Star of Venus Pendant
Metaphysical Properties of Star of Venus Pendant
This lovely design is a five pointed star, celebrating man's union with earth and creation throug...
Earth Heart Pendant
Earth Heart crystals create a "peaceful refuge in alignment with the deep and pure Heart of the Earth, revealing lessons in Oneness and facilitating humanity in achieving global consciousness."
Using Quartz Crystals in Digital Technology, Healing and Meditation
The scientific and metaphysical uses of quartz crystals are the foundation for the digital age and for a new wave of Western energy healing.
Golden Healer Lemurian Crystals
Jane and I have discovered through direct experience that Lemurian golden healers are true "ascension stones", raising the vibrational frequency of the entire chakra system and promoting a higher energy signature throughout body, mind and aura. Just keep reading and we'll tell you all about what we experienced.