Health & Healing
IARP Hospital Survey on Reiki
60% of America's top hospitals surveyed said they have a Reiki program in place, and 67% see Reiki as a beneficial healing modality.

The Five Reiki Principles
The secret of inviting happiness through many blessings and
the spiritual medicine for all illness -- five simple principles to accelerate spiritual advancement, open the heart and strengthen your Reiki practice.

Reiki and the Zero-Point Field
The Source of Reiki energy originates in what some modern scientists describe as The Zero Point Field – a field of low-level energy that fills the seeming empty vastness of deep space.

What is Reiki?
Reiki is a Japanese word, often translated as Universal Life Force Energy, electrical excitation or aura. Reiki is also a Twentieth Century Japanese system of natural healing introduced to the world by Dr. Mikao Usui.

The History of Reiki
The Reiki tradition began over 100 years ago as an exclusively oral set of secret teachings, handed down from teacher to student, similar to the methods of many other spiritual traditions in the East, such as yoga.
Prediction Magazine UK Features Satya Center
Prediction magazine, the UK's original body, mind and spirit magazine, names Satya Center WebSite of the Month in its June 2005 issue!
Saturn Teachings: Spiritual and Environmental Lessons of the Asian Tsunami
There are many lessons to be learned from this world-altering disaster. We must first absorb the spiritual lessons of the Tsunami Event in order to properly understand the socio-political and environmental lessons to be learned.