The Ancient Roots of Fragrant Medicine

alchemyJoie Power Ph.D.
The majority of the world's population still largely depends on traditional medicines based on medicinal and aromatic plants and for many people in developing countries herbal medicines are still the only medicines that are available. In many cases, herbs are used today in the same ways that they were hundreds and even thousands of years ago.

The Soul Dimension of Cancer: How Flower Essence Therapy Can Help

aromatherapyDr. Marina Angeli
People in early stages of cancer whom I happened to know, who have used flower essences properly and worked with their personal issues in a decisive, authentic way, have had positive outcomes.

Flower Essence Formulas: Powerful Remedies for Times of Crisis

energy medicineRichard Katz & Patricia Kaminski
Flower essences were first developed during an earlier time of traumatic economic and social upheaval, the Great Depression of the 1930s. In the face of today’s challenges, these potent plant remedies can be important allies as we seek the wisdom, inner strength, emotional equanimity and resolve needed to meet a new world crisis.

Developing Positive Sensitivity—Empathy: an asset, not a liability

energy medicineJann Garitty
Sensitivity is an issue of our times, it touches all types of personalities, ages, economic levels—it crosses all boundaries. Sensitivity can result in anxiousness or depression.

Yarrow Environmental Solution: Say YES to your health!

energy medicinePatricia Kaminski
Yarrow Environmental Solution (YES) from the Flower Essence Society is a highly beneficial blend of flower essences & plant tinctures in a sea salt base. Its purpose is to strengthen and protect against toxic environmental influences, geopathic stress & other hazards of technology-dominated modern life. This includes the disruptive effects of radiation on human energy fields from X-rays, televisions, computer monitors, cellular phones, electromagnetic fields, airplane flights, radiation treatments & contamination from nuclear power plants or fall-out.

My Journey with Southernwood

anthroposophyElizabeth Simons
When I embarked on a course of oil dispersion bath therapy for my severe fibromyalgia, I found myself unexpectedly walking a path of inner growth and healing that has brought physical, emotional and spiritual benefits.

The Role of Flower Essences in Rebuilding a Healthy Community

energy medicineJann Garitty
Plants and their energies are abundant, benevolent and are a grounding force; that’s exactly what is needed and what flower essences bring to people.

Saint John's Wort

energy medicinePatricia Kaminski
Saint John's Wort is an outstanding herbal remedy steeped in many folk legends and traditions of healing. It has five-petaled, bright yellow blossoms with protruding stamens which flower at the height of summer.

Animals in Our Hearts-Intuitive Communication and Compassionate Care

energy medicineJann Garitty
Teresa has started a pilot research project with rescue animals, an idea she has been developing for some time. She feels Five-Flower Formula is indispensable for shelter work.

Building a Container for Rachel

aromatherapyTrish Mooney for the Flower Essence Society
The first cycle of essences was chosen to soothe, anchor and protect Rachel. We wanted to enable her to experience being grounded in her body without sliding into depression or returning to a scattered, manic mode of behavior.

Subtle Body Sensing: The Impact of Flower Essences in the Human Aura

aromatherapyTrish Mooney for the Flower Essence Society
Learning how to work as a good flower essence therapist requires a deep appreciation for states of consciousness and energetic patterns that are not directly perceptible in the physical realm.

Sunflower & Love-Lies-Bleeding: A Study in Spiritual Surrender

aromatherapyRichard Katz
The Sunflower essence is a catalyst for developing one's personal identity in relation to a larger spiritual Self. Love-Lies-Bleeding essence has proven to be a powerful balm for those undergoing great physical and psychic pain. When the soul has been stretched to the breaking point, it can enter another dimension of spiritual awareness.