crisis. The Syrian crisis. The Fukushima crisis. It's time to ask for discernment, vision, strength and courage, and to send love and light to all involved!