Clear Quartz Magician Stone with Amethyst Crown

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Sale price$361.00


This beautiful Clear Quartz Magician Stone Pendant with Amethyst Crown is a large pendant of exceptional quality, both in the style of the stone and in the simple sterling silver basket setting which allows the stone to breathe and function at its highest vibration. 

Clear Quartz Magician Stone with Amethyst Crown

We often recommend that our Reiki and past life therapy clients wear crystals or gemstones for protection, especially clear quartz which contains all colors of the spectrum and works on all the bodies: physical, mental and emotional.

Metaphysical Properties of the Magician Stone Pendant

This Magician Stone pendant is cut according to principles of sacred geometry so that a star exhibiting four-fold symmetry appears within it. One can see other stars refracted within the star as well.

The equilateral cross symbolizes the Tetrahedron. The Tetrahedron, or four-sided pyramid, is the geometrical principle underlying many types of both organic and inorganic molecules, and provides the microscopic structure of diamonds and of the amino acids that are the building blocks of all life-forms on planet Earth.

Thus it is no surprise that the equilateral cross is an ancient symbol of the Mother Goddess, and represents the four elements of earth, air, fire and water and the four directions of the compass.

The Magician Stone cut pendant is designed to bring the wearer into harmony with the four elements and the four directions, and to help harmonize your energy field with the cosmic flow of energy pouring from from the Mother Goddess and present throughout all creation.

Properties of Clear Quartz Crystals

Quartz is the low-temperature stable form of silicon dioxide or silica. Silicon and oxygen are the two most common elements in the Earth's crust. Quartz crystal is perhaps the most common mineral found on the face of the Earth. Sand and sandstone are considered “clastic” forms of quartz by mineralogists, meaning that they are formed of fragments of pre-existing rocks.

Each tetrahedral quartz molecule is composed of four atoms of oxygen and one of silicon. Chains of tetrahedral quartz crystals bond in spirals which in turn link to form a precise, repeating latticework of molecules. This latticework creates the macroscopic geometric quartz crystal structure.

Because of the variability of their molecular geometry, which depends upon the angle of the bridge bonds between oxygen and silicon, each quartz crystal is unique, and quartz crystals often fail to conform to the ideal geometric structure.

Quartz may be transparent, translucent, or opaque; it may be colorless or colored. Many varieties of quartz occur around the world because quartz forms in so many different geographical climates and rock formations. Quartz crystals may contain streaks, lines, rainbows, metallic flakes, clouds, water bubbles or other inclusions. The inclusions are of two primary kinds -- metallic flakes and clouds. Clouds are created by tiny bubbles or flows of fluid entering the crystal during the period of its formation.

The beauty of the inclusions can add to the value of the quartz crystal, depending upon the nature of the inclusion, its visibility, and overall appearance of the crystal. Inclusions do not diminish the utility of the crystal for spiritual or energy work, and often inclusions will enhance the efficacy of the crystal, imparting specific metaphysical properties that are prized by healers and energy workers.

Quartz crystals have been used by healers, spiritual teachers, and scientists of the sacred throughout history to receive, transmit, store, focus, amplify, transform and balance the various forms of energy found in our Universe, all of which can be considered to be interchangeable forms of Universal Light.

Clear Quartz Magician Stone with Amethyst Crown

Quartz crystals have this marvelous ability because, metaphysically, quartz crystal expresses the unity of the five elements (Earth,Air, Fire, Water, and Ether or Spirit).

Crystals grow deep in the earth and form much of the earth’s crust, yet crystals, like the element air, allow light to pass through them.

Crystals are fiery in that they have piezoelectric properties yet they are watery in their hexagonal molecular structure which resembles snowflakes, and in their ice-like appearance.

Crystals are quintessential expressions of the element of Ether or Spirit, which is synonymous with Universal Life Force Energy, the fundamental energy that sustains all forms of energy in the known universe.

Thus crystals represent the unity that underlies the apparent multiplicity of material creation, the unity of both material and spiritual worlds.

Properties of Amethyst

Amethyst is the gemstone variety of quartz, produced by the presence of manganese in clear quartz crystal. Increments of iron within the crystal as it formed vary the color of the amethyst, which ranges from pale lilac to deep purple. Amethyst has been popular with royalty, sages, mystics and magicians for centuries.

Fine amethysts are featured in the British Crown Jewels and were also a favorite of Catherine the Great and Egyptian royalty, as well as being featured elements in the fabled breastplate of the High Priest in the Old Testament and gemstones traditionally placed in rings of ranking members of the Roman Catholic Church.

Amethyst is also prized by Lightworkers and crystal healers for its unique energetic properties and its powerful and beneficial effects on mind, body and aura.

Amethyst is said to enhance spirituality, raise the vibrational level of the holder, cleanse the astral, etheric and physical bodies, and produce a peaceful, tranquil state of mind.

Amethyst works to open and energize the crown chakra, associated with the colors violet, gold and white in the Western mystery school tradition. Amethyst is said to enhance spirituality, raise the vibrational level of the holder, cleanse the astral, etheric and physical bodies, and produce a peaceful, tranquil state of mind.

Leonardo Da Vinci wrote that amethyst was able to dissipate evil thoughts and quicken the intelligence. “Because amethyst was thought to encourage celibacy and symbolize piety, amethyst was very important in the ornamentation of Catholic and other churches in the Middle Ages. It was, in particular, considered to be the stone of bishops and they still often wear amethyst rings,” continues the website of Independent Certified Gemologists and Appraisers. “In Tibet, amethyst is considered to be sacred to Buddha and rosaries are often fashioned from it.”

Because amethyst is classically the stone of sobriety, purity and chastity and would be an excellent stone for those with tendencies toward addictive behavior, or for those spiritual seekers intent upon transformation through the progressive purification of mind, body and aura.

We often use Amethyst as a stone for spiritual purification as it has a great reputation for aiding and protecting all spiritual work.

Amethyst is said to enhance spirituality, raise the vibrational level of the holder, cleanse the astral, etheric and physical bodies, and produce a peaceful, tranquil state of mind.

Clear Quartz Magician Stone with Amethyst Crown

The color violet is associated with the crown chakra in the Western chakra system, and so this extremely bright violet amethyst is said by crystal healers to activate and energize the crown chakra, connecting the bearer to Higher Mind, Higher Realms and inner spiritual guidance from extremely elevated and reliable Sources.

In the pantheon of modern day New Age Guides and Teachers, the Count de Saint Germain is called “The World Teacher” and “The Master of the Violet Ray” and is thought to communicate mind-to-mind with many, many students around the world.

Stones with a violet or purple hue, and especially amethyst, are associated with St. Germain, and resonate with the energy signature of the Violet Flame.

There is thought to be a large contingent of his students alive today in the United States, the center of modern Empire, just as Paris was the center of European Empire at the time of St. Germain.

Many New Age students of St. Germain utilize crystals and gemstones in their spiritual practice, for healing and in meditation, in a modern alchemical quest for Higher Self, Higher Mind and Higher Purpose. Modern New Age practice encompasses a belief in the theory of karma and reincarnation. The belief in reincarnation has its roots in the Hindu and Egyptian Mystery School traditions, and is fundamental to the Greek Mystery School Tradition of the pre-Socratic philosophers.

New Age students of the Ancient Wisdom Teachings often utilize crystals and gemstones, along with meditation techniques, Reiki and past life regression therapy to access memories of past lives, and to release the detrimental patterns of behavior, negative emotions and outmoded mental maps of the world imprinted in our cells, our hearts, our minds and our karma from traumas experienced aeons ago.

Many of these modern acolytes of the Great Alchemist utilize crystals and gemstones thought to resonate with the energy vibration of the Violet Ray, which is said to be used under the guidance of St. Germain for purification and to raise the kundalini energy in a quest for Unity Consciousness. Such crystals and gems include especially amethyst, that violet colored form of quartz once so favored by the Pope and Bishops of the Catholic Church.

Amethyst is classically the stone of sobriety, purity and chastity and would be an excellent stone for those with tendencies toward addictive behavior, or for those spiritual seekers intent upon transformation through the progressive purification of mind, body and aura.

This crystal has been cleaned with Universal Life Force Energy, and given an energy attunement using Reiki, a Japanese technique of energy healing, so it will continue to receive and transmit Universal Life Force Energy direct from the Source of Creation. It has also been cleaned and charged with the natural energy of sunlight. It is ready for you to program according to your own needs and desires. 

Read more about quartz and other types of crystals and gemstones at the Crystalpedia. Check out our FREE e-book Spirits of Stone: A Lightworker's Guide to Crystals and Gemstones for Healing and Meditation for an overview of the metaphysical and mineralogical properties of quartz, and a step-by-step guide explaining how to cleanse, charge, and program quartz crystals for healing, meditation and other spiritual purposes.

Net weight is .4 ounces.

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