This beautiful Angel Aura Magician Stone with Kunzite Gemstone Crown is set in sterling silver with an open back, which allows the stone to breathe and function at its highest vibration. This pendant comes with a simple sterling silver chain which will sit upon the thymus, between the throat and the heart chakras, where it will be of most beneficial resonance.

The Magician Stone pendant is cut according to principles of sacred geometry so that a star exhibiting four-fold symmetry appears within it. One can see other stars refracted within the star as well.
The equilateral cross symbolizes the Tetrahedron.
The Tetrahedron, or four-sided pyramid, is the geometrical principle underlying many types of both organic and inorganic molecules, and provides the microscopic structure of diamonds and of the amino acids that are the building blocks of all life-forms on planet Earth.
Thus it is no surprise that the equilateral cross is an ancient symbol of the Mother Goddess, and represents the four elements of earth, air, fire and water and the four directions of the compass.
The Magician Stone cut pendant is designed to bring the wearer into harmony with the four elements and the four directions, and to help harmonize your energy field with the cosmic flow of energy pouring from from the Mother Goddess and present throughout all creation.
Properties of Angel Aura Quartz
Angel Aura quartz is a form of laboratory enhanced quartz crystal that is extremely tough, durable, and beautiful.
Clear Quartz crystal that has been selected for its structural integrity is subjected to stress tests and then introduced into a vacuum chamber.
Platinum and/or silver is vaporized within the chamber at extremely high heat, and the gaseous metals adhere to the surface of the quartz crystal, creating an iridescence that is unique and extremely beautiful, exhibiting pale pink, blue and lavender flashes of color that are quite unlike anything seen in naturally occurring minerals and quartz crystals.
Only crystals with strong structural integrity can withstand the process. Crystals with inclusions or other structural flaws can literally explode during the treatment.

Metaphysically, Angel Aura Quartz is said to combine the energies of clear quartz with the energies of the violet, blue and silver rays, activating the entire chakra system, stimulating the flow of Universal Life Force Energy in body, mind and aura, and connecting the bearer to Higher Worlds, specifically to the Fairy Realm and to the Abode of Angels.
Properties of Kunzite
Mineralogically, kunzite or Spodumene comes in colors ranging from white, gray, yellow, emerald green, to pink, violet or pearly colored. The coloring in the violet & the pink forms of the silicate mineral spodumene, comes from the presence of manganese. Spodumene is an important industrial source of lithium.
And as you may know, Lithium is an excellent mineral metaphysically for healing, for relaxation & for physical gentle soothing energies. Gemstone quality kunzite, such as this sparkling specimen, is translucent or transparent with a vitreous luster.
Metaphysically, kunzite works on the heart chakra to bring peace, feelings of love & self love, tranquility and joy. We often use kunzite in our work with clients to bring a deep & sound peace of mind and relaxation during sessions. Kunzite, in our experience, can offer the wearer a profound relaxation.
The presence of lithium, which is used in tranquilizing pharmaceuticals, in this healing crystal is thought to promote tranquility and peace of mind, relax the body and soothe the spirit.

Kunzite also energizes the throat chakra and can enhance loving communication, dissolve negativity and greatly enhance meditation.
Because the energy field becomes so relaxed & tranquil when working with kunzite in our experience, it is a wonderful stone to use when feeling overly anxious or stressed, and therefore would be very useful to wear in a crowded social situation, such as parties or family gatherings.
Kunzite is also thought to provide a powerful energetic barrier to unwanted outside influences of all kinds by raising the vibrational frequency of the area around the stone.
Check out our FREE e-book Spirits of Stone: A Lightworker's Guide to Crystals and Gemstones for Healing and Meditation for an overview of the metaphysical and mineralogical properties of quartz, and a step-by-step guide explaining how to cleanse, charge, and program quartz crystals for healing, meditation and other spiritual purposes.
This crystal has been cleaned with Universal Life Force Energy, and given an energy attunement using Reiki, a Japanese technique of energy healing, so it will continue to receive and transmit Universal Life Force Energy direct from the Source of Creation.
Net weight is .25 oz. or 7.1 grams.