This unique 2.65" long 100 carat gemstone quality water-clear Long Red Rutile Quartz Teardrop Pendant was created by Lawrence Stoller, critically-acclaimed artist and crystal cutter who is known world-wide as a fabricator of magnificent works of art created in partnership with Nature & Light.

This remarkable specimen of rutilated quartz features a fascinating inner landscape, including fat reddish titanium filaments and a smattering of cloudy inclusions. The inclusions do not reach the highly polished surface.
The deep red titanium filaments within the crystal most likely were tinted by small amounts of hematite, or iron oxide, lending this remarkable creation a strong metaphysical connection with Archangel Michael, and marking this as a powerful, protective pendant.
"'Creative genius' is a term I have seldom used in my life," says William E. Boyajian, President of the Geological Institute of America. "But I use it now to describe Lawrence Stoller, for these are the words that typify both his passion and his ability to preserve and protect beautiful crystals of nature -- and thereby transform them into creations that inspire countless thousands of people around the world."

Lawrence's work is in worldwide museums & collections.
Lawrence has created a magnificent centerpiece for American Express's Eleven Tears World Trade Center Memorial. He thinks of crystals as "frozen light". Lawrence fashioned this beautiful Red Rutile Quartz Pendant as a "Platonic" or "perfected" version of quartz and mineral forms found in nature.
To showcase the subtle beauty of this Platonic form of crystalline nature, Lawrence preferred to avoid any type of metal finding, bale or basket, simply drilling a small hole in the female end of the crystal for a chain or cord.
The pendant comes with a simple black cord and a beautiful golden clasp, created by Lawrence to complement the elegant design of this unique pendant, complete in a velvet jewelry box for safekeeping.
Mineralogical and Metaphysical Properties of Rutilated Quartz Crystals
This rutilated crystal contains needle-like inclusions of titanium inside it.
Rutile is a titanium ore. Titanium is used in high tech and aerospace alloys because it’s a lightweight super-conductor of electrical energy, exhibits great tensile strength and resists corrosion.

Rutilated quartz crystals have a high-energy charge, which is particularly effective in releasing energy blockages. For energy healing, rutillated quartz can be placed near the navel and around any area where the energy feels sluggish. Compared to other forms of quartz, rutilated quartz has a greatly enhanced ability to help dissolve any energy congestion.
Rutilated quartz crystals, in my experience, when worn or carried on the person, act as a stimulant to the nervous system and the etheric body. Work with a stone like this in your meditation practice and experience the quickening rutilated quartz brings to the body, mind, spirit and your life!
Rutile is good at repelling negative energy and ending unwanted interference. Rutile promotes and strengthens stability in relationships and marriage, and works to eliminate emotional and physical imbalances.
Rutile is very "electrical" and affects physical, etheric and astral bodies.

In our experience, rutilated quartz has a VERY strong, very "electrical" and affects physical, etheric and astral bodies. By strengthening the mind and promoting active awareness this rutilated clear quartz crystal can help to enhance concentration and mental focus and help you to increase the depth and duration of your meditation sessions and the strength of your connection to inner spiritual guidance and spiritual teachers.
Rutilated Quartz is also ideal for sending light to the energy grids surrounding the earth, for sending energy to distant locations and for use to help harmonize the energy during group meditational practices.
Jane and I have used Rutile crystals in meditation and in our Reiki practice, and we are amazed by their complex and powerful energy. During meditation and in Reiki sessions, we found that the Rutile Crystals impart a deep, energizing & nurturing warmth, most noticeable first in the “hara” center, the storehouse of Universal Life Force Energy, or “chi”, located two fingers width below the belly button. This warm glow expanded throughout our bodies, then extended out into the aura, enlivening and brightening body, heart, and spirit.

Although many forms of rutile accelerate intellectual activity, Rutilated Crystals can also help relax the Higher Mind, quieting the stream of conscious mind chatter and stimulating consciousness to connect to the wisdom found in a realm of a more universal wisdom, clarity and enlightenment.
The Archangel Michael Connection
This powerful Red Rutile Quartz Crystal Pendant most likely contains hematite, or iron oxide, giving it a distinctive reddish hue, and a distinctive metaphysical connection with Archangel Michael.
Esoteric Christianity makes a link between hematite and Archangel Michael, and a quartz crystal containing hematite can provide the bearer with a powerful connection to Michael, providing access to the Archangel's loving wisdom and power to dissolve illusion through the activity of his famous sword, the sword of Ultimate Truth.
During the Libran months, during late September and October in the northern hemisphere, meteor showers will be visible. At this time of year, when sensational meteor showers, largely composed of iron, traditionally streak across the night sky, Esoteric Christian philosopher Rudolph Steiner’s clairvoyant vision saw the traditional flashing iron sword of Michael.
The meteoric sword of Michael was thought to cleanse the Earth’s atmosphere of summer's sulfurous influences, allowing the Higher Self to emerge and guide the initiate along the path of Spirit toward the birth of the Inner Christ Light, an event which takes place in December, during the festival of Christmas.
For more information on Michaelmas, see our article entitled Libra Festivals: Michaelmas, Rosh Hoshanah, Ramadan and Navratri.
This crystal has been cleaned with Universal Life Force Energy, and given an energy attunement using Reiki, a Japanese technique of energy healing, so it will continue to receive and transmit Universal Life Force Energy direct from the Source of Creation. It has also been cleaned and charged with the natural energy of sunlight. It is ready for you to program according to your own needs and desires.
We know that you will use this powerful crystal with loving wisdom and respect its long journey in the Earth that has lasted for many long historical cycles. This crystal is a powerful tool, a love-gift from the Divine Mother to you!
Read more about quartz and other types of crystals and gemstones at the Crystalpedia. Check out our FREE e-book Spirits of Stone: A Lightworker's Guide to Crystals and Gemstones for Healing and Meditation for an overview of the metaphysical and mineralogical properties of quartz, and a step-by-step guide explaining how to cleanse, charge, and program quartz crystals for healing, meditation and other spiritual purposes.
Note: Above weight is shipping weight. Actual Weight is 22 grams or .78 oz.