Cosmic Weather Forecast

February 2025 Leo Full Moon, Aquarius Solar Festival Cosmic Weather Forecast
This fiery Leo Full Moon is startling, electric, conflicted, and potentially creative -- a wake up call for all of us as we prepare to enter a New Era in outer planet Air and Fire Signs that will completely restructure every aspect of human civilization, for better or worse. Get involved! You either support democracy or you support the Broligarchy! The decade long struggle for America has begun!

Full Moon Eclipse in Pisces, Virgo Solar Festival 2016
This Full Moon Eclipse in Pisces square Mars in Sagittarius provides energetic support for the Piscean Christ consciousness residing within each one of us. This Full Moon feeds our courage, enhances our inner spiritual strength and offers us access to creative outlets for our desire to transcend the dying social strategies that threaten to strangle new ways of life in their cradle.

The Dark Night of the Planetary Soul
The world is in labor, about to birth a new planetary consciousness. Will this consciousness reflect our worst nightmares or our highest aspirations? The choice is ours.
Full Moon in Taurus Scorpio Solar Festival November 2008 Cosmic Weather Forecast
If we are to rise up and fulfill our full potential, if we are to achieve our Higher Purpose, we must be willing to stretch ourselves to new heights, to leave our comfort zone and enter a new land with no map or compass. We must find ways to get our leaders to listen, and to make the changes that most Americans know are essential to our future and the future of our children.

Full Moon in Libra, Aries Solar Festival 2012 Easter & Passover Cosmic Weather Forecast
At the time of this Libra Full Moon Aries Solar Festival, we celebrate the blending of the energies of Aries and Libra. Esoterically, Aries represents the egoistic personality, and Libra the Cosmic Equilibrium of the Higher Self.
Full Moon in Scorpio April 2013 Cosmic Weather Forecast
Our challenge this Full Moon Festival is to overcome fear, take courageous risks to advance the onset of the Forces of Light and Love, patiently endure the frustrations of a time when oppositions create a kind of Cosmic gridlock in the stars, and meditate deeply upon matters of human death and transformation. This can lead to empowerment.
Autumn Equinox 2013 Cosmic Weather Forecast
This month the Grand Cardinal Cross re-forms in the sky, activating global financial, geo-strategic and environmental crises. The Washington debt crisis. The Syrian crisis. The Fukushima crisis. It's time to ask for discernment, vision, strength and courage, and to send love and light to all involved!
Full Moon in Leo, Aquarius Solar Festival 2016
It's a best of times, worst of times Full Moon. The Neptune-Uranus square will dominate the Cosmic Weather patterns of 2016, so immense discernment is required to avoid being manipulated or simply making uninformed choices that will be detrimental to us and all those with whom we are related.

September 2011 Cosmic Weather Forecast: Traveling Between Two Worlds
We are now being given the opportunity to achieve greater awareness through self-transformation. The Universe is gently bringing us face to face with our control issues, our fears, our anger, and our other "sore spots" so we can relinquish our identification with these bad habits, which are not part of our essential nature in any way.
June 2012 Cosmic Weather Forecast Part 2: Uranus-Pluto Global Financial Meltdown Part Deux
Europe is melting down. The top ten industrialized debtor nations owe $70 trillion. There are $700 trillion in derivative debt instruments resting upon that $70 trillion in debt. So if these countries’ debts begin to default and financial markets and banks lose confidence in the ability of counter-parties to make good on the $700 trillion in extremely complicated wagers and counter-wagers they have made to one another it’s game over!
June 2012 Cosmic Weather Forecast Part I: Stellar Fireworks Display!
This month the sky is filled with signs and portents of earth-shaking change, some hopeful, some ominous, and the energy streaming in to us from the Cosmos is so powerful that our very physical vessels are challenged to maintain equilibrium. The task of humanity is to step forward into the Light with courage. The courageous are not necessarily fearless at all. The courageous are those who follow their Higher Purpose despite their fear!
The Coming Collapse of Globalization: February 2008
We are witnessing the slow motion collapse of “globalization”, which is shorthand for a set of political, economic and social policies, including Reaganomics, free trade and the leveling down of global wages, human rights and environmental protection, financial deregulation and corporate oligarchy.