This beautiful Angel Aura Quartz Star of Venus with Morganite Gemstone Crown set in sterling silver measures 1 inch from the bottom of the stone to the top of the bale and comes with an 18" sterling silver chain which situates the pendant upon the thymus, between the throat & the heart chakras, where it will be of most beneficial resonance.

This lovely Star of Venus design is a five pointed star, celebrating man's union with earth and creation through the harmonious interaction of the five elements. According to the designer, this Star of Venus pendant is a wonderful tool for shedding burdens and for revitalization. It brings clarity and balance, insight and aligment with the Divine flow. It has been historically used for protection and invocation.
The Angel Aura Quartz Star of Venus pendant is one of the most protective pendant and gemstone combinations available to Lightworkers, meditators, and all those who wish to strengthen their aura and shield themselves from unwanted interference, negative environmental energies and negative collective thought forms during this turbulent time of cultural transformation.
Morganite has an affinity with the heart chakra, which is often associated with the color pink or rose in New Age systems of thought. Crystal healers use morganite to vivify, strengthen, and open the heart chakra.
The Star of Venus Pendant enhances the flow of Universal Life Force Energy into the auric field. A strong aura, infused with a superabundance of Universal Life Force energy, is the best protection against negative ambient thoughtforms and emotions of all varieties.
Properties of Angel Aura Quartz
Angel Aura quartz is a form of laboratory enhanced quartz crystal that is extremely tough, durable, and beautiful.
Clear Quartz crystal that has been selected for its structural integrity is subjected to stress tests and then introduced into a vacuum chamber.
Platinum and/or silver is vaporized within the chamber at extremely high heat, and the gaseous metals adhere to the surface of the quartz crystal, creating an iridescence that is unique and extremely beautiful, exhibiting pale pink, blue and lavender flashes of color that are quite unlike anything seen in naturally occurring minerals and quartz crystals.
Only crystals with strong structural integrity can withstand the process. Crystals with inclusions or other structural flaws can literally explode during the treatment.

Metaphysically, Angel Aura Quartz is said to combine the energies of clear quartz with the energies of the violet, blue and silver rays, activating the entire chakra system, stimulating the flow of Universal Life Force Energy in body, mind and aura, and connecting the bearer to Higher Worlds, specifically to the Fairy Realm and to the Abode of Angels.
Properties of the Star of Venus Cut Gemstone Pendant
The fivefold symmetry of the Star of Venus pendant, reflected in the sacred geometry of the pentagon, is found throughout nature. Look closely at the leaves on trees and shrubs in your yard. This spring, make a list of the many flowers with five petals, and a pentagonal geometry. They are all either compressed or elongated pentagonal structures. Observe the blueberry, pear, apple, starfish, or the microscopic diatoms that populate the earth's crust. They all exhibit a pentagonal structure.As the noted sacred geometrician and Roman architect Vitruvius observed, the human body, with its five senses, five extensions from the torso, and five fingers and toes, is a beautiful example of the pentagonal structure common to many living beings.
The Pentad is associated with excellence, power, beauty and efficient design structures, and these associations are enhanced by the fact that Nature has employed the pentagon throughout Earthly creation, especially in the plant and animal kingdoms, to figure forth living, sentient beings of a myriad of types.
It can hardly be a coincidence that Pan, the Greek God of Nature and fertility, is symbolized by an upright five-pointed star. Venus, the Roman Goddess of beauty and fertility, sexuality and love, in her role as a planet in our Solar System, travels over eight years in an orbit tracing a five-petaled figure among the stars.

Energy healers, shamanic practitioners and meditators who wish to link their own energy to the Divine Source of Love and Light and Creative Form that structures and energizes and sustains this material creation can call upon Lady Venus and the Great God Pan while performing energy work, meditation or shamanic healing using the Star of Venus pendant, and the pendant will transmit and amplify the stream of energy from that Divine Source many fold, empowering the work in a very beneficial way.
In the Western wisdom school tradition of Esoteric Wisdom, the five-pointed star is associated with the birth of the Higher Self. This is undoubtedly connected to Kabbalistic scholarship concerning the nature of the five elements, Yahweh and Yeheshuah, also known as Jesus Christ.
Yahweh, also known as Tetragrammaton, the old Teststament God of the Jewish people, is represented in the Kabbalah by four Hebrew letters, Yod, Heh, Vau and Heh. Thus the name of God is YHVH, Yahweh, or Jehovah. The four letters of the name of God correspond to the four Hebrew letters associated with the four elements, Fire (Yod), Water (Heh), Air (Vau) and Earth (Heh).
Christian Kabbalists discovered that by placing the Hebrew letter for Spirit or Divine Fire, or Universal Life Force Energy (Shin) in the middle of the name of Yahweh, one creates the name Yeheshuah, or Jesus, YHSVH. Esoterically, this represents the role of Christ, who infused the material world of the four elements with the Divine Fire of the Holy Spirit through his life, death and miraculous resurrection.

Gian Lorenzo Bernini, Dove of the Holy Spirit (alabaster stained glass, Chair of Saint Peter, Saint Peter's Basilica, Vatican City), ca. 1660
Dnalor 01, CC BY-SA 3.0 AT, via Wikimedia Commons
Christian Kabbalistic healers use a very special mantra for healing and protection that utilizes the secret Hebrew names of God and Christ. This mantra is as follows: "Yod, Hay, Vow, Hay; Yod, Hay, Shin, Vow, Hay" (YHVH, YHSVH). Simply repeat this mantra over and over silently or out loud, and you will gain protection from all negative energies and thoughtforms and all dark influences in all three worlds.
By saying this mantra, by repeating these words of power, while meditating with the Star of Venus pendant, or by using this mantra when performing energy healing work, the practitioner will unite the lower mind with the Higher Self, and create a flow of healing energy that springs from the Source -- the living Christ Consciousness and the Holy Spirit, elevating the power of the spiritual work being undertaken, and insuring that the work is performed for the best and highest good of all concerned.
This crystal has been cleaned with Universal Life Force Energy, and given an energy attunement using Reiki, a Japanese technique of energy healing, so it will continue to receive and transmit Universal Life Force Energy direct from the Source of Creation.
Check out our FREE e-book Spirits of Stone: A Lightworker's Guide to Crystals and Gemstones for Healing and Meditation for an overview of the metaphysical and mineralogical properties of quartz, and a step-by-step guide explaining how to cleanse, charge, and program quartz crystals for healing, meditation and other spiritual purposes.
Note: Weight is .2 oz.