Cosmic Weather Forecast
Jane's Full Moon in Taurus, Scorpio Solar Festival 2007 Garden Report
This Taurus Full Moon, occurring during the time of Sun in Scorpio, is governed by the planet Pluto, the Lord of the Underworld. Pluto is in some ways like the River of the Underworld, the River Styx, which is the crossroads between life and death, the path of initiation into the world of Spirits, and also the symbol of the collective unconscious, the great underground river of universal archetypes, myth, symbol, wisdom and power that flows through each and every one of us.
Candlemas 2007 Newsletter
Today is Candlemas, the Feast of Imbolc, the Celebration of the Solar Festival of Aquarius and the Full Moon is in Leo. With Saturn retrograde and opposing Neptune, we need extra patience, strength and tranquility.