Health & Healing
Weed Walk
Take a walk around your home or neighborhood to find simple weed allies to support your health!
My Journey with Southernwood
When I embarked on a course of oil dispersion bath therapy for my severe fibromyalgia, I found myself unexpectedly walking a path of inner growth and healing that has brought physical, emotional and spiritual benefits.
Using Herbs Simply and Safely
A simple is one herb. For optimum safety, I prepare, buy, sell, teach about and use herbal simples, that is: preparations containing only one herb.
Ease Those Bug Bites with Easy Herbs
Take a leaf from Susun S. Weed's storehouse of natural remedies. Soothe, heal, & prevent bites with safe herbal remedies that grow right where you live:north or south, east or west, city or country. The best natural remedies for insect bites are right underfoot.
Fight the Flu, the Wise Woman Way
I don't rely on modern medicine to keep me healthy, but if you usually rely on a flu shot to protect you, you may feel frightened by your inability to get one this year. You may be wondering what you can do instead. Or you may have discovered that flu shots don't give protection from all types of flu, just the ones the makers guess will be active this winter.
Saint John's Wort
Saint John's Wort is an outstanding herbal remedy steeped in many folk legends and traditions of healing. It has five-petaled, bright yellow blossoms with protruding stamens which flower at the height of summer.
Fertility After Forty
"More and more women are waiting until their late 30's, early 40's, even late 40's, to have children. Is this too late?" Read on for answers to this question and more.
Owned by Illness: An Anthroposophical Approach to Wellness
Anthroposophical medicine sees the spirit as the conductor of our life's symphony and the instruments as our physical attributes. When we experience illness, we need to adjust our life rhythms with herbs, dance, massage, painting and oil baths.
Menopausal Years, the Wise Woman Way
Menopause is a period of transition and metamorphosis, like puberty. It consists of three stages: isolation, melt down, and emergence. Each stage calls forth new energies and new perceptions of ourselves.
Can Breast Cancer Be Prevented?
We can help prevent breast cancer as individuals by listening to our bodies, paying attention to the Wise Healer Within, and taking control of our diets and lifestyles.
Wise Woman Ways to Boost Your Energy
Even if you provide yourself with very high quality nutrients and use your energy wisely, you may still feel unreasonably tired.
Healthy Bones The Wise Woman Way
In the Wise Woman Tradition, we focus on the patient, not the problem. The more we focus on disease, even disease prevention, the less likely we are to know how to nourish health-wholeness-holiness.