Welcome to the March 2025 Full Moon Cosmic Weather Forecast by Curtis Lang with Jane Sherry!
Spring planting has begun in Jane's Garden!
We've dug trenches and tenderly placed 22 asparagus crowns in their specially prepared bed with organic soil, manure, sand and compost. This is our first asparagus bed ever, so wish us luck!

It's very exciting to say goodbye to winter! It's now meteorological spring, with only ten days until the Spring Equinox, which marks the start of another astrological year!
Starting tomorrow we'll have a run of faux-April weather with highs in the mid to upper 70s and plenty of sunshine, which is perfect for planting a variety of veggies!
Friday, March 14th at 2:26 AM Eastern Daylight Time, we celebrate a Virgo Full Blood Moon Eclipse, which will be visible across North America staring at 12:55 am!
The Sun, the Earth and the Moon align perfectly in space, with the Earth in the middle. Sunlight casts the Earth's shadow on the Moon. While the Moon is moving within the Earth's shadow, the moon appears dark red.

Sun conjuncts both Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, opposing this Full Moon in Virgo.
The sensitive, perfectionist, insecure, highly intellectual Full Moon in Virgo is confronted with the controlling, obfuscating, highly emotional energy of the triple conjunction in Pisces.
The Saturn/Neptune conjunction in watery vacillating emotional Pisces indicates that the Saturnine structures of our worldview are being dissolved through Neptunian dissimulation, miscommunication and our own inner lack of focus and conviction.
Communications are muddled. We are receiving mixed messages.
Our internal radar can be fuzzed with interference from negative ambient energies, emotions and thought forms from time to time.
These conditions could persist over the next few weeks and may even become more acute as Saturn and Neptune enter Aries in months to come.

The Court of Neptune Fountain, Washington, United States of America
Mateus Campos Felipe, for Unsplash
Free to use under the Unsplash License
In the social sphere, the combination of Saturn and Neptune in Pisces represents the likely Neptunian dissolution of existing rigid Saturnine structures in our social, economic and political spheres.
On the world stage, those who control Saturnine institutions also control the deceptive Neptunian narratives propagated on social media, and on TV, still a major medium of mass communication, so this Full Moon Eclipse week we will be subjected to a tsunami of propaganda, mental manipulation and spin doctoring designed to reduce us all to passive observers of the unfolding politicized events that are slowly transforming our institutions and redesigning our way of life.
As Sun, Saturn and Neptune prepare to enter Aries, immediately after the Full Moon Eclipse, Mercury goes retrograde, indicating substantial difficulties in dispelling the astral glamours cast by widespread deception.
The prominence of ideological and religious zealots in positions of power fuels the self-delusion that besets true believers who have misplaced faith in self-serving leaders around the world.
The Sun/Saturn conjunction in Pisces indicates indecision and difficulty expressing oneself freely, while the Sun/Neptune conjunction in Pisces indicates a strong dissatisfaction with events in the world around us and a tendency to deny the harsh realities we encounter, even perhaps to seek escape in physical pleasures, daydreaming, or mass media spectacles of one kind or another.
However with Saturn and Neptune conjoined in Pisces there is a potential for us to tap into the Neptunian transpersonal realms of collective consciousness and to utilize Saturnine self-discipline to channel the otherworldly experiences available to us at this time into spiritual practices or creative, artistic expression.

Constellation of Pisces, Uranographia of Johannes Hevelius, Public Domain
Sensitive individuals will want to protect themselves energetically during this highly conflicted Full Moon Eclipse.
Jane and I highly recommend prayers, mantras, rituals and energy work designed to insulate the human body and bio-field from detrimental ambient energies during the three day period from Thursday evening through Sunday morning.
If the potent energies unleashed this Full Moon Eclipse weekend can be properly channeled there is also substantial potential for positive outcomes.
The Sabian Symbol for this Full Moon in Virgo is Mary and Her Little Lamb. The symbolic reference to the renewal of spring and the innocence of a new inner life is obvious and inescapable.
This Full Moon Eclipse we have an opportunity to gift ourselves with a fresh start in our emotional life, a reset that allows us to move past any negativity, pain, and inner turmoil that have been keeping us trapped in a cycle of passive resignation in our lives.
With Sun and Moon both in positive aspects to Uranus in Taurus we will find support in the stars for our efforts to let go of mistaken mental maps of the world, knee-jerk reactions to recurring crises, and unthinking adherence to outdated political systems and leaders.
As we let go of these toxic energies we will be free to follow the subtle urgings of the small still Voice of Higher Mind, and there will be more space in our lives for our Intuitive Guidance to manifest.
The emergence of Higher Self coincides with manifestations of divine timing that present us with golden opportunities and the understanding we need to align ourselves with our Higher Purpose, for our own benefit and the best and highest good of all the people in our lives.
Ten days after the Full Moon Eclipse in Virgo, we celebrate the Spring Equinox, a time of renewal and new life in the Northern Hemisphere.

At the time of the Spring Equinox, the sun appears to rise between the constellations of Pisces and Aquarius, and every year, due to the precession of the equinoxes, the sun appear to rise a tiny bit closer to Aquarius.
This is the astronomical basis for the idea that we are approaching the Age of Aquarius and exiting the Age of Pisces.
You can read all about this in our article entitled: Spring Equinox Mysteries and History.
During the spring season we celebrate the moment when Universal Life Force Energy on planet Earth supports and sustains the growth of plants, the birthing season for many animals, and the arousal of sexual energies, all under the guidance of Archangel Raphael.
The Archangel Raphael and Tobias, Gallerie dell'Accademia in Venice, Titian
Attributed to Titian , Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Archangel Raphael and his legions of mercurial angels traverse the myriad dimensions of the multiverse, and preside over the mystic arts of healing.
Raphael's angels preside over the healing, transformative power of Higher Mind articulated in the Word that is a winged seed, symbolized by the Ace of Disks in the Tarot Deck.
These angels reside in the sephiroth Hod on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, the abode of Mercurial energies of Higher Mind.
Raphael carries the winged caduceus, a staff surrounded by intertwined snakes, representing the spinal column and the other two subtle channels in the human being through which kundalini energy flows, and rises to the thousand petaled lotus at the crown of the head.
For more on the Esoteric significance of the Spring Equinox and for instructions on how to connect with Archangel Raphael at this auspicious time of year, see our article entitled Spring Equinox: The Archangel Raphael Meditation.

"When spring comes, we can begin to be nourished by the rays of the rising sun, for light is the best food there is," proclaims Bulgarian Spiritual Master Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov. "And the pure air, the awakening earth, the surrounding trees also feed us if we know how to be good cooks! Yes, cooks. Using our thoughts and our love, we can make delicious dishes from all these elements."
"The spiritual life is nourishment," Omraam explains. "It is the art of turning everything we receive from outside into wisdom, goodness, power and peace. We take part in this transformation firstly by placing all our attention on the rising sun. Then, we return to our everyday activities, always feeling replete, stronger and richer. Yes, richer, because the light we have received from the sun is gold, etheric gold, and this gold is worth more than all the ingots amassed in banks."
Springtime is the ideal time of year to begin a Sunrise Meditation practice. It's easy and fun!
To get you started, here is our variation on sunrise meditations taught by Shri Yukteswar and Drunvalo Melchizedek.
Sunrise, Glencoe, Ballachulish, UK, Joshua Earle for Unsplash+
Licensed under the Unsplash+ License
Begin your day with a few minutes of silent contemplation as you lie on your back with your eyes closed or better yet seated in a chair, or in half lotus position. I have also done this meditation in a half lotus seated under a tree or walking mindfully in a garden.
Acknowledge your guides and teachers, and give thanks for the new day.
Notice the breath going in and out of your nostrils.
Place your tongue at the top of your palate, behind your teeth. Breathe in through the nostrils, working from the stomach, while you count to seven. (If you can't reach seven, then just keep track of your own personal count and repeat the same number each time you breathe.)
Breathe out through the nostrils, while you count to seven.
Continue to breathe deeply, in and out, to the count of seven.
While you inhale, imagine the Sun is right above your head.
Sun Image from NASA's Solar Dynamics Laboratory, 2015, Public Domain
See the golden liquid light of the Sun pour down over your head and into your prana tube.
The prana tube is approximately two inches in diameter and extends from a point about a foot above your head through the center of your body, exiting at the perineum and extending down into the earth about a foot.
The liquid light of the sun pours down that tube into your heart.
As you exhale, see the silvery liquid light of the Earth rise up from far beneath your feet into your prana tube, all the way into your heart.
As you continue to breathe, see the golden and silvery liquid light continue to pour into your prana tube from above and below.
Do this breath ten times.
Sunrise Yoga, Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash
As you breathe in and out, make the following Unity Affirmation:
"I unify my physical body, my etheric body, my astral body, my egoistic will and my lower mind with my higher self, my higher purpose, and my higher mind."
"I unify my higher self, higher purpose and higher mind with the grand unfolding plan for the optimization of the Universe and the liberation of all sentient and non-sentient beings in love and light."
"I unify my higher self, higher purpose and higher mind with the Atman within, the Great Father-Mother Source within."
With each inhalation and each exhalation, more and more liquid silvery and gold light pours into the heart.
Seven Chakras, Peter Weltevrede, CC BY-SA 2.5, via Wikimedia Commons
Now, every time you inhale, golden liquid light pours down from your crown chakra into your heart while silvery liquid light rises up from your root chakra into your heart, at the same time.
Now, every time you exhale, silvery liquid light pours up from your root chakra into your heart, while, simultaneously, golden liquid light pours down from your crown chakra into your heart.
By the fifth or sixth breath, the silvery and gold light fills your heart.
See the silvery and gold liquid light pouring from your heart into the rest of your body, filling it up entirely, all the way to the tips of your fingernails and toenails and the tips of the hair on your head.
After ten breaths, relax for a moment.
Then do the same breath sequence, inhaling to the count of five and exhaling to the count of five, five more times.
At the end of this second round of breathing, take an additional three breaths in the same manner.
While you breathe, imagine that silver and gold liquid light radiates out from your heart, filling your aura, a sphere that extends about an arm's length in every direction around your body.
Sun God, Fayez Tepe, Uzbekistan,
Ab Langereis, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons, Public Domain
Imagine your aura glowing like the sun, radiating light out into the world in every direction.
After these breathing exercises, relax your body and your mind.
Keeping your eyes closed, and breathing deeply and slowly, reflect on the rising sun, know the sun to be a living being, and reflect on the qualities of the sun you would like to make your own.
The sun gives generously to all without exception without asking for return. The sun represents, purity, conscious will, cosmic intelligence, limitless light, and so much more.
Connect your sphere of light with the sun's sphere of light in your own mind.
Acknowledge that the sun is a sentient spiritual being. Thank the sun for being such a good model for you, for helping you on your spiritual path each and every day.
Thank your spiritual teachers and your holy guardian angel for the protection, grace and guidance they provide you every day. Thank the devas and nature spirits of the place where you currently reside for helping to maintain the equilibrium of natural forces that sustains all life on Earth. Thank Mother Earth for birthing you and nurturing you in her body.
The ideal time to do this meditation is, of course, dawn, but evening twilight is also a propitious time for this exercise.
Jane and I hope that the spring seeds you plant will grow and produce the most beautiful flowers and the sweetest fruits for you this year!

Curtis and Jane Selfie, Reynolda Gardens, Winston Salem, NC
And may you all receive the grace and guidance you need to achieve your most pressing material goals and your loftiest spiritual goals.
May you keep your balance when the roads you travel roughen, and may your progress along the path of life be quickened in every way this spring season!
May love and light increase and bring new life to the Earth this year and for many years to come!
Meditation Moment: Poem of the Atoms, Rumi
O day, arise! The atoms are dancing.
Thanks to Him the universe is dancing.
The souls are dancing, overcome with ecstasy.
I’ll whisper in your ear where their dance is taking them.
All the atoms in the air and in the desert know well, they seem insane.
Every single atom, happy or miserable,
Becomes enamoured of the sun, of which nothing can be said.