Summer Solstice, Capricorn Full Moon, Cancer Solar Festival, June 2024 Cosmic Weather Forecast

archangel urielCurtis Lang and Jane Sherry

Mystical, Glamorous Neptune in Pisces rules the stars this Solstice and Full Moon week; Creative energies abound; Full Moon in Capricorn triggers karmic payback for instigators of wars around the world! Outer planet aspects indicate an American Election season from Hell! 

Summer Solstice, Archangel Uriel and St. John's Day 2024

anthroposophyCurtis Lang and Jane Sherry
This is a pivotal moment in the annual cycle of seasons, a time to initiate dramatic changes in your world. Where in your world is a revolution needed?

Sagittarius Full Super Moon,  Gemini Solar Festival of Goodwill Summer Solstice June 2022 Cosmic Weather Forecast

anthropocene ageCurtis Lang
Flashing warning lights fill the Cosmic Weather Forecast Dashboard this week! Energetic Tilt-A-Whirl Alert! Prepare for Incoming Intuitive Guidance!
June 2020 Sagittarius Full Moon Eclipse, Gemini Solar Festival, Summer Solstice  Cosmic Weather Forecast

June 2020 Sagittarius Full Moon Eclipse, Gemini Solar Festival, Summer Solstice  Cosmic Weather Forecast

archangel urielCurtis Lang with Jane Sherry
The Cosmic Weather Forecast for June calls for continued intermittent emotional outbursts of frustrated Mars energy punctuated by flashes of intuitive Mercurial insight, culminating in a reprise of the heavy, threatening Plutonic pandemic energies encountered in April at the height of the global Coronavirus outbreak. We may all [once again] feel a little like Persephone when she was abducted by Pluto and taken to the Underworld.

June 2011 Cosmic Weather Forecast: Solstice Joy, Pentecost Spirit, and a July Cross to Come

archangel urielCurtis Lang and Jane Sherry
Meditate upon the fact that you as an individual, in co-operation with other like-minded individuals, can work together to bring about a total transformation of the social vessel which currently carries you across the ocean of life. The first step is to join together, make the commitment to change, and raise the flag of peace, love and understanding.
Summer Solstice Full Strawberry Moon in Sagittarius, Gemini Solar Festival 2016

Summer Solstice Full Strawberry Moon in Sagittarius, Gemini Solar Festival 2016

age of aquariusCurtis Lang with Jane Sherry
The now-infamous Grand Mutable Cross forms and re-forms this month, perfecting this Sunday, June 19, and regressing into a potent T-Square on June 25. There is a fog of confusion, paranoia, anger, recrimination, and ego-inflation blanketing the collective consciousness. We are in the no-man’s land between one age and another. The way forward is uncharted. There are no gps systems that provide co-ordinates for the unfolding new world that will emerge in the new age to come. If anyone approaches you with a treasure map or some other deal that seems too good to be true, rest assured, it is!

Cancer Solar Festival, Capricorn Full Moon July 2015 Cosmic Weather Forecast

astrological forecastsJane Sherry & Curtis Lang
Summer Solstice is the time for the community to rejoice in the many gifts of the Great Mother, in her myriad manifestations of Female Power, Nurturer and Creatrix. Now is the time to celebrate the heightened sense of energy all around, the success of the spring planting and the joy of new love. Now the entire community rejoices in the commitment to an abundant future expressed in new marriages, ripening corn and wheat in the field, tomatoes forming on the vine and the seasonal sharing of the first ruby red strawberries.

June 2012 Cosmic Weather Forecast Part I: Stellar Fireworks Display!

age of aquariusCurtis Lang with Jane Sherry
This month the sky is filled with signs and portents of earth-shaking change, some hopeful, some ominous, and the energy streaming in to us from the Cosmos is so powerful that our very physical vessels are challenged to maintain equilibrium. The task of humanity is to step forward into the Light with courage. The courageous are not necessarily fearless at all. The courageous are those who follow their Higher Purpose despite their fear!