Cosmic Weather Forecast
Easter: Uniting with the Cosmic Christ
Ask and it shall be made known to you, make a request and it shall be granted to you, open your heart and the chains of ego will fall away. Ask for your freedom and you shall be freed. This is Christ’s Easter promise.
Tongues of Fire: Pentecost, Kundalini and the Ways of the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is equivalent to the kundalini energy Eastern adepts in the yoga tradition raise within themselves in the process of enlightenment. European Alchemists called this energy Mercury, the Strength of All Strengths.
Gemini Solar Festival, Sagittarius Full Moon June 2015 Festival of Humanity Cosmic Weather Forecast
We all need a break from the Long Emergency. We are in a marathon run, not a sprint. There are no fast fixes to humanity's problems, only long-range solutions will be viable. So let us take the time this Full Moon to be gentle with ourselves and our loved ones.