Health & Healing
Explore the relationships between the nervous system, emotions, and the immune system; elucidating the links between our states of mind and our states of health.
Deer Doctoring
Shamanic Healer Jade Wah'oo Grigori Explains the Ancient Ways of Using Deer and Eagle Medicine to Heal the Celestial Soul in Cases of Critical Illness
Damazhon Mojo
Damazhon are Spirits that typically flit about around those places we recognize as being sacred: springs, caves, vortices and the like. A Shaman creates a Damazhon Mojo to help recipients find their path in life, for vitality, clarity, health, or spiritual protection.
The Mythos of Consciousness
Myth is the reality of the Soul, just as History is the reality of the day-to-day linear world. Mythos is the topography, or cosmology, of the Soul.