Winter Solstice 12.21.2012 12 noon
We receive the same signs
again and again
and still we refuse to see.
There are persistent rainbows
amidst the sun and rain
showers every week this month.
There are lyrical skyscapes
Of wandering clouds,
wafting feathers, angels
creatures of our own design.
The message hides in plain sight.
Again and again
we receive the information
we need for our journey
yet fear turns our feet to clay,
some days it is hard to move a single step.
Those days are for dancing in place.
We find ourselves lost in a new land
It is the birdsong, earthworm and weeds
moving through clay soil to take form
that becomes a garden, that
makes this place familiar.
A single marigold cluster still blooms
orange-gold and red-vermillion.
A familiar plant ally that reminds me
we are part of a larger garden.
To end the year, I was able to
ask for help in releasing
bad habits, self negating thought forms
and especially anger. I was able
to forgive someone from long ago
who I love but who hurt me.
I let it go with a gift-
a sweet treat to replace
sorrow and bitterness.
I gave the gift of music to
one who least expected anything.
I give thanks for countless strangers
who help me do my job every day.
I give thanks for this precious earth
this puzzling, amazing, infuriating,
inspiring gift of life.
I made peace with my family.
I planted peas in the garden
and today they flower green and white
against a grey sky ribboned with silvery clouds
and blue skies with rainbows peeking through.
Rise up from the ash of abandoned dreams,
terrible weather, homelessness, poverty,
injustice, hunger, greed and pain.
Rise up through the ashen landscape
Of what-if’s, could-be’s, if-only’s and
create yourself anew.
A chance to begin again.
A new cycle. If I wait
for inspiration or a knock at the door
I fear I will wait forever.
Instead, I say a silent prayer for peace.
I sing a mantra for protection.
I tell you all how much I love you.