Aquarius Full Blue Super Moon, Leo Solar Festival, August 2024 Cosmic Weather Forecast: Or Why Does Life Feel Like We're on a Runaway Tilt-A-Whirl?

Welcome to the August 2024 Cosmic Weather Forecast by Curtis Lang with Jane Sherry. We have often felt recently that we are standing on a rapidly accelerating Tilt-A-Whirl that stops and starts sporadically, without warning. Constant adjustments help us maintain a dynamic equilibrium, but it's not easy. 

Tilt A Whirl
For the last three weeks, Jane and I have been working overtime, preparing for a new chapter in our lives.

We are laying the foundation for an expanded version of Satya Center, which will be unveiled in a month or two. Stay tuned!

We are about to receive more than one new, large shipment of gorgeous Vogel wands, so if you'e been waiting for your special order from Kings Amao or David Zhuang it's on the way to us today.

Check in next week!

This month's Cosmic Weather Forecast will be an abbreviated version, as Jane and I have more balls in the air than we can easily juggle. 

We'll analyze this Full Moon week's dramatic stellar energy signatures, and take a quick look at the month ahead.

Aquarius Full Super Moon, Leo Solar Festival, August 2024 Cosmic Weather Forecast
Aquarius Full Moon Astrological Chart, August 19th, 2024

If you feel like you've had a crazy busy week, full of distractions, detours, false starts, miscommunications, and potentially scary obstacles that may just be mole hills rather than mountains, then you're not alone!

That kind of wild ride is par for the course this Full Moon weekend.

On Monday, August 19th we will experience a rare celestial event: two different T-squares will form simultaneously, involving every planet in the Solar System except Neptune and Pluto. 

No wonder life feels like we're stuck on a runaway Tilt-A-Whirl! 

Monday is the opening day of the Democratic National Convention, and with so many conflicting stellar energies in play there could be unexpected complexities in what appears at first glance to be a straightforward coronation of a newly rebirthed Kamala Harris, who is experiencing a moment of unprecedented, sudden popularity. 

We should not rule out the potential for mass protests, heavy handed repression, wildly unlikely events and outcomes no one has anticipated.

Let's take a look at these two Full Super Moon T-squares, one at a time.
First, the Sun and Mercury conjunct in Leo opposes the Moon in Aquarius, and all three luminaries will be in an extremely tight square to electrifying, wild card planet Uranus in Taurus. 

Uranus with rings, Webb Telescope photograph courtesy NASA
Uranus with rings, Webb Telescope photograph courtesy NASA

The Sun-Moon opposition creates dramatic tension between polarized elements in the human psyche.

In this case, the tension can be found between the individualistic desires of our Leonine egoistic personality and the righteous demands of the social structures in which we are embedded, symbolized by Aquarius. 

In this case, with retrograde Mercury conjunct the Sun in Leo, there is great difficulty in attaining a clear conscious awareness of the unconscious drives and desires that motivate us.

This lack of clarity opens us up to the unconscious motivations of a supercharged Leonine energy field in our psychic space.

In other words, we may find ourselves acting out the patterns of behavior imprinted by our genetic heritage, our past life karma, our early childhood traumas, and our selfish egoistic desires.

In such a situation, the ability to manifest in accordance with our will depends upon our powers of discernment, and our strong connection to our intuitive guidance, which can open our eyes to more conscious, loving and wise ways to move forward in our lives.

Either way, we can see the goal before us in our mind's eye, and we perceive the path we must follow to reach that goal.

We are eager to move forward on that path immediately.

But retrograde Mercury and the Moon in Aquarius oppose our Leonine energy, and conspire to put the brakes on our attempts to manifest our heart's desires.

It's a case of hurry up and wait.

Star Map of Constellation Aquarius by Hevelius, via Wikimedia
Star Map of Constellation Aquarius by Hevelius, via Wikimedia

The situation calls for a moment of calm reflection and an Aquarian willingness to take the time to come to a satisfactory compromise wherever and whenever conflicts may arise. 

Opposed to our individual, highly energized Leonine mental clarity of purpose, the myriad of Aquarian social connections in which we are embedded will create their own demands upon each of us, creating significant potential for conflict and tension.

You may find that you are required to sacrifice some time, energy and money to satisfy the needs of family, friends, or business associates.

You may have difficulty harmonizing your own individual beliefs, ideals and desires with the collective ideology, morals, and conventions of your religious community, your political party, or your social circle at this time. 

With Sun and Moon in fixed signs, it may appear that this is in one way or another you are embroiled in an intractable conflict but we can look to the focal planet in this T-square to provide a path to release of tension and resolution of whatever conflicts we encounter during this quality of time. 

Uranus with rings, Webb telescope photograph, courtesy NASA
Uranus with rings, Webb telescope photograph, courtesy NASA

The Focal Planet is the third planet in the T-square, and is situated at the midpoint between the opposing planets.

In this case the focal planet of the Sun-Mercury Opposition to the Moon is individualistic Uranus in stubborn, Earthy, Venus ruled Taurus. 

The opposing energies of the Fixed T-square opposition seek a new synthesis that can harmonize conflicting forces .

That new synthesis will probably involve honoring the Venusian wisdom of the heart and staying true to our individual Uranian path of Spirit, despite any social pressures we may feel at this time.  

This Full Moon week we also have five planets in notoriously fickle and unpredictable mutable signs, with four of those planets involved in a Mutable T-square. 

Saturn in Pisces squares the Mars-Jupiter conjunction in Gemini, while opposing Venus in Virgo. 

Venus-Saturn oppositions are not particularly conducive to fun and games.

We might feel cold and distant toward our loved ones, and we might feel swamped by social obligations at the same time.

Although we might be tempted to simply take a break and opt for some escapist entertainment, Saturn will certainly thwart our attempts to evade our responsibilities, so it's best to simply grin and bear it, complete our long laundry list of to-dos, and cut everyone in our social circle plenty of slack.

Constellation of Pisces, Star Map of John Flamsteed, courtesy Wikimedia, Public Domain
Constellation of Pisces, Star Map of John Flamsteed, courtesy Wikimedia, Public Domain

Mutable T-squares often coincide with communications snafus, emotional turbulence, mental anxiety, and dramatic reversals of fortune manifesting in our collective consciousness and in our individual lives. 

This Full Moon's Mutable T-Square promises hectic, nonstop activity, accompanied by constant challenges to our equilibrium.

We must stay grounded and balanced while multi-tasking and dealing with a barrage of social obligations and to-dos that require ongoing diplomacy and our concentrated attention if we wish to achieve success in our affairs.

Our minds could be churning, but it might be hard to focus on any one thing for very long.

There could be so many variables, so many interruptions, so many conflicting demands on our attention that we find it's difficult to make decisions.

In typical Piscean fashion we may realize we have conflicting feelings about nearly everything that's going on that we are required to do.

There is an antidote to this ungrounded overly mental energy, and it can be found at the Focal Point of the Mutable T-Square.

The Focal Point of this Mutable T-Square is the Mars-Jupiter conjunction in Gemini.

Gemini Astronomical chart showing the twins Castor and Pollux forming the constellation Gemini;
Hand-coloured etching by Sidney Hall from Urania's Mirror, 1825

We now recall that the energy of the Focal Point of any T-Square indicates a field of opportunity.

During this Full Moon Mutable T-Square we can utilize the energy of the Mars-Jupiter conjunction to jump start our best efforts at dealing with the many issues we will encounter at this time.

We can harness the power of Mars in Gemini and the expansive optimism and spiritual wisdom of Jupiter to harmonize the extremely fastidious, overly mental energy of Venus in Virgo with the opposing energy of taskmaster Saturn in spacey Pisces.

In other words, this Full Moon week, and in the weeks to come, we can use our Mars sharpened mental acuity and our Jupiterian intuitive discernment to pierce the veil of conventional wisdom and escape the death grip of manufactured realities encountered on TV and on social media.
Person in Suit Handcuffed to Keyboard
 Mars and Jupiter, at their best, combine to help us transcend the limitations imposed on those who accept one version or another of consensus reality, in conformity with their social groupings. With the help of these two planets we can speak our truth and we can be heard.
With the help of Mars and Jupiter energies, we can avoid flipping out trying to rationally understand the deeply unconscious archetypes within the collective unconscious that are erupting in displays of aggression, depression, rebellion, authoritarian repression and ideological group-think all over the world, in our neighborhoods, and at the Democratic Convention.

In addition, we can use the speedy electrifying expansive energy signature of the Mars-Jupiter conjunction in Gemini to help us power through the highly demanding weeks ahead, to multitask successfully, and to maintain our equilibrium while participating in a hectic round of highly social activities. 

We can actually find ways to harness the powerful energy of the two Full Moon T-squares if we can maintain an open mind and a loving heart while we are facing several different types of crises simultaneously. 

When we are crossing the threshold of our established reality into a new set of possibilities, we normally encounter multiple crises, conflicting loyalties and challenges to our mental maps of the world.

If we are open to it, this Full Moon could be the brith of a totally new way of being, a fresh start, the opening page of a new chapter in our lives.
Super Moon, Amitrakshar, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Super Moon, Amitrakshar, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
This Full Moon's Dual T-Squares represent the energy of awakening, above all.

This week and next, we will be shocked out of our conventional mental frameworks, and galvanized by the potential for dramatic new opportunities in our lives.

We are being challenged to reconstruct our lives, to reform our plans, to improve our performance, to embrace the new in all that we do.

We are being challenged to overcome feelings of discomfort and to allow the expansion of consciousness to take place. 

Embrace uncertainty and embrace the risks that come with a commitment to creative expression in every area of our lives.

In this way, as we give ourselves permission to walk the path of Spirit in these turbulent times, we are empowered, and we can begin to empower others on that path as well.

The effects of this Full Moon's incendiary stellar aspects will persist for some time to come. In general, these aspects will be with us until the New Moon in Virgo on September 2nd.
The Jupiter-Saturn square which is part of this Full Moon's Mutable T-Square represents the beginning of a series of squares between Jupiter and Saturn over the next seven months, so the conflict between unflinching Saturnine realism and Panglossian Jupiterian optimism will play out in a variety of ways through next spring.

Rites of Passage, Magic Lantern Drawing on Paper by Jane Sherry
Rites of Passage, Magic Lantern Drawing on Paper by Jane Sherry

Jupiter-Saturn squares generally signal times of uncertainty and stress.

Society will undergo fundamental changes to the mental, moral, social and political structures of our lives. Changes are necessary because the old ways have outlived their usefulness. 

The challenge for the individual is to be flexible and to take the time to reflect so that any changes made will be for the best and highest good of the individual and also for all those with whom the individual is connected in this life.

Many will change jobs, homes, partners, ideologies, and outworn mental maps of the world during this time.

These changes will represent risks as well as opportunities, and it is important to implement these changes in a spirit of experimental realism, rather than simply decreeing good outcomes for ourselves.

At any rate, we have several months to incorporate these changes into our lives, and to repeatedly test the new ways to insure their strength, durability and suitability for our continued well being.

Fortunately, in the immediate aftermath of the hyperkinetic Full Blue Super Moon in Aquarius, we will enter the Regulus Gateway, and enjoy golden opportunities to access Higher Mind, Higher Purpose, Guides and Teachers, and Intuitive Wisdom to help us navigate these turbulent times.

Regulus Compared to the Sun and Jupiter
Regulus Compared to the Sun and Jupiter
On August 21st, as the Sun travels close to the boundary between the Constellations of Leo and Virgo, the Sun will encounter the blue-white star Regulus, the brightest star in the Constellation of Leo, and one of the brightest stars in the night sky visible from Earth.

Regulus is one of the four traditional Royal Stars, which were said to be the guardians of the four heavenly gates at the four quadrants of the visible sky. 

Regulus is the Guardian of the Northern Gate, which is the location of the energy field associated with the higher chakras in human beings. 

Regulus is thought to bring positive energy and good fortune to those who are receptive and attuned to the Cosmic Currents of Energy carrying the accumulated wisdom of the collective Universal consciousness.

During the few days when this aspect is active, you will find it beneficial to tune into the energy of the Regulus Gate and make it your intention to connect with that stream of energy.

That energy supports the connection between the human mind and the intuitive wisdom of our Higher Self, our  Guides and our Spiritual Teachers, incarnate or disincarnate.

Allow yourself to take a break from the frenzy of the Full Super Moon Double T-Square and simply sit and meditate. The truth lies within.

Curtis and Jane Selfie, Reynolda Gardens, Wakeforest University
Curtis and Jane Selfie in Reynolda Gardens, Wakeforest University

Jane and I greet you with joy in our hearts this Full Blue Super Moon!

We affirm that we all shall receive the grace and guidance we require to attain our spiritual and material goals!

Above all we extend our thanks to all of you for joining us on this epic journey here on planet Earth and for your support for Satya Center!

Meditation Moment: Temple, by Ranjit Hoskote

In which Barnum & Bailey play divide and rule

This road leads to the forgotten temple
        that hard-faced men towed here with straining hawsers
        a century maybe more ago

In the middle of the line you are writing about the temple
     you will forget the word for tiger and wait
     for the circus tent to go up and the flags of all nations

to flutter in an air so clear you could read
    newspapers by starlight
    but no headline could have seen ahead

how the circus hands would tear down the flags
        swarm to the temple and carry it off
        laying tracks to take it on tour

around the provinces uncaging among the crowds
            rushing to see the spectacle
            their forgotten and very hungry tiger

Poet Ranjit Hoskote, courtesy Wikimedia
Poet Ranjit Hoskote, courtesy Wikimedia