Jane's Garden Report

Venus Unbound
The book explores the misogynist history of both Eastern and Western civilizations and reclaims the symbols of female power which have been subverted by priestly cultures worldwide.
Jane's Lammas 2022 Garden Report- We Honor Our Mother and Her Harvest
Mother, today we celebrate the unity of the human family. Mother, we ask your forgiveness, for our destructive ways. Mother,we seek today to learn to forgive one another. Help us, Mother, to learn to love you as the old ones loved you, so that we may heal ourselves and our environment.
Jane's Winter Garden Report 2006
There is a tremendously powerful acquisitive and materialistic collective thought-form hovering in the ethers around us, and part of our joy and inner work as bringers of Light into this world is to counter that thought-form with compassion, opening our hearts and giving freely to those around us in need of uplifting.
October 2006 Halloween Autumn Festival Newsletter
This is the season of Scorpionic holidays, celebrating the time of yearly transformation when the veil between the worlds thins and all things normally repressed or hidden from sight erupt into the everyday world. Scorpio traditionally rules the process of transformation, and the evolutionary processes of death and rebirth.