Cosmic Weather Forecast
June 2012 Cosmic Weather Forecast Part I: Stellar Fireworks Display!
This month the sky is filled with signs and portents of earth-shaking change, some hopeful, some ominous, and the energy streaming in to us from the Cosmos is so powerful that our very physical vessels are challenged to maintain equilibrium. The task of humanity is to step forward into the Light with courage. The courageous are not necessarily fearless at all. The courageous are those who follow their Higher Purpose despite their fear!
August 2012 Aquarius Full Moon Lammas Cosmic Weather Forecast: Increasing Global Tensions with Intervals of Inspired Meditation
Our task as a species is to become increasingly aware of our part in the web of life on Earth so that we can become conscious co-creators of a new Anthropocene civilization that will reverse human-created global warming, and invent sustainable human societies that live in harmony and balance with the Earth. This is a good week to meditate upon this epochal transition and how we can do our part to usher in the new.

February 2013 Full Moon Cosmic Weather Forecast
With six planets in Pisces this week, expect this unusual super-watery configuration to unleash a flood of difficult and long-repressed emotions, a cascade of confusing astral glamours, and simultaneously an undeniable soulful yearning for a transcendent realm of peace, unity and healing.
Winter Solstice 2010 Newsletter
As we look back on this year of intense personal change, which began with a move from New York to California just before last spring, we recall the heart-felt agony triggered by the Deepwater Horizon disaster, apocalyptic fires in Russia, the floods in Pakistan, the cholera crisis in Haiti, the periodic panics in global financial markets, the riots in Athens, Paris, Rome and London, the TSA groping scandals, and the sky-high unemployment rate in America.
Full Moon in Pisces, 2010 August Cosmic Weather Forecast
This Full Moon in Pisces humanity ascends the cross of transformation. The challenge for us all, individually and collectively, is to leave behind our everyday concerns, our mental maps of the world, and our typical emotional reactions to stress and conflict, and to allow Spirit to open our hearts and connect us with Higher Mind. The path is one of suffering and the destination is a place where suffering is no more.
Winter Solstice 2009 Cosmic Weather Forecast
After a month or so of very ragged energy, sharp Saturn-Pluto aspects and an active Uranus cycle that seems to affect computers, computer networks, deliveries dependent upon such networks, all technology, tools and houses, and trigger unexpected health crises, we could all use a day or two of sweet Cosmic Weather. Good news! This Winter Solstice is extremely well-aspected.
The Coming Collapse of Globalization: February 2008
We are witnessing the slow motion collapse of “globalization”, which is shorthand for a set of political, economic and social policies, including Reaganomics, free trade and the leveling down of global wages, human rights and environmental protection, financial deregulation and corporate oligarchy.
Bush & Brezhnev: Separated at Birth?
America is Losing The Great Game of Imperial Conquest. The Reign of Bush the Younger Resembles the Last Days of the Soviet Empire. Seemingly Impregnable and Destined to Rule Forever, Despots Always Fall.
Festival of Humanity 2006 -- Full Moon in Sagittarius
This Full Moon is conjunct dark Pluto and the Galactic Center. Pluto in Sagittarius supports the transformation of our culture’s most basic belief structures. When Pluto is conjunct the moon, which is the seat of our personal subconscious beliefs, and also the Galactic Center, the time is ripe for a total shift in consciousness, a transformation of personal and cultural values on the broadest possible scale.
September 2014 Cosmic Weather Forecast -- Harvest Moon
This Harvest Moon, occurring at 16º Pisces, is ideally placed to mediate between the conflicting stellar influences, to open the hearts of all Lightworkers to the ocean of love and compassion known to the Bodhisattvas, and to provide a glowing nocturnal link to the wisdom teachings, inspiration, grace and guidance embodied in Higher Mind, Higher Self and our Spiritual Guides and Teachers.

All Fool's Day: Love and Cosmic Unity
In Rome, April 1 was the date of the Festival of Veneralia, dedicated to Venus, goddess of love, death, orchards, waters and sexuality. Women washed a statue or image of Venus in rivers and lakes, adorned her with precious jewels and long robes, then burned incense in honor of the Goddess.

Full Moon in Leo 2005: America's Values Wars, The Bush Inaugural
The majority of the American people stand for definite moral values – but not the values of right-wing fundamentalists, Republican globalizers and imperialists.