Full Moon in Leo, Aquarius Solar Festival 2016

astrological forecastsCurtis Lang with Jane Sherry
It's a best of times, worst of times Full Moon. The Neptune-Uranus square will dominate the Cosmic Weather patterns of 2016, so immense discernment is required to avoid being manipulated or simply making uninformed choices that will be detrimental to us and all those with whom we are related.

Full Moon in Aquarius February 2014

astrological forecastsJane Sherry with Curtis Lang
We each contain within us the ability to love, to be loved, to honor even that which we do not understand. This is our true nature. We each contain within us the ability to change, to offer kindness to strangers, to see violence around us and choose the path of peace.

Full Moon in Leo Aquarian Solar Festival 2011

age of aquariusCurtis Lang with Jane Sherry
The call of this Leo Full Moon is to connect with the spiritual Lion within, to open the heart to the demands of the suffering billions around the world. My Guides suggested that all Lightworkers who are able and motivated to do so join in a Full Moon Meditation focused upon loving kindness and the establishment of right human relations. Details in the article! Join us in this Full Moon Meditation!

September 2009 Cosmic Weather Forecast

astrological forecastsCurtis Lang with Jane Sherry
We as a culture have consigned the ancient wisdom teachings to a museum of the mind as if they were an ancient sword, an obsolete weapon. Now is the time to seize the ancient sword in our own hands, using it to disperse the demons of fear, anger, doubt and uncertainty that beset us.

January 2013 Cosmic Weather Forecast

ascended mastersCurtis Lang and Jane Sherry
This Leo Full Moon Aquarius Solar Festival is the ideal time to ask Spirit to release you from your habitual patterns of thought and old ways of being. Aquarius is the sign of innovative thinking, group work and humanitarianism, so this is the time to overcome all self-imposed limitations and faulty mental maps of the world.