Cosmic Weather Forecast

Candlemas: The Quickening of the Year
Candlemas is one of my favorite times of year, the time when in the depths of winter, I can dream of spring again, when the days wax in light and the birds return to our yard looking for food. Candlemas is the promise of the quickening not only of the seasonal year, but also the promise of desires' fulfillment.

Happy Halloween, Samhain and Diwali
Pagan, earth-centered religions see the Divine manifest in Nature and all of Creation, believe in the concept of immanence (the Goddess/God within), believe in the spirit which resides in all things seen and unseen and in unending cycles of birth, growth, death and renewal.
Candlemas 2007 Newsletter
Today is Candlemas, the Feast of Imbolc, the Celebration of the Solar Festival of Aquarius and the Full Moon is in Leo. With Saturn retrograde and opposing Neptune, we need extra patience, strength and tranquility.