Cosmic Weather Forecast

Tarot: Yoga of the West
The Tarot is the Yoga of the West, a system for obtaining personal enlightenment, visualizing future probabilities, and changing our inner reality to create more positive outcomes in life.
Spring Equinox, Reincarnation, and The Great Cosmic Year
Ancient rituals enacted in cultures around the world were designed to manage the irregular, unpredictable, subtly changing and extremely threatening seasonal, yearly and multi-yearly cycles unfolding on Earth.

The Dark Night of the Planetary Soul
The world is in labor, about to birth a new planetary consciousness. Will this consciousness reflect our worst nightmares or our highest aspirations? The choice is ours.
March 2007 Satya Center Newsletter -- Healing the Wounded Heart of the World
It is a time of seasonal transition in our little world, and a time of environmental, cultural, and spiritual transformation for the world at large.
It is only by opening our hearts that we can heal our personal afflictions and help heal global wounds.

Wesak and Earth Day Full Moon in Scorpio, Taurus Solar Festival
Shakyamuni Buddha taught that the individual Self, experienced as the egoistic personality, is an illusion, and that each of us is indissolubly united with the vast web of life that interpenetrates the physical and spiritual realms, extending throughout the space-time continuum, encompassing past, present and future.
When we become fully conscious of that interdependent connection we have to the web of life, to Mother Earth and to the Heavens above us, that is the achievement of our spiritual goal in life. At that moment we are liberated and we achieve Nirvana.

Reviewing the God Theory - Subtle Energy and The Cosmic Field of Fields
The Divine Plan is for the Absolute Energy beyond time and space to come to know itself fully by creatively individuating itself in a myriad of forms evolving over time within the framework of the space-time continuum until each spark of individuated consciousness comes to recover its true identity and Unity with the Divine. This is Satya, this is Truth.

All Fool's Day: Love and Cosmic Unity
In Rome, April 1 was the date of the Festival of Veneralia, dedicated to Venus, goddess of love, death, orchards, waters and sexuality. Women washed a statue or image of Venus in rivers and lakes, adorned her with precious jewels and long robes, then burned incense in honor of the Goddess.