Scorpio Full Moon, Wesak and Taurus Solar Festival 2024 Cosmic Weather Forecast

9-11Curtis Lang and Jane Sherry

An incendiary T-Square in fixed signs creates potent energy for good or ill on Buddha's Birthday. May’s Taurus stellium promises a time of optimism, strength, visionary creativity, and easy access to inner spiritual guidance. An ideal moment for travels, near or far, that will broaden the mind, delight the senses, and open the heart to the beauty of the natural world.

Satya Center February 2018 Global News Roundup

Satya Center February 2018 Global News Roundup

9-11Curtis Lang
Helping You Create Your Own Reality -- We Give You a Snapshot of The World
in a Blogpost. Well Informed, We Can Create Ripples of Hope and Sweep Away Global Problems.

How Trump is Undermining America's Dollar Hegemony. US vs. "Axis of Evil" in Latin America: Imperial War for Oil, or Neoconservative War of Choice? Proposed EU Rules Threaten to Turn Internet into Censorship Machine. CryptoCurrency Apocalypse: BitCoin Values in Toilet as Cybersleuths Search for Hundreds of Millions Missing from Exchange in Canada.  Climate Change Scenarios: What Happens at 2, 3, 4, 5 Degrees Warming, Anyway, and What Do We Do About It? Who Let 9/11 Happen? New Books Suspect CIA, FBI, Saudis. Google Helped China Create a Surveillance State Social Rating System Reducing Citizens to Slaves. Why There Will Not Be Self-Driving Cars This Century. 

Full Moon in Capricorn July 2008 Cosmic Weather Forecast

9-11Curtis Lang and Jane Sherry
This newsletter is devoted to news of recent world developments that are of great concern to us all. Be sure to read through the entire article if you can, because there is a message of hope at the end!

Spring Equinox 2009: The Decade of Global Transformation and the New American Evolution

9-11Curtis Lang
In this newsletter, using research compiled over the last two years from honest and reliable financial experts, environmentalists, independent journalists and famous astrologers, I will give you a bird’s eye view of the current global financial crisis, provide you with a clear outline of its scope, depth and probable duration, and together we will take a look at the BIG picture – the cultural, political, economic, social and environmental changes set to totally transform human civilization during the next decade.

The Japanese Nuclear Crisis & The Spring Equinox Cosmic Weather Forecast 2011

9-11Curtis Lang and Jane Sherry
The chart for the spiritual new year in 2011, at zero degrees Aries, is very powerful and positive. Throughout the days to come, through the Full Moon, and past the Equinox, for the next month let us meditate together, pray together, and send energy, Reiki, and blessings to the Japanese people and to the elementals, the devas, the nature spirits in Japan, especially in the radiation-afflicted areas.
Full Moon in Leo 2005: America's Values Wars, The Bush Inaugural

Full Moon in Leo 2005: America's Values Wars, The Bush Inaugural

9-11Curtis Lang
The majority of the American people stand for definite moral values – but not the values of right-wing fundamentalists, Republican globalizers and imperialists.