Cosmic Weather Forecast
Cancer Full Moon Eclipse, Capricorn Solar Festival, January 2020 Cosmic Weather Forecast
Pluto-Saturn Conjunction Colors Next 20 Years; Will Crisis of Hydrocarbon Civilization Birth a Neo-Renaissance? Ascension Practices For Humanity -- All You Need Is Love!
Pisces Full Moon, Virgo Solar Festival, Autumn Equinox and Michaelmas, September 2019 Cosmic Weather Forecast
This weekend a potent mutable T-Square involving the Full Moon's Virgo Solar Festival puts us on a runaway tilt-a-whirl. Jupiter square Neptune is a mental fog machine. There's a challenging Saturn-Pluto Conjunction in Capricorn. Sounds harsh, and could be, but this Pisces Full Moon tunes our inner spiritual antennae to the trans-personal realms of consciousness. This can be our caterpillar to butterfly Moon of Transfiguration!
Aries Full Moon, Libra Solar Festival October 2019 Cosmic Weather Forecast
This Full Moon week a Cardinal T-Square pits the Sun-Moon Libra-Aries axis against the Pluto-Saturn conjunction in Capricorn. That indicates existential crises demanding long-term planning and comprehensive changes to our social structures and individual lifestyles to prevent short to medium term catastrophes and insure long-term survival for our civilization and for ourselves.
Taurus Full Moon, Scorpio Solar Festival 2018 Cosmic Weather Forecast
Sexy. Spooky. Spiritual. Scary. It's Scorpio season once again! Plus we have a magical Taurus Full Moon conjunct electrifying Uranus opposing the Sun/Venus in Scorpio. Prepare for emotional eruptions, reject astral glamours, compost decaying karmic patterns of behavior, and elevate your consciousness by piercing the veil of egotism with the Eagle Eye of the Scorpionic Adept!
Happy Halloween, Samhain and Diwali
Pagan, earth-centered religions see the Divine manifest in Nature and all of Creation, believe in the concept of immanence (the Goddess/God within), believe in the spirit which resides in all things seen and unseen and in unending cycles of birth, growth, death and renewal.
August 2019 Aquarius Full Moon, Leo Solar Festival Cosmic Weather Forecast
Join us in sending torrents of Violet Flame to humanity's collective consciousness this Full Moon, and in sending the purifying, cleansing and healing power of the Violet Flame to Mother Earth, for the Earth itself and all its elementals, devas, nature spirits and creatures are sorely in need of our assistance, our wisdom, our love, and our collective action.
Festival of Goodwill, Summer Solstice, Sagittarius Full Moon, Gemini Solar Festival 2019 Cosmic Weather Forecast
Inflammation Alert -- Mars/Mercury vs. Saturn/Pluto! Prepare for Incoming Intuitive Guidance -- Jupiter Conjunct Moon in Sagittarius! Full Moon Crosscurrents Require Discernment and Balance! if our minds tune in to intuitive guidance and our will forces are subordinated to the goals set by our Higher Purpose and revealed through that guidance, we will find that the powerful energy of the Mars/Mercury opposition to Saturn/Pluto can give us the strength, courage and persistence to overcome virtually any obstacles in our path.
Capricorn Full Moon Eclipse, Cancer Solar Festival July 2019 Cosmic Weather Forecast
Pluto/Saturn Conjunction Prefigures January 2020 Grand Conjunction, Early 2020s Death Trip for Carbon Based Civilization on Earth.
Autumn Equinox, Libra Solar Festival, Aries Full Moon 2018 Cosmic Weather Forecast
The Autumn Equinox celebrates the balanced, dynamic equilibrium between day and night, individuals and communities, male and female. Resistance builds strength this Full Moon. Maintaining equilibrium requires dynamic adjustments to our lifestyles, life strategies and the tactics we use to manifest our desires in our world. If we can maintain our balance and use our will forces and mental concentration to focus and channel the strong energy created by the conflicts in the stars, the results can be uplifting.
Wesak 2019 Full Moon in Scorpio, Taurus Solar Festival Satya Center Cosmic Weather Forecast
Celebrate Buddha's Birthday with Us! Enjoy the celestial configurations that support deep meditation, karmic release, and love and goodwill among all sentient beings! Next month, the stars will prod us to rip our rose colored glasses off and face some harsh realities, so get prepared now!
Libra Full Good Friday Moon, Aries Solar Festival, Passover and Easter 2019 Cosmic Weather Forecast
Easter Week Paris Disaster: The Falling Tower of the House of God! A mutable T-square triggers portentous conflagrations in Paris and Jerusalem warning us of the need for renovation, reconciliation and resilience in every area of our individual and collective lives.