Health & Healing
My Journey with Southernwood
When I embarked on a course of oil dispersion bath therapy for my severe fibromyalgia, I found myself unexpectedly walking a path of inner growth and healing that has brought physical, emotional and spiritual benefits.
The Role of Flower Essences in Rebuilding a Healthy Community
Plants and their energies are abundant, benevolent and are a grounding force; that’s exactly what is needed and what flower essences bring to people.
Saint John's Wort
Saint John's Wort is an outstanding herbal remedy steeped in many folk legends and traditions of healing. It has five-petaled, bright yellow blossoms with protruding stamens which flower at the height of summer.
Animals in Our Hearts-Intuitive Communication and Compassionate Care
Teresa has started a pilot research project with rescue animals, an idea she has been developing for some time. She feels Five-Flower Formula is indispensable for shelter work.
Sunflower & Love-Lies-Bleeding: A Study in Spiritual Surrender
The Sunflower essence is a catalyst for developing one's personal identity in relation to a larger spiritual Self. Love-Lies-Bleeding essence has proven to be a powerful balm for those undergoing great physical and psychic pain. When the soul has been stretched to the breaking point, it can enter another dimension of spiritual awareness.
Affirmations: The Messages of the Flowers in Transformative Words for the Soul
To wish for a specific thing or condition in the physical world is ultimately fruitless if it is not in harmony with the real needs of the soul. The right use of an affirmation is to precipitate inner changes that are in harmony with soul destiny.