Spring Equinox Mysteries and History

Spring Equinox Mysteries and History

age of aquariusCurtis Lang with Jane Sherry
We celebrate the triumph of love, life and light over darkness and death at the start of the Astrological New Year, on the Vernal Equinox. This is a time of equal day and equal night, and in the Aquarian Age the Spring Equinox is a celebration of the Divine Lovers.
Six of Disks, Success, Thoth Tarot, Close up

Thanksgiving 2024,Taurus Full Super Moon, Scorpio Solar Festival Cosmic Weather Forecast

ascended mastersCurtis Lang and Jane Sherry
Love is the keynote of this Taurus Full Moon Festival! Love generates strong feelings of gratitude for the gift of life. Time for Thanksgiving.

Full Pisces Super Moon Lunar Eclipse, Virgo Solar Festival, Autumn Equinox 2024 Cosmic Weather Forecast

archangel michaelCurtis Lang and Jane Sherry

Pisces Moon Conjunct Neptune, Sextile Uranus, Square Jupiter creates a perfect moment for dramatic positive change and self-transformation! Less than a week later, we celebrate the Autumnal Equinox, a time for reflection, relationship, and the creation of a new dynamic balance in our lives!

Autumn Equinox: The Archangel Michael Meditation

alchemyCurtis Lang
It's Time to Surround Yourself with the Electric Blue Flame of Archangel Michael! This year, 2024, the Autumnal Equinox occurs on September 22 at 8:43 AM Eastern time. Archangel Michael, who presides over the fall season, is the patron and protector of all those seeking protection, purification, and release from karmic burdens. Michael is always available to help us overcome fear, doubt, and negative emotions and thought-forms from our lives. Michael and his legions of guardian angels wield the electric blue flame of karmic liberation.
Psychic Self Defense

Psychic Self Defense

archangel michaelJane Sherry
Do you ever feel overly impacted by the emotional turmoil around you at home, work or out in the world? Or by the moods of your loved ones? Do you wonder if the emotions you are feeling sometimes aren't your own? Do you feel that sometimes when you walk into a room, that your energy changes to reflect whatever's going on around you? Empathy is the forerunner of compassion, and therefore a potentially very positive experience. However there is a danger involved in the empathic experience we should all understand.

Sagittarius Full Moon, Gemini Solar Festival, Festival of Goodwill, May 2024 Cosmic Weather Forecast

ascended mastersCurtis Lang and Jane Sherry
In spite of dire events in many parts of the world, auspicious aspects abound during this jovial Full Moon, creating golden opportunities in many areas of life. Jupiter is working overtime this Full Moon, broadcasting beams of Higher Consciousness and encouraging you to follow your bliss. A triple conjunction of Sun, Jupiter and Venus signals golden opportunities for financial gains, joyful socializing, blossoming romantic encounters, and spiritual awakenings!

Scorpio Full Moon, Wesak and Taurus Solar Festival 2024 Cosmic Weather Forecast

9-11Curtis Lang and Jane Sherry

An incendiary T-Square in fixed signs creates potent energy for good or ill on Buddha's Birthday. May’s Taurus stellium promises a time of optimism, strength, visionary creativity, and easy access to inner spiritual guidance. An ideal moment for travels, near or far, that will broaden the mind, delight the senses, and open the heart to the beauty of the natural world.

Streaming Sunrise Light, Photo by Jane Sherry

Virgo Full Moon, Pisces Solar Festival, February 2024 Cosmic Weather Forecast

archangel gabrielCurtis Lang and Jane Sherry
Watch Out For Steamy Aspects and Risks of Wider Wars, Followed by an Impulse to Achieve Sudden Electrifying Liberation from All that Blocks Us from our Spiritual and Material Goals
Tarot: Yoga of the West

Tarot: Yoga of the West

alchemyCurtis Lang
The Tarot is the Yoga of the West, a system for obtaining personal enlightenment, visualizing future probabilities, and changing our inner reality to create more positive outcomes in life.

Spring Equinox, Reincarnation, and The Great Cosmic Year

age of aquariusCurtis Lang
Ancient rituals enacted in cultures around the world were designed to manage the irregular, unpredictable, subtly changing and extremely threatening seasonal, yearly and multi-yearly cycles unfolding on Earth.

Wesak Full Moon in Scorpio Festival 2009 Newsletter

ascended mastersCurtis Lang and Jane Sherry
At Wesak, the Enlightened Ones gather in Shambhala and send humanity a continuous energetic stream of intellectual inspiration, loving wisdom, compassion and will forces, along with immensely detailed spiritual guidance concerning each individual's spiritual path in the upcoming year. Let's meditate on that Friday night!
The Dark Night of the Planetary Soul

The Dark Night of the Planetary Soul

age of aquariusCurtis Lang
The world is in labor, about to birth a new planetary consciousness. Will this consciousness reflect our worst nightmares or our highest aspirations? The choice is ours.