Metaphysical and Mineralogical Properties of the Varieties of Indigo Quartz
These lovely examples (below right & left respectively) of indicalite, or Indigo Quartz are a lovely elestial quartz (right) & the magnificent Twin Indigo Quartz Wand (left). It is from Bahia, Brazil, has a heptagonal face on the tip, opposed by a triangular face, marking this crystal as a channeling wand, with a special metaphysical property -- it enhances the bearer's ability to access Higher Mind, angelic realms, and Spirit Guides and Teachers. This double terminated indicolite twin elestial, or blue tourmaline quartz wand, has a well-formed triplet at the top, with several other points emerging from the shaft in ascending order in a very coherent way as you move up from the base to the tip. Rare, deep blue tourmalinated quartz contains long, thin prismatic crystalline formations of deep blue tourmaline, known as indicolite. The most rare and desirable form of indicolite has a vibrant indigo color. Needles of deep blue tourmaline can be seen in this beautifully formed and featured crystal running from base to top, imparting a beautiful energy to this wand..
This Indigo Quartz crystal comes to us as part of a small shipment from Bahia, Brazil, where it is available directly from the source in very limited quantities. There is no mine. This Indigo Quartz is from alluvial rock formations, found near the surface of the soil. In this case, a farmer in Bahia found a few kilos of the tourmalinated quartz in his field during the off-season and we have had the great good fortune to purchase a fair amount of that very limited find.
Indicolite, or blue tourmaline, is an extremely hard complex silicate of boron and aluminum, with powerful piezoelectric properties.This means that indicolite crystals generate electricity when subjected to mechanical stress and pressure.
Indigo Quartz stimulates Unity consciousness, facilitating the individual’s connection to higher spiritual realms. Indigo Quartz awakens the intuitive faculties, providing a more conscious connection to the wisdom of the Higher Self.
Indigo Quartz facilitates the individual’s harmonious interaction with all the elements of the environment, including people, animals and objects.
Indigo Quartz attunes the bearer to the web of life connecting all of humanity, and provides a safe and secure energetic space within which the bearer can feel secure enough to open the heart fully. Indigo Quartz helps to release the fear associated with reaching out to people who are outside our own tribe, religion, class, nationality and racial or ethnic background.
Lightworkers will find that Indigo Quartz facilitates progress along the path of selfless service, enabling the bearer to give in to love and give up all mental considerations and emotional hang-ups serving as barriers along the way.
Crystal healers use Indigo Quartz to activate the throat and third eye charkas, strengthening the individual’s ability to apprehend and communicate psychic and spiritual insights. Shamanic practitioners have used tourmaline for millennia to establish contact with spiritual worlds and communicate with ancestral spirits for purposes of divination, guidance and healing.
Indigo Quartz also strengthens, stimulates and harmonizes the individual’s etheric, astral and causal bodies, releasing fears in a comforting energetic space, and providing for deep healing of long-held emotional and mental blockages.
Lightworkers will find that Indigo Quartz facilitates the opening of the heart, and deepens feelings of empathy and compassion while providing a tangible, powerful field of energetic protection to the bearer. This protective energy field is typical of tourmaline, which has been used as a protective talisman by shamanic practitioners for thousands of years.
Indigo Quartz is used by crystal healers to treat ailments of lungs, throat, larynx, thymus, thyroid, eyes and brain.
Jane and I are deeply impressed by the powerful healing energy generated by this rare Brazilian deep blue Indigo Quartz, because of our personal experience with the stone in meditation and in use during Reiki healing sessions we have found that it imparts a feeling of profound protection, deep relaxation and reverential quietude to clients seeking healing.
Simply hold this Indigo Quartz crystal in your hand during meditation, and feel the flow of peace and stillness spread throughout your aura, facilitating the cessation of mental chatter and the complete relaxation of the body.
Or use this powerful Indigo Quartz crystal as a tool to radiate peaceful, healing energy throughout your environment. Indigo Quartz can be used as an energetic generator to infuse any stressful or conflicted environment with healing, harmonious energies, conducive to co-operation and peaceful resolution of disagreements or conflicts.
Tourmaline possesses the property of omni-directional energetic radiation, so there is no need to consciously direct the flow of energy in any particular direction during meditation.
These examples of polished Indigo Quartz with Actinolite pieces from Bahia, Brazil, exhibit amazing clarity and a lovely color ranging from very pale translucent blue to deeper tones. (Photos below)
These extremely rare, translucent Indigo Quartz specimens contains formations of ochre coloured actinolite, a hydrous calcium magnesium iron silicate. These kinds of crystals, when polished & seen from above, look like small slicse of a still Caribbean bay with coral at the bottom.
Actinolite works most intensely on the mental and physical bodies. This stone feels as though you are smoothing out all creases, anxieties & tensions VERY quickly, because in our experience it seems to work first on the mental body, quieting the mind, then extending it's thorough yet gentle unwinding to the physical.
Actinolite based Indigo Quartz is considered to be an immensely powerful spiritual tool by crystal healers and practitioners of meditation.
Jane and I are deeply impressed by the powerful healing energy generated by both varieties of this rare Brazilian Indigo Quartz, because of our personal experience with the stones in meditation and in use during Reiki healing sessions. When we use Actinolite or Indigo Quartz in Reiki sessions we find that they impart a feeling of profound protection, deep relaxation and reverential quietude to clients seeking healing.
“It is a phenomenal shielding device and expands the energy bodies,” says Melody in her metaphysical guidebook to crystals, “Love Is In The Earth”. “By focusing the mineral on an unwanted condition, lessening is both facilitated and enhanced.”
Actinolite based Indigo Quartz soothes the soul, calms the mind, and relaxes the body. Indigo Quartz strengthens, stimulates and harmonizes the individual’s etheric, astral and causal bodies, releasing fears in a comforting energetic space, and providing for deep healing of long-held emotional and mental blockages.
Lightworkers will find that Indigo Quartz facilitates the opening of the heart, and deepens feelings of empathy and compassion while providing a tangible, powerful field of energetic protection to the bearer.
Indigo Quartz is used by crystal healers to treat ailments of lungs, throat, larynx, thymus, thyroid, eyes and brain.
Simply hold this Indigo Quartz crystal in your hand during meditation, and feel the flow of peace and stillness spread throughout your aura, facilitating the cessation of mental chatter and the complete relaxation of the body.
Or use this powerful Indigo Quartz crystal as a tool to radiate peaceful, healing energy throughout your environment. Indigo Quartz can be used as an energetic generator to infuse any stressful or conflicted environment with healing, harmonious energies, conducive to co-operation and peaceful resolution of disagreements or conflicts.
As with all of our crystals and jewelry at SatyaCenter, these are first cleaned and cleared with Reiki energy, color and prayer, and then given a Reiki attunement.
Check out the article "Using Quartz Crystals in Digital Technology, Healing and Meditation" for an overview of the metaphysical and mineralogical properties of quartz, and a step-by-step guide explaining how to cleanse, charge, and program quartz crystals for healing, meditation and other spiritual purposes.
If you are interested in purchasing Indigo Quartz, see our wonderful pieces in the Indigo Quartz section of our Satya Center Crystal Gallery.