Health & Healing
Please Join Masaru Emoto in Healing the Waters of Japan
A prayer well worth repeating on this anniversary of the Earthquake in Japan last year. Repeat this prayer whenever you are able to do so! Original Day and Time for Prayer: March 31st, 2011 (Thursday)12:00 noon in each time zone OR AT ANY TIME YOU ARE ABLE TO SEND LOVE & PRAYERS FOR HEALING TO JAPAN!!
Flower Essence Formulas: Powerful Remedies for Times of Crisis
Flower essences were first developed during an earlier time of traumatic economic and social upheaval, the Great Depression of the 1930s. In the face of today’s challenges, these potent plant remedies can be important allies as we seek the wisdom, inner strength, emotional equanimity and resolve needed to meet a new world crisis.
Listen to the Animals
Why did so many animals escape the December 2004 tsunami? What is the nature of their "sixth sense" that warns them of impending natural disasters? Do humans share that ability? Scientists have an obligation to find out more!
Yarrow Environmental Solution: Say YES to your health!
Yarrow Environmental Solution (YES) from the Flower Essence Society is a highly beneficial blend of flower essences & plant tinctures in a sea salt base. Its purpose is to strengthen and protect against toxic environmental influences, geopathic stress & other hazards of technology-dominated modern life. This includes the disruptive effects of radiation on human energy fields from X-rays, televisions, computer monitors, cellular phones, electromagnetic fields, airplane flights, radiation treatments & contamination from nuclear power plants or fall-out.
Saturn Teachings: Spiritual and Environmental Lessons of the Asian Tsunami
There are many lessons to be learned from this world-altering disaster. We must first absorb the spiritual lessons of the Tsunami Event in order to properly understand the socio-political and environmental lessons to be learned.
Healthy Bones The Wise Woman Way
In the Wise Woman Tradition, we focus on the patient, not the problem. The more we focus on disease, even disease prevention, the less likely we are to know how to nourish health-wholeness-holiness.