Siberian Purple Angelic Star with Ruby Lavender Crown

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Sale price$259.00


This beautiful water-clear Gem Quality Siberian Purple Quartz Angelic Star with Ruby Lavender Crown comes with an 18" sterling silver chain which sits upon the thymus bringing maximum benefit of the stone to the wearer. This pendant comes in its own velvet jewelry box.

Siberian Purple Angelic Star with Ruby Lavender Crown

The Angelic Star is cut according to principles of sacred geometry in the form of a six pointed star resembling angel's wings.

The Angelic Star pendant is designed to facilitate the bearer's connection with Divine Awareness, providing access to the Ancient Wisdom Teachings in the Universal Storehouse of Knowledge. The Angelic Star opens a clear channel of communication to the Angelic Realms.

Wearing an Angelic Star over the thymus gland, located between the throat and heart, aids in alignment of the wearer's energetic bodies with the Original Blueprint for Soul Evolution contained in the individual's Star Seed.

Properties of Siberian Purple Quartz

Siberian Purple Quartz is grown using a hydrothermal technique in a high temperature autoclave from a natural seed crystal. The laboratory method for producing quartz crystals mimics Nature's way of growing quartz crystals, using high temperature and high pressure water solutions. In a bit of modern-day alchemy, scientists add mineral impurities to the alkaline solution (often Sodium Hydroxide) that feeds the crystal's growth in the autoclave to create crystals with beautiful colors and energy signatures resonating with the power of the mineral additives.

Siberian Purple Quartz is created by the addition of Manganese to the liquid mixture that feeds the seed crystal's growth in the laboratory. The cobalt imparts an amazing deep blue coloration to the quartz crystal.

The deep violet coloration of Siberian Purple Quartz resonates with the energy signature of the crown and third eye chakras, which are colored blue and indigo in the Western chakra system, so Siberian Purple Quartz activates and energizes those two vitally important chakras.

Siberian Purple Quartz can help to facilitate spiritual connections and activities of all kinds, and strengthen the connection between the crown chakra and the root chakra, infusing our spiritual lives with the wisdom and love found in our connections to the Higher Self when the crown is fully activated.

Siberian Purple Angelic Star with Ruby Lavender Crown

Because of its unique property of activating the crown chakra and cleansing and purifying the spiritual and emotional bodies, Siberian Purple Quartz is said to infuse the user's Higher mind with the ideal of service to the world, and to help the user develop a strong commitment to furthering the spiritual development of all humanity.

This same property provides the user with increased access to the akashic records, the energetic templates containing the patterns of perfection that govern the birth, growth and development of the human body (the microcosm) and the universe (the macrocosm). The development of clairvoyance, associated with the opening of the Crown Chakra, is enhanced by this increased access to the Akashic Records.

Mineralogical and Metaphysical Properties of Ruby Lavender Quartz

Ruby Lavender Quartz is a form of laboratory quartz grown using a hydrothermal technique in a high temperature autoclave from a natural seed crystal. The laboratory method for producing quartz crystals mimics Nature's way of growing quartz crystals, using high temperature and high pressure water solutions.

In a bit of modern-day alchemy, scientists add mineral impurities to the alkaline solution (often Sodium Hydroxide) that feeds the crystal's growth in the autoclave to create crystals with beautiful colors and energy signatures resonating with the power of the mineral additives.

Siberian Purple Angelic Star with Ruby Lavender Crown

Ruby Lavender Quartz is created by the addition of Neodymium salts to the liquid mixture that feeds the seed crystal's growth in the laboratory. Neodymium is a soft silvery white metallic substance.

Neodymium is a rare earth element discovered in 1885, which is used as an alloy of iron in the creation of powerful magnets, used in computers and cell phones. Neodymium infused glass is used to manufacture lasers. Neodymium is not normally found occurring by itself in nature, and is commonly extracted from monazite and bastnaesite for industrial uses.

Ruby Lavender quartz exhibits a rosy violet coloration, toward the magenta side of the color spectrum. Ruby lavender quartz resonates with the energy of the rosy ray, associated with the heart chakra, and with the energy of the violet ray, associated with the crown chakra. 

Ruby Lavender quartz resonates with the energy of the Violet Flame of Ascended Master St. Germain, the World Teacher, and can be used to transmit the Violet Flame for protection and purification.

We often use crystals, pendants and wands for psychic protection, purification and to clarify things of a spiritual nature. See our article on Psychic Self Defense for more information along these lines with many suggestions on how to protect yourself from unwanted energies.

This crystal has been cleaned with Universal Life Force Energy, and given an energy attunement using Reiki, a Japanese technique of energy healing, so it will continue to receive and transmit Universal Life Force Energy direct from the Source of Creation.

Check out our FREE e-book Spirits of Stone: A Lightworker's Guide to Crystals and Gemstones for Healing and Meditation for an overview of the metaphysical and mineralogical properties of quartz, and a step-by-step guide explaining how to cleanse, charge, and program quartz crystals for healing, meditation and other spiritual purposes.

Note: Actual weight is 8.5 grams. 

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