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Satya Center February 2018 Global News Roundup
in a Blogpost. Well Informed, We Can Create Ripples of Hope and Sweep Away Global Problems.
How Trump is Undermining America's Dollar Hegemony. US vs. "Axis of Evil" in Latin America: Imperial War for Oil, or Neoconservative War of Choice? Proposed EU Rules Threaten to Turn Internet into Censorship Machine. CryptoCurrency Apocalypse: BitCoin Values in Toilet as Cybersleuths Search for Hundreds of Millions Missing from Exchange in Canada. Climate Change Scenarios: What Happens at 2, 3, 4, 5 Degrees Warming, Anyway, and What Do We Do About It? Who Let 9/11 Happen? New Books Suspect CIA, FBI, Saudis. Google Helped China Create a Surveillance State Social Rating System Reducing Citizens to Slaves. Why There Will Not Be Self-Driving Cars This Century.