“We who have gathered together are responsible that our cycle continues. We have been given the duty to live in harmony with one another and other living things.”

Pine smudge stick, abalone shell, crystals and celestite,
Photo by Content Pixie on Unsplash
We bring our minds together as one and give thanks for the people gathered here, that everyone is at peace here where we live on earth…now our minds are one.
We bring our minds together as one and give thanks for Mother Earth. She has given us everything we need to live in peace…now our minds are one.
We bring our minds together as one and give thanks for the food plants. They help us when we’re hungry…now our minds are one.
We bring our minds together as one and give thanks for fruits and especially strawberry, the head of the berry family…now our minds are one.
We bring our minds together as one and give thanks for the grasses. Some we use as food and some as medicine…now our minds are one.
We bring our minds together as one and give thanks for water; the rivers, the lakes, the oceans, and that clean water keeps running all over the earth. It keeps our thirst quenched…now our minds are one.
We bring our minds together as one and give thanks for fish. They give us strength so we don’t go hungry…now our minds are one.
We bring our minds together as one and give thanks for medicines, that they still help us when we are sick…now our minds are one.
We bring our minds together as one and give thanks for wild animals, that they still help us when we are cold and hungry…now our minds are one.
We bring our minds together as one and give thanks for the trees, especially maple, the head of their family, that it still creates sap as the Creator made it to do…now our minds are one.
Photo by Luis Del Río Camacho, on Unsplash
We bring our minds together as one and give thanks for the birds, that we still hear the nice singing that they bring, especially the head of the bird family—the eagle is its name…now our minds are one.
We bring our minds together as one and give thanks for our grandfathers the thunderers, that they make new waters…now our minds are one.
We bring our minds together as one and give thanks for the four winds, that they still do what the Creator has asked them to do…now our minds are one.
We bring our minds together as one and give thanks for our brother, the sun, that it is still bright and warms the earth…now our minds are one.
We bring our minds together as one and give thanks for our grandmother, the moon, that she is still in charge of when children are born…now our minds are one.
We bring our minds together as one and give thanks for the stars, that they dress the sky for our grandmother, the moon…now our minds are one.
Fundy National Park, Alma, Canada, Photo by Tim Foster on Unsplash
We bring our minds together as one and give thanks for the four messengers; their job is to take care of the people…now our minds are one.
We bring our minds together as one and give our thanks to the Creator for everything that he has done for the people…now our minds are one.