Six of Disks, Success, Thoth Tarot, Close up

Welcome to the November 2024 Full Moon Cosmic Weather Forecast by Curtis Lang with Jane Sherry! Here in our new home in Winston Salem, we have gone in one month from an unprecedented statewide hurricane emergency to a statewide drought. 

For the last month, we've seen temperatures running more than 10 degrees above average across parts of over 20 states. Both the East Coast and the West Coast are having a dangerous autumn fire season.

Heritage Harvest Farms: Worker with Mushrooms
Farmworker at Heritage Harvest Farms with Mushrooms

Local farmers say that the seasonal cycle has been disrupted and they are being forced to make major changes to their operations in response to the "new normal".

"Spring seems to have hit the farm," says Claire Parrish, in the November 11th newsletter from Heritage Harvest Farms, in Pfafftown, on the outskirts of Winston Salem. "These unseasonably warm temps have some varieties of our Spring flowers already blooming - think Anemones, PEONIES, Iris and's just weird."

"Sometimes crops like Iris can have a second flowering season in the Fall if they experienced stress during their usual bloom time (like drought, which we did have all of late May & June), or if their soil is at peak fertility levels," Claire explains. "However, Peonies & Anemones? Never seen or heard of them blooming this early in our region."

US November Drought Monitor Map

"The weather is getting weirder every year," Claire says. "Longer bouts of drought and then downpour, more drastic swings in temp with hot & cold - it's one reason we are working to add as many high tunnels as possible to the farm, since we can control the climate within them so much better. Less crop stress & more control = higher quality products."

"However, high tunnels can cause issues of their own - humidity and over planting in rows can cause disease, and pests can overwinter & multiply to unmanageable levels in the soil due to frost-free conditions," Claire continues. "To remedy this, we practice stringent crop rotations and let some rows rest during the summer, and can add cover crops to naturally biofumigate where needed."

Sophia at Sunrise, Winston Salem, November 2024, photo by Jane Sherry
Sophia at Sunrise, Winston Salem, November 2024, photo by Jane Sherry

Here at Satya Center, it rained last night for the first time in weeks.

This was Divine timing, since we had just planted three 10-12 foot tall Arbor Vitae evergreen trees in our far back yard, near Jane's new garden plot for shade loving herbs and plants, where she has already planted nettles, comfrey and hostas.

Jane and I are so grateful for our new home, for the trees, the garden bed, the grassy yard, the birds, the insects, the small creatures including the rabbits, skunk and deer, and we offer a prayer of Thanksgiving for our great good fortune.

Especially in this time of accelerated climate change, extreme weather events and the dislocation of the yearly wheel of the seasons, it is so important for us to join together for prayers and practices honoring Mother Earth.

Planet Earth, Courtesy of New York Public Library on Unsplash
Planet Earth, Courtesy of New York Public Library on Unsplash
We are about two weeks from Thanksgiving, which takes place on Thursday, November 28th this year.

If you'd like to join us in a Thanksgiving offering to Mother Earth, see our blogpost entitled "Ohenten Kariwatekwen: Words Before All Else, also known as the Mohawk Thanksgiving Prayer".

And if you'd like to explore the historical origins of the Thanksgiving holiday, and its contemporary significance, see our blogpost entitled Thanksgiving: History of Community and Conflict.

We are grateful, but it's been a long, strange year, and the nonstop twists and turns on our path of Spirit through uncharted territory have left us in a state of mental, emotional and physical exhaustion. 

Zurich Forest Path, Photo by Marco Meyer on Unsplash
Zurich Forest Path, Photo by Marco Meyer on Unsplash

The messages from the Universe visible in the movements of the stars indicate that despite the trauma and drama we have endured in 2024 there is reason for hope and the potential for sweeping positive change throughout the world in 2025 and beyond.

We will analyze those upcoming cosmic weather patterns in our January newsletter.

In the meantime, despite all obstacles, inner and outer, we must continue our best efforts to progress on our path of Spirit during a time of unprecedented global political and ecosystem changes.

We must utilize our will forces to overcome our exhaustion, our fears, and our rage so we can rise up to greet the challenges and the golden opportunities coming our way this winter, and in the year to come.

We are grateful for this moment and we are grateful for all the changes to come.

Taurus Full Moon, Scorpio Solar Festival 2024 Cosmic Weather Forecast

Astrological Chart for Full Moon in Taurus, November 2024

Friday, November 15th at 4:29 PM Eastern time, we celebrate the Taurus Full Moon and the Scorpio Solar Festival.

The Moon conjuncts Uranus in Taurus, opposing the Sun in Scorpio, while Mars in the early degrees of Leo opposes Pluto in the very last degree of Capricorn.

Uranus supercharges the powerful energy of the Taurus Full Moon, and enhances the prospects for definitive endings and new beginnings in our world.

This Taurus Full Super Moon is a moment of transition and transformation.

With Uranus conjunct this powerful Full Taurus Super Moon, fresh insights, new creative visions and spiritual guidance we experience this week could prompt us to terminate outworn patterns of behavior and open up new pathways that will take us on new adventures in the year to come. 

Full Moon and Stars, Photo by Tony Litvyak on Unsplash
Full Moon and Stars, Photo by Tony Litvyak on Unsplash

Events in the outer world could create situations that impel us to transform our daily routines, rethink our spiritual and material goals, and take us in new directions we would never have imagined for ourselves.

The Moon, associated with romance, is said to be exalted in the sign of Taurus, which means that at this time positive Lunar qualities manifest in their highest and most beneficial forms, and any deleterious effects from negative Lunar qualities tend to be minimized.

The moon in Taurus is associated with the fusion of unconditional love and sexual attraction, sparking a rare congruence of heart and mind.

In the Western Kabbalistic System of Wisdom Teachings recorded in the various forms of Tarot cards published since the Renaissance, the Moon in Taurus is associated with the six of disks, which is called Success.

The six of disks features a glowing Rosy Cross, the symbol of Spirit and Unconditional Love blossoming from the human body, which is, in a sense, crucified in the material world, limited and constrained by the cycle of life and death in the 4 Dimensional Space Time Continuum we inhabit.

Six of Disks, Success, Thoth Tarot
Six of Disks, Success, Thoth Tarot

The Kabbalistic Tarot displays Ancient Wisdom Teachings in graphic, symbolic forms that depict the macrocosm and the microcosm simultaneously via a map called the Tree of Life. 

Each card has two meanings corresponding to aspects of the microcosm (the human being) and the macrocosm (the Universe).
In terms of human psychology and spirituality, the Tree of Life depicts a flow chart illustrating important waypoints in the evolution of both individual and collective human consciousness; a map of the human mind, body and aura; states of consciousness within the human mind; stages along the path of life; archetypes of the collective consciousness; steps along the path to spiritual enlightenment; and energy states of varying frequency from lowest to highest.

The spheres represent different levels of consciousness and the paths represent interactions between these different levels of reality.

The six of disks can be found in the sphere, or Sephira, known as Tiphareth (Tif'eret), which sits midway between Kether, the Source of Creation, and Malkuth, the center which symbolizes the four dimensional space time continuum.

Kabbalistic Tree of Life
The Kabbalistic Tree of Life

Tiphareth is the sixth sphere, lying equipoised between the absolute unity of Source in Kether and the infinite diversity of our world of ordinary consciousness found in Malkuth.

Tiphareth is the center within us associated with the heart chakra. 

When awareness enters the realm of Tiphareth, the individual experiences an elevation from our everyday, rational, egoistic mentality to an expansive, compassionate transpersonal consciousness.

This is the level of awareness where a human being begins to connect the experience of individual existence with an experience of Self as an aspect of Universal Unity.

In Esoteric Christianity, this is the center of Christ Consciousness, represented by the Sun.

The Sun, Tarot Trump XIX, Thoth Tarot
The Sun, Tarot Trump XIX, Thoth Tarot

On the material level the six of disks is associated with quantifiable, substantial material gain; a lifestyle of sensuous opulence; romantic love; and sexual prowess.

For alchemists and practitioners of the Western Mystery School Traditions of Ceremonial Magic, the six of disks has a very special secret significance.

The six of disks represents the Union of Heaven and Earth, the alchemical union or royal marriage of Universal Male and Cosmic Female energies.

In Tantric yoga, and in Western alchemy, this Royal Marriage is not just metaphorical, and it does not just refer to a spiritually elevated consciousness.

Adepts of both East and West have long taught that the energy of this Royal Marriage can be expressed in human bodies by a loving couple in sexual union whose hearts are in tune and resonating to the energy of the Divine.

The Royal Marriage
The Alchemical Marriage of the Sun and Moon

The six of disks represents the highest form of sexual magic.

The partners transcend their egoistic personalities through their fusion in love. 

In offering up their love to the Divine for the benefit of humanity the lovers come in contact with the Source of Universal Life Force Energy, then channel that energy through their bodies and radiate love and light throughout their environment.

The following visualization describes a Western Mystery School variant of ancient Tantric practices which channel sexual energy up the spine through the power of the will by blocking orgasmic release through mental concentration, resulting in the alchemical Union of Sun and Moon, a truly Royal Marriage.

In this modern variant of sexual magic, a loving couple dedicates their loving energy to the nourishment of favorite Deities, Angels, Guides and Teachers in Higher Realms up to and including the Divine Source.

The lovers link hearts as they reach the plateau stage of sexual arousal, and set their intention to send their energy up into their higher chakras and then to radiate that energy outwards through the crown and heart.

As they visualize this process, continuing at their peak of sexual arousal, they project energy into Higher Spiritual Realms, and they impart that energy of unconditional love and balanced sexual affinity into their physical environment at the same time, circumscribing and energizing a truly sacred space around them. 

Hieros Gamos by Alex Gray
Hieros Gamos by Alex Gray

This is a beautiful love-offering to the entire Web of Life inhabiting all the planes of existence.

Spiritual beings who inhabit high-frequency realms of subtle energy obtain nourishment from human emotions, which exude a subtle energy that is equivalent to perfume in those realms.

This is why Spiritual Teachers tell students they should never become attached to their negative emotions and thought-forms.

Students must learn to minimize those negatives as much as possible so as not to attract subtle energy beings who feed on human negativity.

This is why we seek to cultivate positive emotions and thought-forms, which we offer up to the Divine like a perfume during our spiritual practices, prayers, rituals, meditations and affirmations, and yes, in our love making.

In this case, as the two lovers unite the energies from their opening hearts during sexual union, they experience a fusion that takes consciousness beyond the boundaries of the egoistic personality, and their combined energy resonates with the extremely elevated energy frequency associated with the Divine Lovers, uniting the earthly and heavenly energy streams.

The energy released by the act of love and sexual union, which consciously unites male and female, above and below, ascends into subtle realms where it is received as an offering and a banquet by Benevolent Beings of Light. 

           Healing the Wounded Heart of the World, by Jane Sherry
Healing the Wounded Heart of the World by Jane Sherry

The act of love, performed as a conscious act of spiritual practice and a conscious offering to the Divine, can be a powerful magical act that activates the tremendous power of sexuality in the service of the spiritual evolution of humanity as well as one’s own personal spiritual evolution.

Love is the keynote during this Taurus Full Moon Festival, and love generates strong feelings of gratitude for the gift of life.

That's perhaps the true meaning of Thanksgiving. 

Love and gratitude are the best practices to manifest success in all realms of life!

Despite all the festive activities coming in this Holiday season, we are in the midst of a series of Mars/Pluto oppositions, which indicate a time of intense feelings, the potential for incendiary conflicts, some type of forced transformation, and also a feeling that we can achieve Herculean spiritual labors. 

        Pluto by Agostino Caracci, 1592
Pluto by Agostino Carracci , Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons, 1592

 Fortunately, my prediction that this Mars/Pluto opposition might result in a barrage of lawsuits, confrontations and even physical conflicts between blue and red factions following the US Presidential election appears to have been wrong.

Donald Trump won a convincing victory, the results were tabulated quickly, and so far there has been remarkably little conflict.

It is surely no coincidence that Trump's victory occurred during the very last days of America's tumultuous Pluto Return, which we have discussed in previous newsletters. 

The conflicted, paranoia inducing and spooky US Pluto Return, which has taken place with Pluto in Capricorn since February 2022, will begin to dissipate as Pluto enters Aquarius, and over the next several years we will see huge changes in America.

The last transit of Pluto in Aquarius was from 1777-1798, the years of the American and French revolutions.

As the full repercussions of that completed Pluto Return reverberate through America's collective consciousness over years to come, it is quite likely that the United States will see the manifestation of a new social contract and a new set of legal and political frameworks for its democracy.  

It is quite likely that there are people in red and blue think tanks right now who are considering ways to modify the basic structure of the American constitution, and our entire legal and judicial structure, to benefit the political ideologies and political goals they champion.

And over the next few years, we shall most likely be asked to choose between their competing visions for a New American Republic.

One way or another, a thorough transformation of America's political system seems highly probable in the medium to long term.

In the short term, Saturn, the Cosmic Taskmaster is sending us positive vibes, which should help us stabilize our emotions after a traumatic and dramatic month.

As we celebrate this dramatic, energizing Taurus Full Moon, Saturn, which has been retrograde since June 29th, begins to move forward once again in highly emotional Pisces. This is very positive for us all.

             Saturn Atmospheric Changes, courtesy NASA
Saturn Atmospheric Changes, courtesy NASA
Three images, taken through ultraviolet, violet and green filters on July 12, 1981,
were combined to make this photograph.

Saturn retrograde amplifies the restrictions and obstacles the Cosmic Taskmaster throws our way.

Saturn's trials and tribulations prompt us to clean up our act and utilize our will forces in accordance with our Higher Purpose, so that we can make progress toward the attainment of our spiritual and material goals.

When Saturn goes direct, we are able to make progress in all the areas of life where we feel stuck or our progress thwarted.

Saturn retrograde is also associated with recurring chronic ailments, and when Saturn is in Pisces, these ailments will be extremely hard to diagnose, and therefore difficult to treat. 

Now that Saturn is moving direct once again, it's a good time to revisit those chronic aches and pains. We are likely to find relief through a new approach to the same old problems.

In another major outer planet transition, a few days after the Taurus Full Moon, Pluto leaves Capricorn, never to return in our lifetimes, and enters Aquarius, the sign of the Water Bearer.

                Aquarius, 15th Century
Ganymede, the Water Bearer, 
1440-1450 Book of Hours, the Fastolf Master, Bodleian Library, Oxford

The spiritual task set for us by Pluto in Aquarius is to overcome our social conditioning,which is associated with the Aquarian communal impulse, an impulse that limits us by defining who we are and what we are supposed to do and what we are told we cannot do in life.

This task is made easier by the energy of Pluto in Aquarius, which stimulates the development of the individual in accord with Higher Purpose.

The Uranus-ruled Aquarian mind is often characterized as rational and highly intellectual with a predisposition toward the scientific method, but Aquarius personalities also tend to conform to the collective consciousness of any group with which they strongly identify, and this can lead to slavish conformity to ideas which are out of touch with reality, to one degree or another.

During the upcoming Pluto in Aquarius cycle, we are invited to cast aside the expectations and demands of our families, the group-think that permeates our social circles, and the different flavors of political correctness that characterize both political parties.

Pluto in Aquarius urges us to expand our minds beyond the limitations of our society's collective, rational materialist, acquisitive, competitive, destructive consensus reality consciousness. 

Mikao Usui's Five Precepts for Reiki Practitioners
Sensei Mikao Usui's Five Precepts for Reiki Practitioners

With Pluto in Aquarius, we will be confronted with the awareness that we are no longer empowered, but rather constrained by our unconscious agreement to the rigid consensus reality imposed upon us by family, tribe, religion, culture and political ideology.

These collective fields of consciousness create a consensus reality by drawing and framing our mental maps of the world around us.

Society clearly defines a range of acceptable goals for each one of us, depending on our social status, rewards approved attitudes, and penalizes those whose lifestyles and belief systems conflict with established norms.

In this way, early childhood conditioning and present day social pressures define and limit our way of being in the world.  

Pluto in Aquarius impels us to dive deep into the collective unconscious, uncover the ways that familial and social conditioning shape our sense of self, work to achieve a transpersonal consciousness centered in the compassionate heart and the enlightened mind, and in that way attain a realization of our true independence.

Then we can be truly Free!

               James Dean on a Motorcycle
Hollywood Bad Boy James Dean, the Original Rebel Without a Cause

Individuals with a strong Pluto in Aquarius influence in their charts will often challenge social norms in every area of life, and can appear to be dangerous rebels in the eyes of authority figures who make it their business to manufacture cultural conformity.

In many cases, the Pluto in Aquarius individual will reject the mainstream political, religious, sexual, and artistic expression common to their race, class, religion, and political culture, and embark on a journey of discovery that puts them in conflict with institutions designed to maintain the status quo in every area of life.

The Aquarian influenced personality exhibits fearless individualism along with strong desires to participate in collective action toward common goals.

When a collective is composed of individuals who are attuned to their intuitive guidance, and aligned with Higher Self, Higher Mind and Higher Purpose, collective Aquarian consciousness manifests as the will to good, grounded in group activities designed to optimize social structures of all kinds.

It is notable that the powerful First Ray of Will and Power, emanating from Source and Shamballa, can only manifest on Planet Earth at this time in history through the collective effort of a group of like minded spiritually awakened individuals. 

It is further notable that Theosophist Alice Bailey, working with the Ascended Master Djwal Kuhl, nearly a century ago, forecast that the year 2025 would see the beginning of the Externalization of the Hierarchy. Watch for more on this topic early next year!

Ascended Master Djwal Kuhl
Ascended Master Djwal Kuhl

Present day Western Mystery School Teachers say that the year 2025 will see a marked increase in the transmission of First Ray Energy from Source and Shamballa.

"The 1st ray is the most powerful force in the world today," says Sarah McKechnie in A talk given at the Theosophical Society of Edinburgh, 30 September 2010.  "It expresses the Will of God in world affairs, which is the will-to-good."

"A study of history shows the progression to unity and synthesis in all departments of human living. Unity in multiplicity is the Eternal Plan – unity in consciousness, multiplicity in form," McKechnie continues.

"The 1st ray also expresses as a destructive element," explains McKechnie. "1st ray energy streams from Shamballa and lies behind the present world crisis, for It is the Will of God to produce certain radical and momentous changes in the consciousness of the race which will completely alter man’s attitude to life, Alice Bailey said."

This enhanced stream of First Ray energy will be accessible to those groups working through the Aquarian dispensation.

January's Cosmic Weather Forecast will take a deep dive into the astrology and the spiritual significance of 2025, so don't miss it!

There is a negative side to the Pluto in Aquarius manifestation in group consciousness, however, and we must be aware of that aspect.

           Members of the Ku Klux Klan, wearing traditional white hoods and robes, stand back and watch with their arms crossed after burning a 15-foot cross at Tampa, Fla., Jan. 30, 1939, courtesy AP, public domain
Members of the Ku Klux Klan, wearing traditional white hoods and robes, stand back and watch with their arms crossed after burning a 15-foot cross at Tampa, Fla., Jan. 30, 1939.
Associated Press, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

In individuals who are subject to the promptings of the egocentric personality, collective Aquarian consciousness manifests as authoritarian communitarianism, of one kind or another, often designed to advance the interests of a particular group at the expense of other groups.

This base manifestation of Pluto in Aquarius consciousness could also be stimulated during the upcoming years, as the flow of First Ray energy of Will and Power increases in potency.

To understand the significance of Pluto in Aquarius, it's helpful to review what astrologers had to say about the last few Pluto transits, and to compare their forecasts with events occurring during and after the transits in question.

As Pluto was set to enter Scorpio, where it traveled from 1984 through 1995, astrologers expected that cultural attitudes toward Scorpio ruled sexual mores would undergo transformation, and at the height of the Cold War many emphasized the danger of nuclear war, the ultimate Plutonic event, since Pluto rules plutonium, used to manufacture nuclear weapons.

The AIDS epidemic gutted gay communities in the middle and late Eighties, and there was a definite sea change in the way the risk of sexually transmitted diseases was perceived throughout the world.

Scorpionic transformation ended the freewheeling libertinism of the post birth control pill Sixties and Seventies, for good or ill.

Condoms became a new fashion accessory.

Reagan-Gorbachev Summit, 12-9-1987, courtesy Wikipedia
Reagan-Gorbachev Summit, 12-9-1987, courtesy Wikipedia
Series: Reagan White House Photographs, 1/20/1981 - 1/20/1989 Collection: White House Photographic Collection, 1/20/1981 - 1/20/1989, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Instead of nuclear Armageddon, the United States and Russia entered into arms treaties that de-escalated the Cold War nuclear arms race, and set the stage for the collapse of the Soviet Empire.

So this was indeed Scorpionic death and transformation -- for one of the two cold war belligerents, the Russians.

When Pluto entered Sagittarius, the sign of the spiritual seeker, in 1995, many astrologers expected to see hard times for religious fundamentalists of all stripes.

Instead, mainstream Protestant churches imploded and fundamentalist religious groupings exploded into political and cultural prominence.

Prior to Pluto's entry into Capricorn in January 2008, many astrologers suggested that the over-arching social, political and economic structures in our globalized society would undergo a reformation as revolutionary as that of the Protestant Reformation.

Perhaps economic globalization would crumble.

Perhaps the American Oligarchs in Manhattan and Mountain View would become a new endangerd species.

World's Richest Billionaires

Instead, the role of the financial sector, which caused the Global Financial Crisis, expanded, inequality skyrocketed and a new class of Global Plutocrats emerged to command the global economy and ultimately, to rule our world. This newly emergent post-capitalist world order is called by some Techno-Feudalism.

Although the Ukraine War and the polarization of the world into competing blocks of nations, pitting the Anglophone world order against the uprising of the BRICS countries, has been said to herald the end of globalization, the fact remains that global supply chains and economic interdependence between the major powers involved in this 21st Century Cold War 2.0 are indispensable to the current global economy.

No matter what happens politically over the next few years, the globalized economy is here to stay. China, America, Europe and the rest of the world cannot get along without one another.

                                  Pluto Flyaround, courtesy NASA
Pluto Flyaround, courtesy NASA

We do live in a global village.

Now that Pluto has entered Aquarius, is this a signal that humanity is going to unify in the village square?

Will we enter a New Age of Love and Light?

As we have already pointed out, we are indeed entering a 200 year cycle in Air signs that is conducive to the spread of Aquarian ideals, and has been seen by many astrologers as the gateway into the fabled Age of Aquarius.

At the same time, the most obvious, blatant symbolism associated with Pluto in Aquarius and the incoming 200 year Age of Air, involves the simple fact that humans have loaded Earth's atmosphere with carbon dioxide, which is the cause of global climate change.

Although the depletion of Earth's soil, the pollution of the oceans and waterways, and the impact of over fertilization all contribute to our current global environmental emergency, I am willing to bet that accelerating climate change from human-caused changes in the composition of Earth's atmosphere will be the number one issue humanity has to confront during the next years, decades and centuries to come.

     Global temperature relative to 1880-1920 based on the GISS analysis

2024 Report: How We Know that Global Warming is Accelerating
Global temperature relative to 1880-1920 based on the GISS analysis

Either we will manage to reduce our carbon emissions, or the planet will reduce our numbers so much that carbon emissions will be reduced.

Either way the horrifying results of a rapidly warming world will be with us for centuries or millennia to come.

When climate change precipitates extreme weather events, like Hurricane Helene, collective action undertaken spontaneously by community groups in Western North Carolina exemplifies the Aquarian impulse.

As extreme weather events continue and worsen around the world, the Pluto in Aquarius impulse will no doubt trigger spontaneous collective action to mitigate the suffering.

That same Pluto in Aquarius impulse will also lead nations, states and cities to engage in more and more authoritarian top down organizing of the communities they govern in an effort to control mass uprisings, enforce strict border controls, and provide relief to favored groups and individuals.

Illustration of the different solar climate intervention techniques, NOAA, courtesy Wikimedia
Illustration of a Variety of Solar Climate Intervention Methods
Chelsea Thompson, NOAA/CIRES, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Aquarius is associated with scientific breakthroughs and innovative technologies, so it is probable that with Pluto in Aquarius, humanity will attempt to utilize completely new technologies to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, whether by capturing it and storing it underground, or by cooling the atmosphere itself through unproven techniques such as cloud seeding, manipulation of cloud formations, transmission of atmospheric aerosols, and much, much more.

The more desperate we become, the more our Plutocratic leaders will be tempted to deploy risky, experimental technologies, turning our world into a vast science experiment run by the same, very small group of people whose mismanagement of Earth's resources has been destroying our environment.

Catastrophic failures of these experimental technologies designed to reconfigure our atmospheric ecosystem could also be hallmarks of Pluto in Aquarius.

Pluto in Aquarius is an ideal time for the global plutocracy to enlist a host of other new technologies to solidify their iron grip on suffering humanity during our ongoing environmental emergency.

Artificial Intelligence is being designed to install a high tech panopticon in the workplace, similar to the digital straitjacket placed on Amazon drivers, and eventually to replace up to 40% of the global workforce while crapifying customer service centers, medical systems, and the Internet itself.

This is also Pluto in Aquarius.

ChatGPT Risks to Humanity

Now AI agents are being unleashed on the world, and as many different companies employ these AI agents to manage our lives for us they will almost certainly have conflicting goals, programs and priorities, leading to likely conflicts between them. Humans of course will be caught in the crossfire.

Not to mention the likelihood that AI agents employed by government agencies may also seek to "nudge" humans into desirable behaviors, and those governmental AI agents may conflict with AI agents unleashed by other governments and the private sector.

Sounds like science fiction, but probably coming soon to screens near you.

In the meantime, the explosion of digital money looks set to create unknown risks for financial markets and individual investors.

Financial ecosystems surrounding digital currencies created by high tech Plutocrats such as Sam Bankman Fried have proven to be rife with fraud and mismanagement, just as the private sector currencies of 19th Century America were mainly scams, con games and failed experiments.

Many major cryptocurrency companies went bankrupt over the last decade or so, including Voyager Digital, Genesis, Mt. Gox, BlockFi, Three Arrows Capital, Genesis Global Capital, LLC, Quadriga Fintech Solutions, Celsius, Core Scientific, and of course Sam Bankman Fried's FTX.

Investors and speculators who want to cash in on the Bitcoin frenzy would do well to carefully analyze the cryptocurrency intermediaries with whom they do business.

As we enter further into the Pluto in Aquarius years, and as Uranus enters Gemini to join Pluto in an Air sign, the many flavors of digital money are sure to multiply in both public and private sectors.

The Many Flavors of Money, courtesy Bank for International Settlements and Wikimedia
The Many Flavors of Digital Currencies
Stanjourdan, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Digital currencies issued by central bankers and backed ultimately by the might of a nation state have just as many potential issues as privatized digital currencies.

Digital currencies created by central governments may track every penny you spend and receive, and they could allow governments to add and remove currency from your account at the push of a button.

Governments could create geographical constraints on your digital dollars. Say if you were an immigrant, your digital dollars could only be spent in the state where you live. You couldn't send the money to relatives overseas, for instance.

Money would become a tool of digital control.

Governments could simply disable your digital dollars if you posted what they consider "misinformation", or "disinformation" anywhere on the Internet. The possibilities to use digital money as a system of instantaneous command and control are virtually endless.

Digital currency of all kinds is also very Pluto in Aquarius.

As Wall Street Titans like Blackrock begin to offer Bitcoin ETFs, and as central bankers launch Digital Currencies, we can expect these financial technologies to explode in usage in the near future, with Pluto in Aquarius.

A sign advertising acceptance of the Digital Renminbi on the Hangzhou Metro

A sign advertising acceptance of the Digital Renminbi on the Hangzhou Metro
NateNate60CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The People's Bank of China has already launched a digital currency platform, while the Bahamas have launched a digital Sand Dollar

Several major US banks, including BNY Mellon, Citi, HSBC, Mastercard, PNC Bank, Swift, TD Bank, Truist, U.S. Bank and Wells Fargo are actively participating in Central Bank Digital Currency testing.

These few examples of near future Pluto in Aquarius technologies will be eclipsed in importance I am sure, by innovations being incubated now in corporate computer centers and laboratories. 

But Pluto in Aquarius is about so much more than new technologies!

Pluto in Aquarius in its highest expression is about expansion of the collective consciousness of all humanity.

The Pluto in Aquarius cycle now beginning has the potential to liberate us from our preconceived ideas about who we are, show us that we are capable of achieving so much more than we imagine, and even reconfigure our understanding of our Higher Purpose, given the current conditions in which we live.

Jane and I give thanks that we have you all in our lives! We give thanks for all the support you have given us for more than twenty years. 

Curtis and Jane, Selfie, Trout Lake, Moses Cone State Park, Blowing Rock, North Carolina
Curtis and Jane Selfie, Trout Lake, Moses Cone State Park, Blowing Rock, North Carolina

Have a very Happy, very Blessed Thanksgiving!

Jane and I send you our love and we invoke the Light! May love always surround you, and may a bright Light shine upon you, that you may find your way upon your path of Spirit in these darkening days and nights of late autumn in the waning moments of America's Pluto Return.

Meditation Moment: For the Interim Time

When near the end of day, life has drained
Out of light, and it is too soon
For the mind of night to have darkened things,

No place looks like itself, loss of outline
Makes everything look strangely in-between,
Unsure of what has been, or what might come.

In this wan light, even trees seem groundless.
In a while it will be night, but nothing
Here seems to believe the relief of darkness.

You are in this time of the interim
Where everything seems withheld.

The path you took to get here has washed out;
The way forward is still concealed from you.

The old is not old enough to have died away;
The new is still too young to be born.”

You cannot lay claim to anything;
In this place of dusk,
Your eyes are blurred;
And there is no mirror.

Everyone else has lost sight of your heart
And you can see nowhere to put your trust;
You know you have to make your own way through.

As far as you can, hold your confidence.
Do not allow confusion to squander
This call which is loosening
Your roots in false ground,
That you might come free
From all you have outgrown.

What is being transfigured here in your mind,
And it is difficult and slow to become new.
The more faithfully you can endure here,
The more refined your heart will become
For your arrival in the new dawn.

Image of John O'Donohue
John O'Donohue was a poet, theologian, and philosopher. He authored beloved books, including Anam Ċara and Beauty: The Invisible Embrace. To Bless the Space Between Us, a collection of blessings, was published posthumously. A wonderful book drawn from his voice in conversation, Walking in Wonder: Eternal Wisdom for a Modern World, was published in November 2018.
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