Clear Quartz Star of David Pendant

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Sale price$274.00


This beautiful Vogel cut clear quartz Star of David crystal pendant is of exceptional quality, both in the cut of the stone and in the simple silver band setting which allows the stone to breathe and function at its highest vibration. It comes with an 18" sterling silver chain which sits upon the thymus bringing maximum benefit of the stone to the wearer, complete in its own velveteen jewelry box for safe keeping.

Properties of the Star of David Pendant

The Star of David cut crystal was invented by IBM scientist and energy healer Marcel Vogel. Vogel invented the coating on computer hard drives that holds the memory. Vogel was also a renowned energy healer who created precision cut crystals intuitively, according to the principles of sacred geometry, for healing and meditation purposes.

Marcel, a Lightworker who performed crystal healings on others, always wore a Star of David for protection.

Marcel Vogel worked for IBM for 27 years doing research and development. He developed the magnetic coating for IBM’s disc drive, which acts as the storage unit for a computer's memory, he created the first liquid crystal displays, or LCDs.

To learn more about Marcel Vogel and his techniques for crystal healing, read the first several chapters of his never-before-published autobiography, edited by Curtis Lang, which is in our Vogel Archives.

You'll find Marcel Vogel's instructions for using crystals for healing and meditation in the book along with a lot of other very important information for all metaphysical rockhounds.


Oil Painting of Marcel Vogel, from the Vogel Estate, collection of Satya Center
Oil Painting of Marcel Vogel, from the Vogel Estate, collection of Satya Center

From his experimental work with crystals, Vogel learned that by pointing a crystal at another person, the crystal would amplify the person’s thoughts and emotions. This often also led to putting the individual into an altered state of consciousness. The next step was for Vogel to utilize the quartz crystals for therapeutic purposes.

Marcel Vogel sought to use the power of science and of the lapidary arts to perfect crystalline forms of nature in order to maximize their potential for receiving, amplifying and transmitting Universal Life Force Energy charged with the intent to heal and with the force of love. Vogel cut his crystals to harmonize with the natural quartz structure to enhance the energetic properties of the wand for healing purposes, and the result is also aesthetically pleasing.

Marcel Vogel created the Star of David to serve a versatile Lightworker's power tool that works as a receiver, amplifier and transmitter of Universal Life Force energies and strengthens the bearer's bio-field, or aura.

Mystery school traditions of both East and West have for millennia taught many difficult techniques for expanding the aura, for amplifying the human energy field. The reason is simple. The stronger the aura, the more tuned in the individual is to Source, and the better able they are to conduct Universal Life Force energy from the Source.

Universal Life Force energy travels from the person with the most highly charged auric field to the person with a less highly charged field. This is how Spiritual Teachers, Ascended Masters, Gurus, Saints, Guides and angelic beings of light can have profound effects on all those who enter or are touched by their auric fields, and explains why the traditional Mystery School teachings of the East emphasize that the student must seek to be in the physical presence of the teacher to receive "darshan", the Light of the Teacher, which will bring the student many gifts.

In addition, a strong aura is the best protection from unwanted energies of all kinds, and serves as an energetic shield, protecting the bearer from all kinds of environmental toxins assailing us on the subtle levels 24 hours a day.

7 Chakras and Human Auric Field,
Peter WeltevredeCC BY-SA 2.5, via Wikimedia Commons
Those who work in the healing arts or in counseling know that a major issue for all health care providers and Lightworkers, bodyworkers and counselors is protection from the negativity encountered in the course of working on people who are wounded, physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually.

We all need protection useful for protection from negative thoughtforms, other people's emotional debris, and other unwanted energies encountered in the everyday environment. The Star of David pendant is also excellent for amplifying and transmitting beneficial energies to others at will, in casual and clinical settings alike.

The Star of David crystals are very advanced precision tools for use in lightwork and vibrational healing.

The Star of David crystals have two sides. The front is flat and has an upward pointing triangle. The back is fatter and has a downward pointing triangle.

The front face is the male face, and it transmits light energy.

Clear Quartz Star of David Pendant

The back face is the female face, and it receives light energy.

When you wear the Star of David pendant, you put the female side next to your heart, and the male side is pointing out, away from your body. When you see the translucent crystal from the front it appears to have a Star of David engraved on it, because of the two triangles cut into the faces.

This way, the female, receptive side of the crystal will pick up the energy coming from your heart, the crystal will transmute that energy into a very high frequency vibration, and the male side of the crystal will radiate that high frequency light energy in all directions around you, enveloping you and filling your aura with the cleansing, healing energy. This strengthens your aura and helps protect your from unwanted, intrusive energies of all kinds in your environment.

In addition, you can actively use the Star of David cut crystal in healing energy work.

For instance, if you have a favorite essential oil or flower essence, and you would like to deliver it to a particular part of your body for healing purposes, this is what you would do.

Take the oil or flower essence and put a drop or two on the female side of the crystal. Place the crystal male side down on the part of the body you wish to treat. Place your hand over the female side of the crystal and direct your life force energy into the crystal from the chakra in the palm of your hand. Pray for healing.

The female side of the crystal will pick up the subtle energies from the flower essences, the crystal will amplify theat energy, and combine that healing energy with the energy from your palm chakra and from Source. Then the male side will radiate that energy through the male side of the crystal into the affected area.

You can do this for yourself and for others.

If you choose to use this healing crystal in this way on others, it is recommended that you clean the crystal afterwards.

Mineralogical and Metaphysical Properties of Clear Quartz

The word crystal comes from the Greek word "krystallos", meaning ice. The Greeks found quartz crystals high in the frigid Alpine mountains, and Pliny (c. 62-113 A.D.), the foremost historian and mineralogist of his time, believed quartz crystal was ice that had frozen so hard it would never thaw.

One common legend is that crystals were originally heaven’s holy water, poured out by God into the aethers. As the holy quintessence descended toward the Earth, it froze into ice in outer space, where it was petrified into permanent solidity by angels so that when it fell to Earth it would be available permanently for the protection and blessing of mankind. [See “Rock Crystal: Nature’s Holy Stone”, by Frank Dorland]

Quartz is the low-temperature stable form of silicon dioxide or silica. Silicon and oxygen are the two most common elements in the Earth's crust. Quartz crystal is perhaps the most common mineral found on the face of the Earth. Sand and sandstone are considered “clastic” forms of quartz by mineralogists, meaning that they are formed of fragments of pre-existing rocks.

Although quartz makes up a large portion of the Earth's surface, there are only three places in the world that have enough high quality quartz crystal to warrant mining. These are Brazil, Madagascar, a small island off the coast of Africa, and Mt. Ida in the Ouachita Mountain range of Arkansas.

The remarkable geometric patterns quartz crystals form in nature have been the subject of scientific inquiry for centuries. In 1660, Renaissance Saint and scientist Nicolaus Steno conducted precise measurements of quartz crystal structures and found that regardless of their source, the angles between corresponding quartz crystal faces are constant. This became known as Steno’s Law of crystallography.

In the next century, the Abbé Haüy formulated the geometric law of crystallization. His work led to the modern definition of a crystal: any substance in which the molecules or atoms are arranged in a regular, ordered way in three dimensions.Crystals formed of the same mineral occur naturally in many different shapes, but all share specific internal structural characteristics.

There are believed to be seven shapes, or "systems" into which crystals can form. They include cubic, hexagonal, tetragonal, orthorhombic, monoclinic, and triclinic. Quartz manifests in hexagonal crystalline systems, commonly having the form of a six-sided prism terminating in a six-sided pyramid.

Modern science has discovered that quartz crystal, silicon dioxide (SiO
2), contains 46% silicon and 53% oxygen.

Each tetrahedral quartz molecule is composed of four atoms of oxygen and one of silicon. Chains of tetrahedral quartz crystals bond in spirals which in turn link to form a precise, repeating latticework of molecules. This latticework creates the macroscopic geometric quartz crystal structure.

Because of the variability of their molecular geometry, which depends upon the angle of the bridge bonds between oxygen and silicon, each quartz crystal is unique, and quartz crystals often fail to conform to the ideal geometric structure.

Twins are common, and considered by spiritually minded crystallographers to have unique metaphysical qualities. Both single and double terminated crystals abound.

Quartz may be transparent, translucent, or opaque; it may be colorless or colored. Many varieties of quartz occur around the world because quartz forms in so many different geographical climates and rock formations. Varieties include: ordinary colorless crystallized quartz, or rock crystal, rutillated quartz, rose quartz, smoky quartz, milky quartz, and amethyst.

They may contain streaks, lines, rainbows, metallic flakes, clouds, water bubbles or other inclusions. The inclusions are of two primary kinds -- metallic flakes and clouds. Clouds are created by tiny bubbles or flows of fluid entering the crystal during the period of its formation.

The beauty of the inclusions can add to the value of the quartz crystal, depending upon the nature of the inclusion, its visibility, and overall appearance of the crystal. Inclusions do not diminish the utility of the crystal for spiritual or energy work, and often inclusions will enhance the efficacy of the crystal, imparting specific metaphysical properties that are prized by healers and energy workers.

Quartz crystals have a unique ability to convert electrical energy to mechanical energy and vice versa. This is called the piezoelectric
effect. Quartz crystals are ideal for receiving, storing, amplifying and transmitting energy. They are used in computers, liquid crystal display watches, radios, radar systems and many other types of advanced technologies.

Quartz crystals have been used by healers, spiritual teachers, and scientists of the sacred throughout history to receive, transmit, store, focus, amplify, transform and balance the various forms of energy found in our Universe, all of which can be considered to be interchangeable forms of Universal Light.

Quartz crystals have this marvelous ability because, metaphysically, quartz crystal expresses the unity of the five elements (Earth,Air, Fire, Water, and Ether or Spirit).

Crystals grow deep in the earth and form much of the earth’s crust, yet crystals, like the element air, allow light to pass through them.

Crystals are fiery in that they have piezoelectric properties yet they are watery in their hexagonal molecular structure which resembles snowflakes, and in their ice-like appearance.

Crystals are quintessential expressions of the element of Ether or Spirit, which is synonymous with Universal Life Force Energy, the fundamental energy that sustains all forms of energy in the known universe.

Thus crystals represent the unity that underlies the apparent multiplicity of material creation, the unity of both material and spiritual worlds.

From a metaphysical viewpoint, quartz crystals are cosmic tuning forks, harmonizing the soul, mind, heart and body of the user with the vibrational frequencies of Spiritual worlds – which are after all simply realms of light resonating at a much higher frequency than the material world.

Native Americans revere quartz crystals as the brain cells of Grandmother Earth. Viewing the Earth as a living organism, primitive stones such as granite and sandstone comprise the skeleton of the organism, the Earth’s crust is the skin. Vegetation and water channels make up the lifeblood of Earth’s body, and metals and minerals function as glands, nerves and sensory organs.

“The shining water that moves in the streams and rivers is not just water, but the blood of our ancestors,” Chief Seattle explained. “If we sell you our land, you must remember that it is sacred. Each ghostly reflection in the clear waters of the lakes tells of events and memories in the lives of my people. The water’s murmur is the voice of my father’s father. The rivers are our brothers, They quench our thirst. They carry our canoes and feed our children. So you must give to the rivers the kindness you would give any brother.”

Quartz crystals, in this worldview, act as the Earth’s brain-mind, through which Spirit, the Universal Mind, maintains communication with all parts of Earth’s organism, equilibrating the earth’s temperature, moisture levels, and other important variables.

In addition, quartz crystals and other gemstones collectively create and modulate an electromagnetic field around the Earth, which is a vital component of the Earth organism’s auric field, and clear quartz crystals, identified with white light, represent the unifying vibrational frequency that harmonizes the seven rainbow rays of Earth’s many varieties of gems and minerals, within that auric field.

Thus in the Native American tradition, any human being who can attune to the power of the quartz crystal is in tune with Grandmother Earth, and obtains the ability to communicate directly with Spiritual worlds.

This crystal has been cleaned with Universal Life Force Energy, and given an energy attunement using Reiki, a Japanese technique of energy healing, so it will continue to receive and transmit Universal Life Force Energy direct from the Source of Creation. It has also been cleaned and charged with the natural energy of sunlight. It is ready for you to program according to your own needs and desires.

We know you will use this powerful crystal with loving care and respect its long evolutionary journey deep in the Earth, which has developed its unique metaphysical properties and beautiful appearance.

To learn more about Marcel Vogel and his techniques for crystal healing, read the first several chapters of his never-before-published autobiography, edited by Curtis Lang, which is in our Vogel Archives.

You'll find Marcel Vogel's instructions for using crystals for healing and meditation in the book along with a lot of other very important information for all metaphysical rockhounds.

Read more about quartz and other types of crystals and gemstones at the Crystalpedia. Check out our FREE e-book Spirits of Stone: A Lightworker's Guide to Crystals and Gemstones for Healing and Meditation for an overview of the metaphysical and mineralogical properties of quartz, and a step-by-step guide explaining how to cleanse, charge, and program quartz crystals for healing, meditation and other spiritual purposes.

Net weight is .30 oz. Each piece is natural quartz and is unique and may vary slightly in appearance from the photo on this page. Each piece is guaranteed to be beautiful and to meet with your complete satisfaction!

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