Citrine Super Nova Post Earrings

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These lovelies will light up your life and your countenance! They are as beautiful as they are comfortable and have the benefit of providing spiritual protection to your auric field as well as assisting in connecting to the Divine world!

Citrine Super Nova Earrings

Metaphysical Properties of the Super Nova Cut

This new cut by Paul Jensen of Tools of Evolution line of sacred geometry power cut jewelry originally had no name when we first saw them as pendants at a show last year. They've been aptly named Super Nova, which describes their complexity of facets, which so closely resembles a honeybee hive, with its many faces of hexagonal design. Both the setting & the posts on these earrings are made of sterling silver.

These remarkable earrings make wonderful use of this new spectacular cut. On the back of the citrine gemstone is a modified Millennium Cut, a starburst pattern that was created in the early years of the 21st Century by master jewelers to reflect the emerging consciousness of a new millennium. The surface of the citrine gemstone is laced with an intricate pattern of flat hexagons, like a honeycomb or the eye of a honeybee. The compound eye of a honeybee consists of an array of hexagonal visual sensors designed to maximize the honeybee's ability to detect tiny movements in shadow and in the lower, infrared light frequencies, enabling the honeybee to achieve maximum awareness of predator movements in deep shadow and also provides amazingly acute peripheral vision.

The honeycomb is also composed of hexagonal cells, so we call this cut the honeycomb cut, and this unique cut is said to help the bearer to bring to consciousness all the information that is normally held subliminally, in the unconscious mind, or which is in the periphery of consciousness and awareness. This honeycomb cut pendant can help to render the bearer much more acutely perceptive, and to enhance the critical spiritual faculty of discernment, which is so vital to us all in today's rapidly changing, tumultuous global environment.

Citrine Super Nova Earrings

Metaphysical and Mineralogical Properties of Citrine

Citrine is a powerful semi-precious stone which is a rare, more energetically powerful form of quartz crystal, characterized by a yellow color, ranging from white to deep copper. It is less common in nature than amethyst (another member of the quartz family, and one of the two semi-precious stones present in ametrine) but both are found in quartz veins, as well as volcanic locations and elsewhere in nature.

The color of citrine derives from small amounts (approximately 40 parts per million) of iron in the quartz. The difference between citrine and amethyst is only the oxidation state of the iron present in the quartz. Citrine typically is formed when an amethyst becomes heated to the point where the iron held within the crystal undergoes a further stage of oxidation.

Citrine activates, opens and energizes the third chakra, including the navel and solar plexus, stimulating both the physical body and the mind, increasing endurance and elevating energy levels while promoting emotional balance (unlike other stimulants such as caffeine). Citrine is an excellent stone for clearing the aura of negative emotions.

Because it energizes the navel/solar plexus chakra, Citrine is said to aid in digestion and to activate the thymus, which regulates our immune system, thus promoting health and well-being. In addition, citrine is said to provide a feeling of comfort and optimism. I must admit, that when I wear or work with citrine, I have a great sense of well being and protection.

Citrine also stimulates the crown chakra, our doorway to Cosmic Consciousness, and helps unite the seven lower chakras and the physical body with the energy frequency of the Higher Self, aligning the eighth chakra with the rest of the energy body.

In our experience, citrine cleanses the emotional and etheric bodies, and stimulates the holder’s vital energies and physical body. It imparts a strong sense of protection if worn on the body or placed in a room where energy work takes place or groups gather.

In addition, citrine is an ideal gemstone for protection. Used to strengthen the aura and surround the bearer in a bubble of golden light, citrine provides the bearer with a safe, secure personal space, free from the interference of negative or unwanted individual or collective thoughtforms, deleterious emotional states projected by others, and even inasuspicious astrological influences, which can be literally burned away when they encounter such a strong golden aura as citrine helps to create.

Used in energy healing, citrine is said to transmit the golden light of unity consciousness, which is tuned to the very highest vibrations of an open eighth chakra -- the chakra above the crown of the head, said by the Western New Age chakra system to be the location of the Higher Self.

Citrine Super Nova Earrings

When Jane and I have used citrine in Reiki and crystal energy sessions with clients, they have reported feeling a gloden glow around them. We have also found that citrine is a powerful tool for extracting negative energies, gently dissolving energy blocks, and releasing negative emotions during sessions.

We often use crystals for psychic protection, purification and to clarify things of a spiritual nature. See our article on Psychic Self Defense for more information along these lines with many suggestions on how to protect yourself from unwanted energies.

You can read more about crystals in our article "Using Quartz Crystals in Digital Technology, Healing and Meditation"or you can read about Marcel Vogel and crystal healing in our Vogel Archives along with edited chapters of his unpublished book, given to Satya Center from Marcel Vogel's family.

This crystal has been cleaned and charged with Universal Life Force Energy, and given an energetic attunement using Reiki, a Japanese technique of energy healing so it will continue to channel and transmit Universal Life Force Energy direct from the Source of Creation. It is ready for you to program according to your own needs and desires.

Read more about quartz and other types of crystals and gemstones at the Crystalpedia. Check out our FREE e-book Spirits of Stone: A Lightworker's Guide to Crystals and Gemstones for Healing and Meditation for an overview of the metaphysical and mineralogical properties of quartz, and a step-by-step guide explaining how to cleanse, charge, and program quartz crystals for healing, meditation and other spiritual purposes.

Note: Actual weight is 2 grams. 

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