Aries Full Grand Cross Super Moon, Libra Solar Festival, October 2024 Cosmic Weather Forecast

Welcome to the October 2024 Full Moon Cosmic Weather Forecast by Curtis Lang with Jane Sherry! We've been in an extreme climate emergency here in the Southeast for the last few weeks.

In 31 days, the North Atlantic produced Francine, Gordon, Helene, Isaac, Joyce, Kirk, Leslie, & Milton. That's 2 tropical storms, 3 hurricanes, 3 major hurricanes... and 3 Gulf Coast landfalls. In addition, Potential Tropical Cyclone Eight dumped very heavy rain in eastern NC.

Thanks to everyone who reached out to us this month, concerned after Hurricane Helene left a trail of destruction throughout the mountains of Western North Carolina! We appreciate your kindness and we feel your positive energy! 

Regions of North Carolina
Map of Regions of North Carolina

As you can see in the map above, Winston Salem, where we live, is in the Piedmont region of North Carolina, an area of rolling hills with over 50% forest cover, adjacent to the Blue Ridge Mountains in Western North Carolina.

Hurricane Helene traveled nearly 500 miles inland from its landfall near Tallahassee, Florida, killed at least 230 people and caused an estimated $47.5 billion in damage, making it one of the most destructive hurricanes in US history.

Helene dumped up to 31+ inches of rain in our mountain towns and caused tens of billions of dollars worth of damage to communities in the North Carolina mountain region.

Jane and I were extremely fortunate. We moved the day of Hurricane Helene, but we only suffered from gusty winds and a few inches of downpour, so the movers were able to get the job done.

Road Closures in North Carolina, Hurricane Helene
Map of Road Closures in Western North Carolina, courtesy NC Department of Transportation

Our nephew and his partner in Asheville were not so fortunate. 

After several days without communications, they reached safety at his Mother's in Tennessee. We know several people in the Asheville area who lost everything in the hurricane.

The map above shows the incredible number of road closures in Western North Carolina, which is a good index of the degree of suffering.

The Blue Ridge Parkway, major highways, and back roads will require months or years of repair work.

Many people are stuck in the mountains without access to food, water or shelter. In Asheville, people have been showing up in their underwear after walking for miles through the woods.

These American climate refugees have nothing.

Power linemen, who are the first into these remote mountain areas, report finding bodies high up in trees.

Only .5% of homeowners in Western North Carolina have flood insurance, so recovery for the 99.5% without flood insurance is distinctly problematic.

Hurricane Helene flooding in western North Carolina, courtesy NCDOT
Hurricane Helene flooding in western North Carolina, courtesy NCDOT

Western North Carolina in general, and Asheville in particular, have been touted as a safe climate refuge, but Helene has made it crystal clear that there is no safe climate refuge in 21st Century America, or just about anywhere on Earth.

During September and early October, floods around the world killed thousands of people, displaced millions, and destroyed countless homes in the United States, Africa, Spain, France, the Czech Republic, Austria, Poland, Hungary, Romania, the Philippines, China, Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar, and Laos.

The scale of these extreme global weather events is unprecedented, and hurricane season is not over yet. 

I wondered if the extreme weather events of the last decade have influenced public opinion on climate change.

In 2024, 75% of Americans surveyed said they believe the world's temperature has increased over the last 100 years, but that number has dropped by 8% since 2020.

A "Monmouth University poll, conducted on April 18, 2024 shows a 10-point decline in Americans who says climate change is a 'very serious' problem, falling from 56 percent in September 2021 to 46 percent in April," as reported on The Hill website.

I guess that if people haven't lost their home or members of their family during hurricanes, floods, or droughts, they don't expect anything bad to happen to them. 

That may be why ". . .more than half of Americans are unwilling to pay any amount of money to combat climate change. Forty-five percent are willing to pay $1—more than last year, but down from prior years," according to a 2024 poll conducted by the EPIC Policy Institute at the University of Chicago.

Terence McKenna
Terence McKenna during a panel discussion at the 1999 AllChemical Arts Conference,
held at Kona, Hawaii.
Jon Hanna, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

“The apocalypse is not something which is coming," visionary psychonaut Terence McKenna explained in 1992. "The apocalypse has arrived in major portions of the planet and it’s only because we live within a bubble of incredible privilege and social insulation that we still have the luxury of anticipating the apocalypse.”

Some 32 years later, as we doomscroll through our social media feeds, viewing disaster porn from all corners of the globe, the truth of McKenna's analysis can no longer be denied.

We no longer have the luxury of bubbling and insulating ourselves from the new normal.

We must open our hearts and do what we can to help our brothers and sisters around the world.

If you'd like to contribute to ongoing rescue and recovery efforts in North Carolina, Blue Ridge Public Radio has published a list of ways you can donate and otherwise support the people suffering in Helene's aftermath.

Devastation in Keaton Beach, Florida after Hurricane Helene
National Guard Cleaning Up Devastation in Keaton Beach, Florida after Hurricane Helene
The National GuardCC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

For those who would like a more granular, hands-on approach to charitable giving, Charity Navigator has set up a webpage with a list of aid organizations doing good work in both Florida and North Carolina.

If you feel the call, now is the time to tune your crystals and amplify your spiritual practices.

Please join us in sending healing energy to the millions of people suffering in the Southeastern United States! 

We must unite in a new collective consciousness, infused with Spirit, grounded in Mother Earth energies, and act collectively to bring about a radical change in our society, if human civilization is to survive and thrive.

Technology will not save us from ourselves.

Tesla Optimus Robot, Courtesy Wikimedia
Tesla Optimus Robot, 
TeslaCC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Geo-engineering and carbon capture technologies are in their infancy, and have not been demonstrated to work at scale. They also have the potential to create negative environmental consequences that have not been investigated. 

Artificial Intelligence uses so much energy that America's aging grid will not be able to supply the needs of competing Technology Monopolists, like Microsoft, Facebook and Amazon.

Amazon knows this and is spending $500 million to build a nuclear reactor in Virginia.

Will our ancient and underpowered grid be able to also provide the needs of all the rest of us? Experts agree that trillions of dollars of investment is necessary to upgrade our aging power grid, and additional vast expenditures are required to supply the grid with enough power to meet our future needs.

It is clear that the techno-optimist path is just a continuation of the status quo, an extension of humanity's hybris in attempting to control every aspect of a planetary organism we do not yet comprehend in its fullness and its interconnected unity.

Only a turn to spirit can awaken in us a higher consciousness, and open us up to a heart-centered awareness of our interdependence with the web of life. That web of life and the ecosystem in which it is birthed constitutes a living being, a being we can call Gaia, or Mother Earth. 

"I think that—and this is based largely on the context of the psychedelic experiences that I have had, and that I have had described to me not only by aboriginal people, but by people such as yourselves—apparently there is a great discovery or insight which our culture is deliberately designed to suppress, distort, and ignore, and this is the discovery that nature is some kind of minded entity," acclaimed Shamanologist Terence McKenna argued in 1992, in a talk entitled Imagination in the Light of Nature.

Meditation, by Alex Gray
Meditation by Alex Grey

"That nature is not simply, you know, the random flight of atoms through electromagnetic fields. Nature is not the empty, despiritualized, lumpen matter that we inherit from modern physics," McKenna explained. "But it is instead a kind of intelligence, a kind of mind. And as long as we were embedded in this mind, as long as we were a part of its purposes and processes, harmony existed on this planet between human beings and the rest of nature, between men and women, between adults and children, and within the human individual. And the reason that this harmony was able to maintain itself for perhaps twenty-five times the duration of history is because it honored and balanced all the components that created it."

"The real empowering adventure lies through responsibility to each other, love, and aesthetic anticipation of the transcendental realm," acclaimed  McKenna continued. "In the end it’s all lost in radiance. And if this seems peculiar to you—the idea of the transformation of the world and a transcendence into a realm beyond imagining—recall that you, yourself, are scheduled for death very shortly. And so it’s built in for you. The only twiddle on the dial that I’m offering is that this kind of transformation lies ahead for everything. Not the death of the materialists, but the resurrection of the alchemists, the rarefaction and transformation of the human mind and body into some kind of eternal golden vehicle for the roving-through and the discovery of a universe wider, grander, deeper than anything that we could imagine."

The Aeon, Tarot Trump XX, Thoth Tarot
The Aeon, Tarot Trump XX, Thoth Tarot

"And to preserve its power and its transformative essence we have to keep it away from moral prescription, from too clear a definition," McKenna continued. "It is not an unsolved problem. It is a mystery. And closure kills the heart of the mystery. So we have to embrace this uncertainty not as a problem to be overcome, but as an opportunity for shedding our pasts, shedding the monkey, shedding the bad habits of history that have accumulated, and moving into a world that is literally beyond our wildest imaginings. It can’t be any other way."

"Business as usual, as I said, is off the menu, and now it’s a struggle between those who would have us lay down quietly in a kind of anesthesia-anticipating ruin, or those who would have us stand up and claim our birthright and go forward into the shamanic domain of the spirit that exists when the human soul and the soul of the Earth recognize each other and are united in one," McKenna concluded. "And this is coming, and it’s possible, and it’s now. And thank you very much!"

Aries Full Super Moon, Libra Solar Festival Cosmic Weather Forecast

Thursday morning, Oct. 17, 2024, at 7:26 a.m. EDT, we celebrate the Aries Full Super Moon and the Libra Solar Festival.

Full Moon with Comet, Photo by Nick Owuor (astro.nic.portraits) on Unsplash
Full Moon with Comet, Photo by Nick Owuor (astro.nic.portraits) on Unsplash

Celestial fireworks abound! Irresistible forces collide with immovable objects! Sparks fly! Tempers flare! Conflicts escalate!

And these conflicts stimulate us to transcend our limitations in every area of life, because we must do so in order to survive and thrive!

Simultaneously, paradoxically, golden opportunities appear effortlessly for those who can go with the flow of heart centered intuitive guidance!  

Moon and Chiron in Aries oppose the Sun in Libra, with all three luminaries in a tight square to Mars in Cancer. Mars in Cancer is loosely opposed to Pluto in Capricorn.

Aries Full Super Moon October 2024 Astrological Chart

This configuration creates a Grand Cardinal Cross, one of the more rare and potent configurations in any natal chart.

The Grand Cardinal Cross is composed of four planets in square to one another, indicating a state of nearly unbearable stress as we find ourselves trying to respond to multiple demands upon our time and energy, often precipitated by crises in several different areas of our lives simultaneously.

The Grand Cardinal Cross indicates a desire to initiate action in several directions simultaneously.

These desires create their own inner conflicts, because we must prioritize, and if we don't we will be unable to move forward in any direction.

If we can rise to the occasion, by calling upon the most positive qualities of the four Cardinal signs creating the Cross, we will find, to our surprise, that we can manifest exceptional achievements in every area of our lives.

Faith, patience, self-confidence, enduring strength and commitment to right human relations will provide the foundations for our success during this time of multiple trials and testing.

At the same time the Grand Cardinal Cross dominates the skies, this Aries Full Moon features a Grand Trine in Water, with Venus in Scorpio trine Mars in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces.

The Grand Water Trine encourages us to trust our emotional responses, to follow our intuitive guidance, and to create a space of gratitude and acceptance in our hearts so that golden opportunities can flow through us in accord with Universal Wisdom.

           Surfing in Gerupuk, Indonesia
Surfing in Gerupuk, Indonesia, Photo by Oliver Sjöström on Unsplash
Ride the waves of love and light emanating from Source, and experience the state of flow that can harmonize our skills and the demands of our time of testing.

To do that, to be a skillful Cosmic Surfer, I personally will have to overcome the fear, nausea, anxiety, alienation and deep heartsickness that the events of the last month have engendered.

Here is a quick recap of the month's doomer highlights that pop into my mind:

Bodies, cars, roofs, walls, and debris from last week's hurricane have been seen on Twitter videos floating around in 10 foot high floodwaters during storm surges inundating small towns and cities in Southwest Florida.

Workers at the Impact plastics factory in Erwin, Tennessee who were required to show up the day Hurricane Helene hit their mountain town were told to stay on the job when they asked to go home at noon in response to widespread flood storm alerts in their city.

When finally allowed to leave the parking lot they drove into the teeth of wall to wall traffic during an ongoing hurricane. Several of their cars and eleven people were swept into a nearby waterway, where all but one drowned. Survivors have been telling their story to the news media.

Israel is targeting Beirut and the Southern Suburbs of Lebanon with massive air strikes sure to kill mainly civilians, Gaza style, while IDF tanks and troops probe Hezbollah defenses. 

Iran sent hundreds of missiles into Israel in retaliation for Israel's pager attacks, which killed dozens and wounded thousands of people, most of whom were noncombatant, non-Hezbollah civilians.

Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) interceptor is launched, courtesy Wikimedia
Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) interceptor 
The U.S. Army Ralph Scott/Missile Defense Agency/U.S. Department of Defense,
Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

The United States has now sent over 100 military personnel into Israel to operate the advanced mobile defense missiles just delivered to Tel Aviv, bringing the total number of American troops in the Middle East to 40,000, along with an imposing display of naval resources.

Both American Presidential candidates have pledged unconditional support for Israel's wars of aggression if they are elected this November. 

As if on cue from Tel Aviv, Kamala Harris declared Iran to be America's greatest adversary. This could pave the way for the war on Iran that Harris' newfound besties, former George W. Bush administration neoconservative war whores Dick Cheney and John Bolton, have always wanted.

George W. Bush and Dick Cheney Walking in White House Colonnade, courtesy Wikimedia
George W. Bush and Dick Cheney Walking in White House Colonnade, 
The U.S. National Archives, No restrictions, via Wikimedia Commons

Donald Trump has accused Iran of plotting to assassinate him, and says that he will "destroy" Iran if it interferes in the US Presidential election, and claims that he is Israel's "protector".

All this as Israel contemplates escalating attacks on Iran. Both sides have said they are considering attacks on oil and gas infrastructure throughout the Middle East if the simmering regional war intensifies to the point their "red lines" are crossed.

Neither Trump nor Harris have unveiled any dramatic new environmental initiatives or massive proposed new disaster relief packages in response to the Trifecta of Hurricanes Debby, Helene and Milton that ravaged the Southeast United States.

"Absurdly, the issue [of disaster relief] has been so far down the political agenda that when the two candidates for vice president met for a debate in the days after Hurricane Helene happened, the two men had more to say about who was most committed to supporting Israel than what they thought could be done to help disaster victims in Florida," journalist Kevin Crane opined on Counterfire.

While our political elites have reacted to the constant stream of extreme weather disasters around the world in 2024 with unanimous equanimity, climate scientists have begun to freak out in public.

Climate scientists are beginning to realize their climate change models have significantly underestimated the speed and severity of systemic turbulence related to warmer global temperatures resulting from combustion of fossil fuels.

Recently a meteorologist trying to explain what Milton would do to Florida burst into tears on television. 

Scientists Call for Action on Climate
The 2024 state of the climate report: Perilous times on planet Earth
by William J. Ripple and an array of top climate scientists

Stunned by a tsunami of bad news this last month, I was not surprised, but still saddened, when I read The 2024 State of the Climate Report: Perilous times on planet Earth, published on October 8, 2024, by an international array of climate science rock stars including Johan Rockström, Michael Mann, Chi Xu and more.

"Despite six IPCC reports, 28 COP meetings, hundreds of other reports, and tens of thousands of scientific papers, the world has made only very minor headway on climate change, in part because of stiff resistance from those benefiting financially from the current fossil-fuel based system," the authors conclude. 

"We are currently going in the wrong direction, and our increasing fossil fuel consumption and rising greenhouse gas emissions are driving us toward a climate catastrophe. We fear the danger of climate breakdown,"  the authors warn us.

"In a world with finite resources, unlimited growth is a perilous illusion," the scientists explain. "We need bold, transformative change: drastically reducing overconsumption and waste, especially by the affluent, stabilizing and gradually reducing the human population through empowering education and rights for girls and women, reforming food production systems to support more plant-based eating, and adopting an ecological and post-growth economics framework that ensures social justice."

Twitter: Handle with Care, Photo by Ravi Sharma on Unsplash
Twitter: Handle with Care, 
Photo by Ravi Sharma on Unsplash
Once I finished this bit of light reading, a series of news tidbits streamed into my digital workspace, deepening the feeling of light nausea that had been developing, while stoking my feelings of shared catastrophe that had been building and building over the last few weeks.

Killer hurricanes and escalating war in the Middle East are just the tip of the bad news iceberg, apparently.

Here's a sampling:

A week ago, 79% of Americans reported feeling anxious about the upcoming US election, as reported in a new LifeStance Survey.

I can relate to that!

Trump says he wants to put his political enemies in jail, and/or use the military to punish them, while the Democrats pursue Lawfare in numerous legal venues with the goal of putting Trump and his allies in prison.

With our elites setting an example, there's no doubt that Americans will find innovative ways to confront and attack their perceived enemies in the opposing political party all over the country during this election year.

There's no doubt the election results will be contested, litigated, and re-litigated all through the next Administration and well into the 2028 Presidential election cycle.

We have so much to look forward to no matter who wins this year!

In 2025, we can look forward to another year of unprecedented speculative stock market gains, scary global financial systems fragility, worldwide tariff and trade wars, the further weaponization of the dollar denominated planetary financial settlement system, and ever increasing economic inequality between the investing classes and those who have to work for a living.

Nancy Pelosi, Official Oil Painting
Nancy Pelosi Official Congressional Portrait -- Public Domain

But there is good news! Nancy Pelosi's portfolio delivered a 700% return over the last decade, so at least Nancy Pelosi won't be anxious, depressed or stressed next year no matter who wins the election. That's a relief! 

The little people? Maybe not so much relief in store. 

"Four in five Americans have anxiety about their financial situation, with 34% experiencing moderate or severe anxiety, according to a national survey conducted by Discover," as reported in The ABA Banking Journal. "More than half of respondents said high inflation contributes to their financial stress, while roughly half also cited everyday expenses and state of the economy."

So if you are also feeling anxious, harried, stressed, alienated, and a little scared by recent events, that's probably par for the course while we traverse the last few months of Pluto in Capricorn, the culmination of America's Pluto Return, and the Grand Cardinal Cross Full Super Moon in Aries featuring a particularly pernicious and dangerously volatile opposition between Mars in Cancer and, you guessed it, Pluto in Capricorn, an aspect associated with war and destruction.

Remember, if your stress levels are spiking this year, you are in the mainstream in America.

Recently the American Psychiatric Association's website reported that "In 2024, 43% of adults say they feel more anxious than they did the previous year, up from 37% in 2023 and 32% in 2022. Adults are particularly anxious about current events (70%) — especially the economy (77%), the 2024 U.S. election (73%), and gun violence (69%)."

Unfortunately, the Cosmic Weather patterns currently in play suggest that this widespread anxiety, fear and loathing, are likely to persist throughout the remainder of the year.

Viking Probe Photo of Mars, courtesy NASA
Viking Probe Photo of Mars, courtesy NASA

The impact of the Mars/Pluto Opposition of 2024-2025 began this month and continues through January 25th, 2025, when the planets will begin to move out of orb, and the energy of this aspect will begin to wane.

The peak of this pernicious aspect's energetic signature will begin to manifest fully in the collective consciousness about 10 days before the November 5th Presidential Election in the United States, and will persist at peak intensity for about two weeks following election day.

Many astrologers foresee constant clashes in and out of courtrooms and legislative bodies around the country during this period. Neither party will concede easily.

Legendary astrologer Robert Hand says of the Mars/Pluto opposition that:

“This transit is a powerful sign of severe interpersonal power struggles. The chief danger is that you or your opponent in a struggle will act with no regard for ethics or the other person’s feelings or situation. This combination acts ruthlessly and relentlessly…

Energies are high; you should express them by making creative and positive changes in your life…

Under extreme circumstances, this transit can signify acts of violence."

Personally, I plan to channel this conflicted Mars/Pluto opposition into a fearless Mars energy fueled exploration of the hidden Plutonian depths of personal and collective consciousness, where I will find and surface diamond bright insights that can expand my mind, open my heart, and empower me to participate more fully, more expressively, in the grand unfolding plan for the optimization of Universal consciousness and the liberation of all sentient beings in love and light. 
                       Diving the Boiler, Mexico, Photo by Talia Cohen on Unsplash

Diving The Boiler, Mexico, Photo by Talia Cohen on Unsplash

Recently, a friend asked me to dig deep and come up with my considered opinion about the mind-blowing transitions in climate, consciousness, social structures and technology that humanity is currently experiencing. I did a deep dive into my own inner turmoil and came up with what follows.

I think that when we are young we are able to remain more optimistic. Perhaps that’s because young people have a very short time horizon, both past and future, and tend to feel invulnerable as well. LOL

I recall the Nineteen Sixties, Seventies, Eighties as a time when my friends and I expected a real revolution in human consciousness and in human political institutions, in social systems too.

In retrospect, it was more of time of conspicuous consumption than sober political revolution.

Beggar's Banquet Album Cover, The Rolling Stones
Beggar's Banquet Album Cover, The Rolling Stones

Apparently I incarnated just in time for a once in the Earth’s lifetime party made possible by the burning of fossil fuels, a non renewable resource that has degraded and dislocated the entire ecosystem.

Recently, as I’ve been looking back on the Twentieth Century, I am filled with a feeling of increasing horror. Two world wars touched the lives of nearly everyone on the planet and these wars pushed many people into situations where they were required to do things that were completely unthinkable only a few years before. 

The Cold War when I was young involved the possibility of the end of human life on the planet, and we all continued to conduct business as usual for the most part and maintain the feeling that positive change on a large scale was just over the horizon.

As I’ve aged and we’ve entered the 21st century we can now see clearly that these 20th century wars marked the beginning of the rupture in the ecosystem that threatens all life on the planet today. The hockey stick rise in emissions began in earnest around the time I was born, 1952. 

This graph shows the station's monthly average carbon dioxide measurements since 1958 in parts per million (ppm).recorded at Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii. Courtesy NOAA
This graph shows the station's monthly average carbon dioxide measurements since 1958
in parts per million (ppm).recorded at Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii. Courtesy NOAA

During these same few decades, around the world women made great progress, educational levels increased dramatically, and many different types of human liberation movements successfully challenged longstanding cultural roadblocks to human self-realization.

From a spiritual perspective, over the last several hundred years, since the Enlightenment, huge numbers of people advanced beyond a primarily instinctive way of life.

These innovative spirits experienced emotional and reactive, individual and collective states of consciousness in which they identified with their subjective feelings in response to social phenomena, and these pioneers of the human spirit began to pursue a rational, scientific approach to reality by which instinctual responses and emotional attachments to collective thought forms, morals and social structures could be transcended.

The more intellectual, rational faculties of the lower mind harnessed in the pursuit of replicatable truths created the rational materialist scientific cultural view of the world dominant today.

This allowed the development of the individual ego at the expense of loyalty to the group consciousness of family, tribe, religion, race, or nation. The will of the individual was set against the entirety of the web of life we call Gaia or Mother Nature.

Spider Web, Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash
Spider Web, Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

This was a very significant advance in human spiritual evolution.

Many individuals took advantage of this painful freedom from the collective consciousness to develop their own spiritual awareness, their own path of Spirit, tested and proven by repeated experimentation involving personal experience.

Some of these individuals have attained spiritual freedom, often at tremendous cost.

This is often thought of as the Ascension Path, in which experience shaped by the activity of the lower chakras is transcended by the development of transpersonal values such as compassion, and the activity of the rational mind is transcended by increased attention to the workings of the intuition.

This worthy expansion of human consciousness now has reached its terminus point, and we must collectively and individually pursue a new path of Spirit.

Now we are challenged to join in collective consciousness with like minded souls who have freed themselves from the bonds of instinct, from collective tribal, racial, religious consciousness, and from the basic assumptions underpinning the current social structures we inhabit, assumptions that have contributed to the destruction of our ecosystem.

Humanity must transcend the drive to experience individual salvation through the creation of a personal spiritual experience that can be validated repeatedly by confrontation with life’s challenges.

Without sacrificing the hard won development of the individual soul, people must enter into collective consciousness that can empower groups large and small to effectively transform today’s Thanatos driven hydrocarbon civilization into an ecologically sustainable society based upon right human relations. 

Tarot Trump XVII, The Star, Thoth Tarot
Tarot Trump XVII, The Star, Thoth Tarot -- Associated with the Zodiacal Sign of Aquarius

This new path of Spirit represents a transition from the Piscean Age of faith, sacrifice and adherence to religious authority into the Aquarian Age of group consciousness, scientific testing of all experience, and of spiritual freedom for the individual.

Over the last million years, there have not been dramatic evolutionary changes in the physical characteristics of human beings. Much of human behavior still stems from archaic instinctual impulses, atavistic emotional attachments, primitive tribal consciousness, and egocentric grasping in all realms of life.

As we have noted, dramatic changes have occurred in the development of the individual self-consciousness which have paved the way for the scientific revolution and which now form the foundation of the New Age of spiritual freedom.

Unfortunately, the last few centuries of the Industrial Revolution, and in particular the last 150 years have severed the mass consciousness of humanity from a felt, sensed and active participation in the greater web of life on planet Earth and throughout the Cosmos. 

In order to evolve spiritually to a new social order that can reconfigure human civilization and work to restore equilibrium to our ecosystem, humanity will have to once again Ascend to a higher consciousness that retains individual autonomy and spiritual freedom while willingly subordinating the lower impulses of the egoistic self to the Loving Wisdom of Intuitive Spiritual Guidance and Collective Consciousness centered in the higher chakras, the opened compassionate heart, and the Higher Mind.

Crossroads in the Mountains, Photo by Filip Strueven on Unsplash
Crossroads in the Mountains

Humanity has evolved and reached a crucial crossroads during our long journey of expanding consciousness and spiritual evolution.

Now we are challenged to experience transpersonal consciousness as our natural state of being and to leave the egocentric grasping that characterizes 99.99% of human history behind.

In the past this has only been possible for rare individuals, usually isolated from the day to day concerns of life, who were fortunate enough to encounter spiritual teachers who had already attained these highly elevated states of consciousness.

Now for humanity to survive and thrive, it is time for the mass consciousness to undergo a collective initiation into these higher realms of awareness and establish a new way of being in the world.

As is the case with individuals on the spiritual path, initiations of this nature often begin with the radical failure of business as usual ways of thinking, doing and being in the world. Radical failure of egoistic programs stimulates the desire for re-integration of the consciousness on a higher level, and for modes of consciousness that transcend the workings of the egoistic self and the rational mind.

When the individual’s intent becomes sufficiently strong, the Universe supplies the teacher and the teachings, the inner and outer experiences that elevate the consciousness, open the doors to transpersonal experience, and trigger the opening of the heart and healing of body, mind and Spirit. And perhaps more than ever, the teacher is Nature herself.

The current environmental crisis is a collective, radical failure that will stimulate such a healing crisis. 

The crisis is here and it is now.

For those of us who perceive this reality, and the arc of spiritual evolution which has brought us here, the challenge is to be ready to help. 

Revolution of Consciousness by Alex Grey
Revolution of Consciousness by Alex Grey

We cannot know if humanity can transform our Thanatos driven hydrocarbon civilization, which is driven by egoistic desires and rational materialist thinking that precludes holistic, transpersonal consciousness, in time to avert catastrophes that will end our civilization, reduce human population by several billion, and lead to a world in which our current Goldilocks environmental conditions disappear for hundreds or thousands of years, or more.

It matters not. We can only accept the process and prepare ourselves to be of service in all ways possible.

Now is the time to stay strong, to link up with like minded individuals and to ask the Universe to provide us with golden opportunities to be of maximum service in the world.

If you are prompted by inner guidance to perform meditations, prayers, rituals, crystal workings and other practices designed to purify the karmic bonds that currently keep people locked into the status quo Thanatos culture, by all means do that.

If you are prompted to perform practices that stimulate the development of the new post-hydrocarbon collective consciousness please do that.

And be ready for the Universe to surprise you with other new opportunities to help foster this global transformation.

Curtis and Jane downtown Winston Salem

Be open. Be strong. Keep the faith.

The way will become clear. 

Jane and I offer you love and light, and we affirm that we all receive the grace and guidance we require to attain our spiritual and material goals.

Meditation Moment: Poem by Muriel Rukeyser

I lived in the first century of world wars.
Most mornings I would be more or less insane.
The newspapers would arrive with their careless stories,
The news would pour out of various devices
Interrupted by attempts to sell products to the unseen.
I would call my friends on other devices;
They would be more or less mad for similar reasons.
Slowly I would get to pen and paper,
Make my poems for others unseen and unborn.
In the day I would be reminded of those men and women,
Brave, setting up signals across vast distances,
Considering a nameless way of living, of almost unimagined
As the lights darkened, as the lights of night brightened,
We would try to imagine them, try to find each other,
To construct peace, to make love, to reconcile
Waking with sleeping, ourselves with each other,
Ourselves with ourselves. We would try by any means
To reach the limits of ourselves, to reach beyond ourselves,
To let go the means, to wake.

I lived in the first century of these wars.

Rukeyser in 1945
Muriel Rukeyser in 1945
The Imogen Cunningham Trust via Museum of Fine Arts, Boston