Cosmic Weather Forecast
Full Moon in Leo, Aquarius Solar Festival 2016
It's a best of times, worst of times Full Moon. The Neptune-Uranus square will dominate the Cosmic Weather patterns of 2016, so immense discernment is required to avoid being manipulated or simply making uninformed choices that will be detrimental to us and all those with whom we are related.
Wesak and Earth Day Full Moon in Scorpio, Taurus Solar Festival
Shakyamuni Buddha taught that the individual Self, experienced as the egoistic personality, is an illusion, and that each of us is indissolubly united with the vast web of life that interpenetrates the physical and spiritual realms, extending throughout the space-time continuum, encompassing past, present and future.
When we become fully conscious of that interdependent connection we have to the web of life, to Mother Earth and to the Heavens above us, that is the achievement of our spiritual goal in life. At that moment we are liberated and we achieve Nirvana.
Summer Solstice Full Strawberry Moon in Sagittarius, Gemini Solar Festival 2016
The now-infamous Grand Mutable Cross forms and re-forms this month, perfecting this Sunday, June 19, and regressing into a potent T-Square on June 25. There is a fog of confusion, paranoia, anger, recrimination, and ego-inflation blanketing the collective consciousness. We are in the no-man’s land between one age and another. The way forward is uncharted. There are no gps systems that provide co-ordinates for the unfolding new world that will emerge in the new age to come. If anyone approaches you with a treasure map or some other deal that seems too good to be true, rest assured, it is!
Gemini Full Moon, Sagittarius Solar Festival, Winter Solstice, Hanukkah and Christmas 2014
This Mercurial Full Moon in Gemini will be in a harmonious trine to Mars, which entered the Air sign of Aquarius on December 4, 2014, and the combination should create a powerful vortex of transpersonal mental activity that will sharpen the intellectual faculties, provide easier access to Higher Mind, and spark a strong increase in spontaneous sharing, amplifying Holiday feelings of community.
Full Moon in Aquarius February 2014
We each contain within us the ability to love, to be loved, to honor even that which we do not understand. This is our true nature. We each contain within us the ability to change, to offer kindness to strangers, to see violence around us and choose the path of peace.
Libra Solar Festival, Aries Penumbral Eclipse Full Moon 2013 Cosmic Weather Forecast
We can expect that this Full Moon Penumbral Eclipse in the Cardinal sign of Aries will pump up the tense, conflicted energy that is being unleashed by the recurring Grand Cardinal Cross. However there are also several potent Trine aspects that indicate ease and grace, and promise that if we make an effort to connect with our spiritual guidance we will find we have all we need to navigate through the economic, political and environmental crises unfolding simultaneously on Planet Earth today.
August 2012 Aquarius Full Moon Lammas Cosmic Weather Forecast: Increasing Global Tensions with Intervals of Inspired Meditation
Our task as a species is to become increasingly aware of our part in the web of life on Earth so that we can become conscious co-creators of a new Anthropocene civilization that will reverse human-created global warming, and invent sustainable human societies that live in harmony and balance with the Earth. This is a good week to meditate upon this epochal transition and how we can do our part to usher in the new.
February 2013 Full Moon Cosmic Weather Forecast
With six planets in Pisces this week, expect this unusual super-watery configuration to unleash a flood of difficult and long-repressed emotions, a cascade of confusing astral glamours, and simultaneously an undeniable soulful yearning for a transcendent realm of peace, unity and healing.
April 2011 Libra Full Moon Cosmic Weather Forecast -- Happy Easter and Passover!
Feeling stressed? You're not alone. The Sun, Uranus, Mars, Mercury retrograde and Jupiter are all in Aries, opposed by the Moon and Saturn retrograde in Libra. All these planets are part of a T-Square formation which features Pluto retrograde in Capricorn as the linchpin.
On the plus side, the Full Moon trines Neptune in Pisces and Chiron, providing a highly charged spiritual current of healing and inner transformation, which is quite likely to manifest as a stream of meaningful synchronistic events that act as guideposts for us during this time of stress, when we most lack clarity. These synchronicities will open up new doorways for us, providing us with golden opportunities for accelerated spiritual advancement.
September 2012 Harvest Moon Cosmic Weather Forecast
The coming extreme environmental events, and the potential war of all against all that could be unleashed by water shortages, food shortages, greed and lust for power during the end of the age of abundant, cheap oil can only be averted or mitigated by the emergence of a group consciousness that honors the Earth and simultaneously maintains the welfare of all individuals. Those of us who can successfully integrate these communitarian impulses into our psyches and our lives, and find common cause with those who share our goals, but who may have different belief systems and values, will be richly rewarded by the Universe, and will be given the tools enabling us to work together to ameliorate the coming global troubles in our immediate vicinity and around the world.
Full Blood Moon Eclipse in Aries 2014
There is a very positive Grand Fire Trine this week to counterbalance the energies of the Cardinal T-Square occurring at this Full Moon. The Grand Fire Trine creates an atmosphere of self-confidence and optimism that is essential to taking the dramatic actions required to offset the difficulties manifested in synchronicity with the Cardinal T-Square, which tend to persist over long periods of time through intransigent conflicts, political gridlock and general indecision.
The Coming Collapse of Globalization: February 2008
We are witnessing the slow motion collapse of “globalization”, which is shorthand for a set of political, economic and social policies, including Reaganomics, free trade and the leveling down of global wages, human rights and environmental protection, financial deregulation and corporate oligarchy.