Metaphysical and Mineralogical Properties of the New Lemurian Crystals
We now carry several new varieties of Lemurian Seed Crystals that come from mines in the region of Minas Gerais, Brazil, near the town of Joaquin Felicio. Some of these mines are being operated by a miner who was one of the family members who originally mined Lemurian seed crystals in the Nineteen Nineties, and one of the mines, a new one, is operated by an enterprising Brazilian miner who is a newcomer to the wonderful world of Lemurian seed crystals.
All of these mines have uncovered new Lemurian Seed Crystals that come from a line of crystal beds along the same mountain top, all within a 20 kilometer radius of the original mine where Lemurian Seed Crystals were first discovered and categorized in the early Nineties. (See map below.)
If you would like to see examples of the New Lemurians you can see and/or purchase them at the Satya Center Store in the Lemurian Section of our Crystal Gallery.
The origins of the Lemurian seed crystals make an interesting story, which we have pieced together from accounts provided by our source for Lemurian crystals, an international dealer in minerals and crystals, who has dealt directly with the owners of the Lemurian mines in this area for many years.
Enterprising American miners in the 1940s, working land owned by Brazilians, opened up two mines in the mountains of the Serra do Cabral mountain range near the town of Joaquin Felicio, in the state of Minas Gerais. "After World War II, the Americans left", explains our source, affectionately known to friends and colleagues as "The Lemurian King". "The mines reverted to the control of the Brazilian families who originally owned the land. Five relatives from these families reopened mining operations in the early 1990s, at the larger mine of the two that had been opened up by the Americans," our source continues.
An American, mineral dealer David Geiger, was intrigued by the unusual formations of the crystals in the mine, and forwarded some samples to a colleague, Kristina Raphaell. Raphaell designated the crystals as "Lemurian seed crystals", and offered the world a wealth of channeled information about the origin of these unique crystals.
According to our Lemurian source, the Lemurian crystals were found in the mine shafts being dug in the original Lemurian mine, embedded in a matrix surrounded by loose sandy soil, from which it was relatively easy to extract them. Individuals who have direct experience removing crystals from the Lemurian mines say that they have found many long wands deposited vertically in loose, sandy soil, points directed downward, as if someone standing above the location had placed them there.
These Lemurian crystals often appeared in clusters of long shafts and as individual wands. Individual Lemurian wands range in size from a few inches to two feet or more in length, and weigh anywhere from a few grams to 50 kilograms or more. Clusters weighing up to 600 kilos have been extracted from time to time.
Because they were relatively easy to extract, it seemed that they had been planted in the soil by an intelligent agent. Channeled information indicated that ancient civilizations had "seeded" the location with these unique crystals. These ancient civilizations were thought to have intended that the crystals be easily uncovered by their ancestors, many generations in the future.
Based upon channeled information received in meditation, any metaphysical rock hounds came to believe that these crystals were implanted directly in loose sandy soil in the mountains of the Serra do Cabral by the wise men and women of the ancient Lemurian civilization, aeons prior to all currently known historical records. Other crystal healers said that these Lemurian crystals grew from tiny "seed" crystals implanted in the sandy soil of the Brazilian mountains by the Lemurian high priests and priestesses in the mists of pre-history.
The exact time frame of the Lemurian civilization is open to question, as is the exact nature of their civilization, although crystal healers and Lightworkers have identified the Lemurians who are said to have planted the crystals as Earthkeepers -- exalted beings whose primary purpose was to act as guardians of the ecosystem ecoysystem.
The most prominent source of information about Lemurian civilization comes from wisdom teachers of the now-legendary Theosophical School of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, which included such luminaries as J. Krishnamurti, Madame Blavatsky, Alice Bailey, Rudolf Steiner and Charles Leadbeater. These spiritual teachers claimed to have had clairvoyant insights into the history and origins of the human race that transcended all existing scholarship and historical records. These clairvoyant mystics relied upon a direct experience of the Akashic Records to formulate their own timeline of human development.
The Akashic Records are said to constitute a vast, ethereal library containing all of humanity's thoughts, words and deeds which has been impressed upon the substance of the vast Universal Field of Life Force Energy filling all time and space. In fact, the information in the Akashic Records is considered Universal in nature, and transcends human history. Scholars of the Hindu Vedas, the oldest written sacred scriptures on our planet, say that the wisdom in the Vedas was transcribed by ancient seers and sages, known as "rishis", who read the Akashic records and recorded what they saw.
According to mystic, clairvoyant, author and scholar Rudolf Steiner, who broke with the Theosophical Society and founded the Waldorf Schools and biodynamic agriculture, the Lemurian civilization existed prior to Atlantis, and existed in South Asia and Africa, extending from Ceylon to Madagascar.According to Steiner, the Lemurians derived immense powers of will and strength from a direct connection to the energy bodies of plants and animals around them. The Lemurian was, says Steiner, "a born magician in all fields of lower human activities." Steiner discusses the Lemurian civilization extensively in his book "Cosmic Memory" and in many other publications and lectures.
According to Steiner, Lemurian institutions of higher learning focused on teaching initiates secret techniques enabling them to control the forces of nature by direct contemplation. Steiner said these Lemurian mystery schools "stood far above what mankind has since acquired in the way of arts and sciences." He called them "colleges of will power and of the clairvoyant power of the imagination. From them emerged men who became, in every respect, rulers of the others."
Steiner says that life on Earth was vastly different then. The "air was much thicker", the "water much thinner." The ground was thin and broken apart continually by the action of convulsive volcanic forces. The Earth in this period was shaped by the primal element of Fire. What we know as small ferns existed as giants of the plant world. Only amphibians, birds and lower animals existed. The vast majority of humanity lived a very primitive life, which can only be described as animalistic in nature.
Yet for those in the Lemurian mystery schools, life was exalted beyond what we know today. "The uninitiated, of course, stood under the magical influence of the initiated," says Steiner. "It was also natural that the latter considered themselves sanctified personages. . . They looked into the creative workshop of nature. They experienced a communion with the beings who built the world itself. One can call this communion an association with the gods."
Steiner says that in the later periods of the more highly developed Lemurian civilization, the role of female initiates was paramount, and that these female initiates were responsible for planting the seeds of the knowledge of good and evil in the soul of mankind, as well as for developing the first human awareness of beauty, and for cultivating the first human language, a kind of song.
Thus all subsequent human civilizations owe a huge debt of gratitude to the Lemurian priestesses, who created the first Mystery Schools teaching enlightenment through direct experience of nature, the first human system of ethics, the first art and highly developed system of aesthetics and the first, prototypical human language.
Given this description of the ancient Lemurian civilization, it is not at all surprising that crystal healers and Lightworkers from the Nineties to the present have consistently described the energy of the Lemurian seed crystals as warm, nurturing, feminine, healing, and closely connected to the Source of Shakti, the weaver of the web of life on Earth, the Divine Mother.
All Lemurians have a very powerful & unique energy signature.
Lemurians occur naturally with multiple striations, and Katrina Raphaell and some other crystal healers consider the crystals more valuable when these striations have been left intact & not polished off of the crystals, although our experience is that both polished and unpolished Lemurian crystals have immensely powerful energies useful in healing, meditation and spiritual practice of all kinds.
The multiple striations on Lemurian crystals have been said by Katrina Raphaell and others to contain information from the ancient civilization of Lemuria. Lemurian crystals are said to be tuned to energies of unity, and to help us to balance the spiritual and physical aspects of our lives. According to the mineralogist and crystal dealer who provides us with Lemurian crystals, Lemurian seed crystals are perfect examples of a crystalline structure created by what is known as the "Muzo crystal growth habit".
This habit was first described by Rykart, commenting on crystals from Muzo in Colombia. A similar crystal "habit" or structure has also been found on rock crystals from pegmatites in Minas Gerais, Brazil, and from alpinotype vugs in Switzerland.
Many Lemurian seed crystals, commonly known as "Laser wands", display the defining characteristics of the "Muzo habit". Muzo habit crystals display horizontal striations up and down the shaft, and can form very steep termination tips, such that a cross section of the upper end of the shaft appears triangular, although the lower body of the shaft remains hexagonal in shape.
"I believe that the Lemurian crystals' shape, the surface etchings, the overall structure, evokes Lemurian consciousness in the people who handle them," says our Lemurian source. "People meditated with these crystals and the crystals evoked a consciousness we call Lemurian consciousness -- a connection to the archetypes and wisdom, if you will, we associate with Lemuria."
This explains why Lemurian crystals are found in Brazil, in Russia, and in other locations, none of which map closely onto the locations identified with Lemuria by the Theosophical seers who originally envisioned this ancient civilization in their clairvoyant meditations.
The sacred geometry of the Lemurian Seed Crystal Laser Wand provides some keys to its nature that provide extremely helpful guidance to crystal healers, Lightworkers and meditators working with these unique crystals.
The shaft of the Lemurian Laser wand is hexagonal.
The hexagon occurs in both organic and inorganic forms in nature, and thus represents the bridge between living and non-living realms of material creation in the sacred science of sacred geometry.
Six-angled, six-sided and six-pointed forms of nature include: quartz crystals; the benzene ring, a basic structure in organic chemistry, and one of the basic building blocks of organic structures of nature, composed of a hexagonal configuration of six hydrogen and six carbon atoms; the hexagonal web of cellulose found in plant tissue; the hexagonal net of cells that form the tissue in the human lung; snowflakes; slices of carrot and green pepper; and honeycombs.
The Lemurian Laser Wand's sacred geometry, incorporating the hexagon and the triangle, marks these uinque crystals as nature’s own “magic wands”.
Slice the hexagonal shaft of any Lemurian Laser wand, and a Star of David appears. Quartz crystal wands are three dimensional Star of David mandalas. The Star of David the ideal container for Universal Life Force Energy.
The Star of David implicit within the hexagon expresses the interrelationship of matter and spirit. The upward pointing triangle of the Star of David represents spirit, and the downward pointing triangle represents material reality. The Star of David also symbolizes the interpenetration and balance of male and female energies, the upward and downward pointing triangles respectively. The Star of David represents the manifestation of Divine proportions in an ideal and harmonious, stable and orderly material structure.
The hexagonal shaft of the Lemurian Laser Wand narrows to form a more angular, triangular termination tip in accordance with the Muzo crystal growth habit. The transition from the hexagon to the triangle represents the aspiration of matter toward spirit, and is another indication that the Lemurian Laser Wand is the ideal vehicle for transmitting Universal Life Force energy directly from Source.
Lemurian Laser Wands deliver a highly concentrated beam of life force energy. Energy enters the crystal through the hexagonal base, and is amplified as it travels through the shaft, bouncing from face to face in a spiral of light. As the energy travels through the increasingly narrow end of the shaft and enters the triangular termination tip, the energy is concentrated, focused and amplified, so that when it is delivered it has many of the characteristics of a laser beam.
There are also other varieties of Lemurian Seed Crystal with highly desirable and unique properties conferred by their structure, crystal habit and sacred geometry.Many Lemurian Seed Crystals exhibit what is known as trigonal symmetry, and are found with highly developed termination tips that often exhibit large three five-sided or six-sided or seven-sided faces opposed by tiny triangular faces.
The Lemurian Seed Crystals with five-sided faces opposed by a triangular face are said to be "Isis Crystals", with a special affinity for the Divine Mother in her aspect as Isis, Queen of the Stars.
Lemurian Seed Crystals with a seven-sided face opposed by a triangular face are said to be "Channeling Crystals", and are believed to enhance our connection to inner spiritual guidance, and to facilitate communication with angelic presences, Master Guides and Spiritual Teachers in higher dimensions, who inhabit spiritual worlds.
Yet other Lemurian Seed Crystals exhibit termination tips with greatly enlarged rhombohedral faces, often seven-sided, opposed by small triangular faces. These crystals have formed according to what is known as the Dauphiné habit. They are often Channeling crystals or Isis Crystals, such as the one pictured below.
This crystal structure, or habit, is named after the Dauphiné, the old name for the French Alps around Grenoble. The large rhombohedral faces of these Lemurian Seed crystals are formed because the crystal grew unevenly, due to geologic conditions in the area, and the characteristic rhombohedral faces simply grew more slowly than the rest of the crystal.These Dauphiné habit crystals are extremely powerful transmitters of energy, and they tend to transmit large beams of energy rather than the very highly concentrated streams of energy chracteristic of the Lemurian Laser Wand. Dauphiné habit Lemurian Seed crystals are highly prized for their ability to send energy to large areas, and across long distances, especially when they exhibit the seven-sided faces characteristic of Chaneling Crystals or the five-sided faces characteristic of Isis Crystals.
All crystal healers, Lightworkers and metaphysical researchers agree that direct experience of the Lemurian energy signature is what is important, and that the energy signature of the Lemurian seed crystals must be experienced to be understood completely.
For those who would like to experience that energy firsthand, a number of exercises can be beneficial.
You can place the striations on the third eye or simply hold the crystal in your left hand, the receiving hand, and place your finger on the striations while meditating, or just place the crystal on your meditation cushion or altar nearby you.
You can backlight these Lemurian crystals and scan them with a jeweler's loupe to observe the finely etched hieroglyphics that become visible when the striations are magnified. They are said to resemble Sanskrit lettering and to contain the records of each crystal's experiences and of the Lemurian civilization. Lemurian crystals are said to be tuned to energies of unity, and to help us to balance the spiritual and physical aspects of our lives.
The Lemurians were said to be Earthkeepers, connected to the energies of those Divine Beings who structured the physical manifestation of Mother Earth and who provided the energetic templates for the web of life on this planet, which remain today in the etheric plane, where the Akashic Records reside.
The Lemurian quartz crystals have been identified as tools of the present era's Lightworkers whose task is to preserve the environment -- those known as Protectors of Mother Earth. These Protectors, modern day Earthkeepers, often use Lemurian crystals to unify their energies with lightworkers throughout the world and beyond, to perform collective meditations for the benefit of the environment and all the beings who dwell on our Blue-Green Planet.
Healers we have spoken to about the Lemurian crystals say that these stones have a warmth and power and a deep, nurturing, feminine energy that they have not seen in other quartz crystals. And we can say from personal experience using Lemurians in a clinical setting with people with chronic and life threatening illness, that these stones can open and soothe the heart chakra and the emotional body, bringing comfort and deep relaxation. They are ideal for use by vibrational healers, Reiki therapists, and other energy workers.
Because Lemurian seed crystals are associated with the Divine Mother and with the Protectors of the Earth, these crystals can be used effectively in meditation to transmit healing energy to large groups of people, to Lightworkers connected to the Christ consciousness grid surrounding the planet, and to large geographic areas where turbulent weather or degraded environmental condtions, conflicted political situations, and war and oppression, prevail.
Pink Lemurians, Dream Lemurians and Goddess Lemurians from The New Lemurian Mine
As Lemurian lovers no doubt know, the original Lemurian mine suspended operations a couple of years ago, and the remaining Lemurians in the stockpiles of the family operating the mine, and in the warehouses of dealers around the world, constituted the total global supply of these highly desirable crystals.
In the last couple of years, one of the miners who was part of the group of family members who operated the original Brazilian Lemurian mine in the mountains of Serro de Cobral has reopened operations in the smaller of the two original locations, and that operaton is known as The New Lemurian Mine. (See map above.)New varieties of Lemurian crystals have been discovered by this experienced Lemurian miner, who is further exploring the area that produced the original Lemurian seed crystals.
The New Lemurian Mine is producing a quantity of very pink Lemurian Seed Crystals similar to those originally extracted in the Nineteen Nineties, a new variety of Lemurian called Goddess Lemurians, and a new variety known as Dream Lemurians.
Lemurian Goddess crystals are clear to slightly smoky, and many have either white or earth tone phantom layers on one or more faces. Crystal healers who have worked with them say that they work to bring the body and mind into balance, and to harmonize the balanced human being with the forces of nature.
This effect is in keeping with the Ancient Wisdom of the original Lemurian priestesses, whose training helped them establish clairvoyant communication with the devas and nature spirits and highly evolved spiritual beings overseeing Creation on planet Earth on behalf of the Great Mother, and to exercise their will forces in harmony with these great beings of light in order to equilibrate and optimize the evolution of the many Creations of the Divine Mother found in the mineral, plant and animal kingdoms.
Crystal healers familiar with the Goddess Lemurians say that they can aid the bearer in establishing contact with the sacred wisdom of the Great Mother, and to the ancient wisdom teachings of the Lemurian high priestesses.
Lemurian Dream Quartz contains phantoms ranging in color from creamy white to pale green. Dream Lemurians come in both polished and unpolished specimens. (See photo of a phantom below right).
The unpolished Dream Lemurian pieces have the deep striations typical of Lemurians, with colors ranging from blue-green to creamy-white & ochre, ranging in clarity from translucent to opaque. Crystal healers working with the Dream Lemurians report that even small specimens are very powerful, and can alter the energy in a room, an office, or a treatment room, imparting a warm, nurturing, feminine, and "dream-like" quality to the space. These Dream Lemurians create a space for dreams -- they are not dream like in a spacey way, but rather dream-like meaning creating a feeling of openness and expansive creativity, so that those in the environment feel empowered to fulfill their own Higher Purpose through the functioning of Higher Mind, for the best and highest good of all involved.
Needless to say, Dream Lemurians are wonderful companions on an altar or night table, and can be comfortably used under the pillow or in the hand when it's time for sleep.
Some pieces of Lemurian Dream Quartz also contain sparkling anatase, a form of titanium dioxide sprinkled here & there on the surface & within. You can see the antase on the surface of a Dream Lemurian where it appears as tiny flecks of silver or gold in what appear to be tiny pockmarks, as in the specimen to the right.
Anatase is better known as a dipyramidal form of rutile. Rutile is a titanium ore. Titanium is used in high tech and aerospace alloys because it’s lightweight, exhibits great strength, is super-conductive and resists corrosion.
Rutilated quartz crystals are known to be super conductors -- powerful amplifiers of Universal Life Force Energy, making them particularly effective in releasing energy blockages. Rutilated Lemurian quartz has an enhanced ability to help dissolve any energy congestion found in the physical, etheric or astral bodies.
Rutilated quartz acts as a stimulant to the nervous system and the etheric body. Rutile excels at repelling negative energy and ending unwanted interference. Rutile promotes and strengthens stability in relationships and marriage, and works to eliminate emotional and physical imbalances.
Jane and I have used the new Dream Lemurian crystals in meditation and in our Reiki practice, and we are amazed by their complex and powerful energy. During meditation and in Reiki sessions, we found that the Dream Lemurians impart a deep, nurturing warmth, most noticeable first in the “hara” center, the storehouse ofUniversal Life Force Energy, or “chi”, located two fingers width below the belly button. This warm glow expanded throughout our bodies, then extended out into the aura, enlivening and brightening body, heart, and spirit.
We have found Phantom Dream Lemurians to be very helpful companions during sleep cycles, triggering profound dream experiences, helping us recall meaningful dream experiences, and gently triggering needed catharsis of negative emotional baggage.
Reiki clients report that Dream Lemurians provide a warm, nurturing, yet energizing effect on the body and mind, noticeable for periods of time up to several days after treatment.
Some Lemurian Dream Quartz wands also contains phantoms which range in color from creamy white-ochre to pale blue-green. These Dream Lemurian Phantoms are said to assist one with integrating spiritual awareness with daily life. The colors of the phantoms in the piece in the pictures appearing to the left and below are an opaque creamy pale ochre flecked with deeper ochres.
This phantom was created when a faceted tip formed at one point in the crystal's growth, but the crystal's growth was interrupted for some reason, and then the quartz crystal resumed its crystallization, enclosing the phantom crystal outline within itself. One possibility is that a pocket inside the earth surrounding the crystal dried out, stopping the crystal's growth, and the pocket was later resaturated, triggering another stage of crystal growth. The final result was the formation of a phantom crystal displaying the termination faces, as is found in this crystal.
Each phantom represents a different stage in the crystal's growth -- and each stage can last for hundreds of thousands of years! Each phantom crystal reveals its own evolutionary pattern -- it is as though we can see the record of the transmigrations of the crystal's soul.
It should come as no surprise that phantom crystals help us to unearth our own histories, and to come to terms with unresolved issues from our past. Phantoms help us to see our own messy histories and our painful karmic issues as part of a beautiful spiritual evolution. In this way, they help to restore a sense of inner balance, unity and an aura of magic where there had been pain and struggle.
Phantom Lemurian wands can help you connect with inner spiritual guidance.They can also be used to access the "akashic records" to help you observe your own spiritual evolution, stimulating recollection of your progression through past-lives.
The Lemurian Rutile Mine and the Rutilated Lemurians
The Lemurian Rutile Mine is a new mine on the mountaintop in the Serra de Cobral where Lemurians were originally extracted. It is now being operated by a miner who was one of the family members operating the original Lemurian mine in the Nineteen Nineties. This Lemurian Rutile Mine has produced a fine yield of extremely powerful angel hair rutile Lemurian crystals.
These new Rutilated Lemurian crystals have fine angel hair golden rutile needles & often contains hematite, or iron oxide, giving it a distinctive tangerine hue and a distinctive metaphysical connection with Archangel Michael. (You can see a closeup of the fine golden angel hair rutile where the iron oxide is prevalent below.)Esoteric Christianity makes a link between hematite and Archangel Michael, and a quartz crystal containing hematite can provide the bearer with a powerful connection to Michael, providing access to the Archangel's loving wisdom and power to dissolve illusion through the activity of his famous sword, the sword of Ultimate Truth.
During the Libran month, on October 8, in the northern hemisphere, the Draconid meteor showers will be visible. At this time of year, when sensational meteor showers, largely composed of iron, traditionally streak across the night sky, Esoteric Christian philosopher Rudolph Steiner’s clairvoyant vision saw the traditional flashing iron sword of Michael. The meteoric sword of Michael was thought to cleanse the Earth’s atmosphere of summer's sulfurous influences, allowing the Higher Self to emerge and guide the initiate along the path of Spirit toward the birth of the Inner Christ Light, an event which takes place in December, during the festival of Christmas.
For more information on Michaelmas, see "Libra Festivals: Michaelmas, Rosh Hoshanah, Ramadan and Navratri".
Rutile Lemurians, like all Lemurians, are tuned to energies of unity, and help us to balance the spiritual and physical aspects of our lives in their own unique ways. The hematite found in abundance in rutile Lemurians assists us to release negativity, transforming the negativity into the clarity of purified Universal Life Force Energy. Hematite is also associated with the attainment of inner peace, equilibrium, and self-control, and is said to assist us in maintaining a centered, grounded approach to life.We have used the New Lemurian Rutile crystals in meditation and in our Reiki practice, and we are amazed by their complex and powerful energy. During meditation and in Reiki sessions, we found that the New Rutile Lemurians impart a deep, energizing & nurturing warmth, most noticeable first in the “hara” center, the storehouse of Universal Life Force Energy, or “chi”, located two fingers width below the belly button. This warm glow expanded throughout our bodies, then extended out into the aura, enlivening and brightening body, heart, and spirit.
Although many forms of rutile accelerate intellectual activity, the Rutilated New Lemurians stimulate the Higher Mind, quieting the stream of conscious mind chatter and connecting consciousness to the wisdom found in a realm of a more universal wisdom, clarity an