Smoky Quartz 14 kt Gold Flower of Life Pendant

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Sale price$838.00


This large beautiful translucent Smoky Quartz Flower of Life pendant is set in a 14 kt. gold simple setting which allows contact with the skin. It comes in its own velveteen jewelry box with a YGF chain.

Smoky quartz crystals are best used over time to gently remove emotional and mental blockages. Smoky quartz also promotes grounded and centered forms of consciousness expansion.

Properties of The Flower of Life Cut

This translucent smoky quartz Flower of Life pendant has been cut according to principles of sacred geometry to reflect the energy found in this unique configuration. The Flower of Life is an ancient symbol found in Egyptian tombs, Hindu temples, and other sacred sites around the world. The Flower of Life contains the five Platonic solids within it, as well as being encoded with other important information about the structure of the material Universe, harmonizing the inherent energy of this powerful gemstone with the architecture of all Creation, attuning the crystal to Universal Wisdom. This unique flower-like 12 pointed star shows the gemstone's luminous quality and the open setting allows the stone to breathe, front and back.

The 12 pointed star is associated with Christ Consciousness and the restoration of Divine Order. It is an evolutionary tool for those who wish to reclaim the purity and grace of their soul, as it was originally created. The Flower of Life places one within the center of abundant nurturing energy of the Universe.

Properties of Smoky Quartz Crystals

Mineralogists say there may be more than one cause for the gray to brown to black color range of this very popular form of quartz crystal, ranging from sodium to other minerals in the crystal. 

Other mineralogists suggest other theories concerning the dark pigment in smoky quartz, including the presence of trivalent titanium or the presence of carbon compounds.

Some mineralogists suggest that the characteristic dark brown to black color of smoky quartz is produced when clear quartz is exposed to natural radiation emanating from radioactive rocks in the same geological formation where the quartz crystals form and grow. The current scientific hypothesis is that when clear quartz is exposed to radiation, the radiation alters the oxidation states of mineral impurities found within the quartz structure, resulting in smoky quartz.

“The frequent occurrence of smoky quartz in association with rare earth and radioactive minerals is very significant, for later it will be indicated that smoky quartz may have been colored through the action of radioactive elements,” says the University of Michigan’s Edward F. Holden, in a 1925 article in The American Mineralogist. In Ontario smoky quartz is a constant associate of radioactive minerals,6 and the same association is frequent in Madagascar. Enormous smoky quartz crystals occur in the well known radioactive pegmatite of Baringer Hill, Texas.”

“The evidence given thus far is in agreement with the theory that smoky quartz owes its color to atoms of silicon, formed by the disintegration of silica, through the action of radium radiations,” Holden continues. “The mechanism of the formation of the free silicon may perhaps be pictured in this way: The radiations may remove the four outer electrons from a silicon atom, which would then be equally shared by the two associated oxygen atoms. As a result, two free oxygen atoms and a free silicon atom would be formed. They could take no part in the crystal structure since their attractive force for other atoms would have been destroyed. Hence, they should act as small inclusions, the silicon atoms producing the light-scattering and the color so characteristic of smoky quartz. We would expect the silicon atoms to be most effective in scattering light because of their greater atomic weight, and the possibility of the escape of the oxygen atoms.”

From this scientific analysis it is clear that smoky quartz, although quite likely formed through the action of radioactive elements, is not radioactive itself, and this perfectly natural process is not detrimental to the crystals or to human beings utilizing these crystals for ornamentation, in meditation, for crystal healing, or for any other purpose.

Smoky quartz has been a favorite healing stone of shamanistic practitioners around the world for thousands of years.

According to modern day energy healers, smoky quartz works slowly and thoroughly to relieve imbalances in the physical and etheric bodies, with special emphasis on the solar plexus and its associated chakra, the third or Manipura chakra associated with personal power and vital energy. And it works on the hands and feet. Smoky quartz can, over time, help to balance the flow of vital energy throughout the physical and etheric bodies, and aids in the development of a healthy, fully functioning chakra system.

It is an aid in gently releasing blockages caused by negative energy patterns in the emotional body. Smoky quartz has been used as an aid in meditation, for energy healing, and to create a protective barrier of energy around the holder, being grounding and clearing the mind.

Our experience in working with smoky quartz both for ourselves in meditation and self treatment & with clients on the Reiki table is one of supreme protection, slow and deep healing, and gentle awakening of spirit. Smoky quartz guards our house, is a companion to the sick and is a humble & deep gift from the Mother.

We often use crystal pendants for psychic protection, purification and to clarify things of a spiritual nature. See our article on Psychic Self Defense for more information along these lines with many suggestions on how to protect yourself from unwanted energies.

You can read more about crystals in our article "Using Quartz Crystals in Digital Technology, Healing and Meditation"or you can read about Marcel Vogel and crystal healing in our Vogel Archives along with edited chapters of his unpublished book, given to Satya Center from Marcel Vogel's family.

This crystal has been cleaned and charged with Universal Life Force Energy, and given an energetic attunement using Reiki, a Japanese technique of energy healing so it will continue to channel and transmit Universal Life Force Energy direct from the Source of Creation. It is ready for you to program according to your own needs and desires.

Read more about quartz and other types of crystals and gemstones at the Crystalpedia. Check out our FREE e-book Spirits of Stone: A Lightworker's Guide to Crystals and Gemstones for Healing and Meditation for an overview of the metaphysical and mineralogical properties of quartz, and a step-by-step guide explaining how to cleanse, charge, and program quartz crystals for healing, meditation and other spiritual purposes.

Note: Actual weight is .15 oz. including chain. 

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