Health & Healing

The Five Reiki Principles
The secret of inviting happiness through many blessings and
the spiritual medicine for all illness -- five simple principles to accelerate spiritual advancement, open the heart and strengthen your Reiki practice.

Reiki and the Zero-Point Field
The Source of Reiki energy originates in what some modern scientists describe as The Zero Point Field – a field of low-level energy that fills the seeming empty vastness of deep space.

What is Reiki?
Reiki is a Japanese word, often translated as Universal Life Force Energy, electrical excitation or aura. Reiki is also a Twentieth Century Japanese system of natural healing introduced to the world by Dr. Mikao Usui.

The History of Reiki
The Reiki tradition began over 100 years ago as an exclusively oral set of secret teachings, handed down from teacher to student, similar to the methods of many other spiritual traditions in the East, such as yoga.
Dream Journey to the Andes
Having witnessed the impossible, all else might only be improbable, and what was once unimaginable is in the realm of the knowable. It is another world that we have entered, this magical mystical place known as Peru.
Ease Those Bug Bites with Easy Herbs
Take a leaf from Susun S. Weed's storehouse of natural remedies. Soothe, heal, & prevent bites with safe herbal remedies that grow right where you live:north or south, east or west, city or country. The best natural remedies for insect bites are right underfoot.
The Role of Flower Essences in Rebuilding a Healthy Community
Plants and their energies are abundant, benevolent and are a grounding force; that’s exactly what is needed and what flower essences bring to people.
Saint John's Wort
Saint John's Wort is an outstanding herbal remedy steeped in many folk legends and traditions of healing. It has five-petaled, bright yellow blossoms with protruding stamens which flower at the height of summer.
Owned by Illness: An Anthroposophical Approach to Wellness
Anthroposophical medicine sees the spirit as the conductor of our life's symphony and the instruments as our physical attributes. When we experience illness, we need to adjust our life rhythms with herbs, dance, massage, painting and oil baths.
Animals in Our Hearts-Intuitive Communication and Compassionate Care
Teresa has started a pilot research project with rescue animals, an idea she has been developing for some time. She feels Five-Flower Formula is indispensable for shelter work.
Rosalie’s Healing Story
Sitting there with our feverish and congested child in the middle of the night, it was all we could do not to panic and rush her straight to the hospital for antibiotics. But because of our commitment to avoid them, we called our anthroposophical doctor, who told us to do three lemon wraps a day.
Prayer: A Challenge for Science
As soon as we have the idea that the mind can be extended through mental fields, and over large distances, we have a medium of connection through which the power of prayer could work.